www.woogles.herokuapp.com *(crashing due to heroku request timeout.)
In this pandemic, searching for job/intern is a tough task, scrolling through different platforms, what if you can have Everything at Once ! Search over 5 platforms, A google for work, Woogle.
Web scraping web-app developed for LEAD 2021 organised by IEEE BIT Mesra.
1. Google search results ✔️
2. Different parameters covered ✔️
a. job title
b. company name
c. company image
d. location
e. job description
f. application link
e. * salary, duration, skill-set when available.
4. 5 platforms scrapped ✔️
* Google
* Linkedin
* Indeed
* Internshala
* Times Job
* location specific search
* Flask-Jinja with bootstrap
* Hosted on heroku
* company images
* results displayed in cards.
* responsive-material design
- Python
- Flask + jinja
- Beautiful soup 4
- Bootstrap 5 *Selenium headless for client-side rendered website ( naukri.com)
Python used with BS4 , Flask , requests , WTForms modules.-
1. First user gives job designation / skill & location as input to rendered form.
2. User input is passed to 5 functions for each platform like linkedin(input,loc):
3. Each function requests search result html document with carefully constructed url
* for example https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/search?keywords={{ job }}&location= (( loc }}
* spaces needs to replaced with ' + ', ' - ', '%20' depending on website.
4. required elements are filtered out with classnames or id_ names with function soup.select , soup.findall.
5. sometimes the desired element is dont have any class or id so , we need to navigate the DOM tree with
with BS4 functions like x.next_sibling, x.find_next_element(), x.contents[3]
7. element's contents are stored in a dictionary for each job card in results page.
* example,
` dataframe = { 'title': job-title,
'a': link,
'img': url,
7. Each function then returns a List of Dictionaries containg each job data.
which is passed to render_template function of results page where it's used to
recursively display data with help of Jinja with bootstrap cards.
Searching for job/intern is a critical situation and needs on the go solution, this is the reason I went for web application, instead of downloading the the gui, just logon & use.
*improved python skills *before using a list of dictionaries , was using a tuple of lists which was bad. *learned webscraping
- BS4 & selenium.
- navigating the dom tree. *some new discoveries like, * html class id's change with change in useragent, so passing headers is necessary for consistent html code.
- Heroku crashing due to process timeout.
Screenshots 📷
Youtube video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=92Rc_fnwvFg
Thank you IEEE BITM <3