πΒ A ranked list of awesome python libraries for web development. Updated weekly.
This curated list contains 570 awesome open-source projects with a total of 2.4M stars grouped into 26 categories. All projects are ranked by a project-quality score, which is calculated based on various metrics automatically collected from Github and different package managers. If you like to add or update projects, feel free to open an issue, submit a pull request, or directly edit the projects.yaml. Contributions are very welcome!
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- Web Frameworks 32 projects
- HTTP Clients 19 projects
- Servers 12 projects
- Authorization & Authentication 39 projects
- HTML Processing 10 projects
- URL Utilities 6 projects
- OpenAPI Utilities 23 projects
- GraphQL Utilities 16 projects
- Websocket Utilities 11 projects
- RPC Utilities 4 projects
- Serverless 4 projects
- Content Management Systems 6 projects
- Web Testing 49 projects
- Web Forms 5 projects
- Markdown 12 projects
- Third-party Web APIs 56 projects
- Email 11 projects
- Web Scraping & Crawling 33 projects
- Monitoring 12 projects
- Web UI 10 projects
- Admin UI 12 projects
- API Proxies & Gateways 2 projects
- Flask Utilities 36 projects
- FastAPI Utilities 17 projects
- Pyramid Utilities 3 projects
- Django Utilities 76 projects
- Others 58 projects
- π₯π₯π₯Β Combined project-quality score
- βοΈΒ Star count from GitHub
- π£Β New project (less than 6 months old)
- π€Β Inactive project (6 months no activity)
- πΒ Dead project (12 months no activity)
- ππΒ Project is trending up or down
- βΒ Project was recently added
- βοΈΒ Warning (e.g. missing/risky license)
- π¨βπ»Β Contributors count from GitHub
- πΒ Fork count from GitHub
- πΒ Issue count from GitHub
- β±οΈΒ Last update timestamp on package manager
- π₯Β Download count from package manager
- π¦Β Number of dependent projects
Β Flask related project
Β Django related project
Β FastAPI related project
Β Pyramid related project
Β OpenAPI related project
Β GraphQL related project
General purpose web frameworks to build web applications and REST APIs.
werkzeug (π₯44 Β· β 6.2K) - The comprehensive WSGI web application library. BSD-3
GitHub (π¨βπ» 460 Β· π 1.6K Β· π₯ 250 Β· π¦ 790K Β· π 1K - 1% open Β· β±οΈ 08.08.2022):
git clone https://github.com/pallets/werkzeug
PyPi (π₯ 89M / month Β· π¦ 69K Β· β±οΈ 28.04.2022):
pip install werkzeug
Conda (π₯ 5.1M Β· β±οΈ 09.08.2022):
conda install -c conda-forge werkzeug
django-rest-framework (π₯43 Β· β 24K) - Web APIs for Django. BSD-3
GitHub (π¨βπ» 1.3K Β· π 6.3K Β· π¦ 350K Β· π 3.9K - 5% open Β· β±οΈ 10.08.2022):
git clone https://github.com/encode/django-rest-framework
PyPi (π₯ 77K / month Β· π¦ 400 Β· β±οΈ 20.07.2017):
pip install django-rest-framework
Conda (π₯ 430K Β· β±οΈ 16.12.2021):
conda install -c conda-forge djangorestframework
tornado (π₯43 Β· β 21K) - Tornado is a Python web framework and asynchronous networking.. Apache-2
bottle (π₯39 Β· β 7.7K) - bottle.py is a fast and simple micro-framework for python web-applications. MIT
falcon (π₯38 Β· β 8.8K) - The no-magic web data plane API and microservices framework for.. Apache-2
GitHub (π¨βπ» 190 Β· π 890 Β· π₯ 3.9K Β· π¦ 6.9K Β· π 970 - 18% open Β· β±οΈ 11.08.2022):
git clone https://github.com/falconry/falcon
PyPi (π₯ 640K / month Β· π¦ 1.7K Β· β±οΈ 25.03.2022):
pip install falcon
Conda (π₯ 270K Β· β±οΈ 09.04.2022):
conda install -c conda-forge falcon
Flask-AppBuilder (π₯38 Β· β 3.9K) - Simple and rapid application development framework,.. BSD-3
GitHub (π¨βπ» 170 Β· π 1.2K Β· π¦ 3.4K Β· π 1.2K - 7% open Β· β±οΈ 29.07.2022):
git clone https://github.com/dpgaspar/Flask-AppBuilder
PyPi (π₯ 4.3M / month Β· π¦ 320 Β· β±οΈ 06.07.2022):
pip install flask-appbuilder
Conda (π₯ 210K Β· β±οΈ 06.07.2022):
conda install -c conda-forge flask-appbuilder
flask-restful (π₯36 Β· β 6.4K) - Simple framework for creating REST APIs. BSD-3
GitHub (π¨βπ» 160 Β· π 990 Β· π¦ 79K Β· π 580 - 22% open Β· β±οΈ 04.03.2022):
git clone https://github.com/flask-restful/flask-restful
PyPi (π₯ 1.4M / month Β· π¦ 7.2K Β· β±οΈ 17.05.2021):
pip install flask-restful
Conda (π₯ 130K Β· β±οΈ 30.05.2021):
conda install -c conda-forge flask-restful
django-tastypie (π₯33 Β· β 3.8K) - Creating delicious APIs for Django apps since 2010. BSD-3
webpy (π₯31 Β· β 5.7K) - web.py is a web framework for python that is as simple as it is.. Unlicense
masonite (π₯30 Β· β 1.9K) - The Modern And Developer Centric Python Web Framework. Be sure to read.. MIT
guillotina (π₯27 Β· β 180) - Python AsyncIO data API to manage billions of resources. BSD-3
web2py (π₯25 Β· β 2K) - Free and open source full-stack enterprise framework for agile.. βοΈLGPL-3.0
GitHub (π¨βπ» 260 Β· π 850 Β· π¦ 40 Β· π 1K - 33% open Β· β±οΈ 04.06.2022):
git clone https://github.com/web2py/web2py
flask-mongorest (π₯19 Β· β 520 Β· π€) - Restful API framework wrapped around MongoEngine. BSD-3
justpy (π₯17 Β· β 860 Β· π€) - An object oriented high-level Python Web Framework that requires.. Apache-2
flama (π₯15 Β· β 210 Β· π€) - Fire up your API. βοΈGPL-3.0
Show 8 hidden projects...
- pyramid (π₯34 Β· β 3.7K) - Pyramid - A Python web framework.
- hug (π₯31 Β· β 6.6K Β· π) - Embrace the APIs of the future. Hug aims to make developing APIs as simple..
- flask-restplus (π₯30 Β· β 2.6K Β· π) - Fully featured framework for fast, easy and..
- responder (π₯26 Β· β 3.6K Β· π) - A familiar HTTP Service Framework for Python.
- japronto (π₯25 Β· β 8.6K Β· π) - Screaming-fast Python 3.5+ HTTP toolkit integrated with pipelining..
- vibora (π₯22 Β· β 5.7K Β· π) - Fast, asynchronous and elegant Python web framework.
- quart (π₯19 Β· β 1) - Quart is a Python ASGI web microframework with the same API as Flask.
- Growler (π₯14 Β· β 690 Β· π) - A micro web-framework using asyncio coroutines and chained..
requests (π₯49 Β· β 48K) - A simple, yet elegant, HTTP library. Apache-2
GitHub (π¨βπ» 720 Β· π 8.8K Β· π₯ 2.9K Β· π¦ 1.5M Β· π 3.7K - 6% open Β· β±οΈ 27.07.2022):
git clone https://github.com/psf/requests
PyPi (π₯ 230M / month Β· π¦ 190K Β· β±οΈ 29.06.2022):
pip install requests
Conda (π₯ 21M Β· β±οΈ 29.06.2022):
conda install -c conda-forge requests
aiohttp (π₯44 Β· β 13K Β· π) - Asynchronous HTTP client/server framework for asyncio and Python. Apache-2
GitHub (π¨βπ» 640 Β· π 1.8K Β· π₯ 5.6K Β· π¦ 200K Β· π 2.7K - 17% open Β· β±οΈ 08.08.2022):
git clone https://github.com/aio-libs/aiohttp
PyPi (π₯ 54M / month Β· π¦ 12K Β· β±οΈ 14.11.2021):
pip install aiohttp
Conda (π₯ 6M Β· β±οΈ 03.04.2022):
conda install -c conda-forge aiohttp
urllib3 (π₯43 Β· β 3.1K) - Python HTTP library with thread-safe connection pooling, file post.. MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 310 Β· π 980 Β· π₯ 2.6K Β· π¦ 930K Β· π 1K - 11% open Β· β±οΈ 11.08.2022):
git clone https://github.com/urllib3/urllib3
PyPi (π₯ 250M / month Β· π¦ 43K Β· β±οΈ 16.03.2022):
pip install urllib3
Conda (π₯ 22M Β· β±οΈ 25.07.2022):
conda install -c conda-forge urllib3
httpie (π₯37 Β· β 23K) - As easy as /aitch-tee-tee-pie/ Modern, user-friendly command-line HTTP.. BSD-3
GitHub (π¨βπ» 150 Β· π 3.7K Β· π₯ 980 Β· π¦ 11K Β· π 780 - 13% open Β· β±οΈ 10.08.2022):
git clone https://github.com/httpie/httpie
PyPi (π₯ 190K / month Β· π¦ 1.7K Β· β±οΈ 06.05.2022):
pip install httpie
Conda (π₯ 81K Β· β±οΈ 09.05.2022):
conda install -c conda-forge httpie
python-zeep (π₯34 Β· β 1.7K Β· π€) - A modern/fast python SOAP client based on lxml / requests. MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 130 Β· π 550 Β· π¦ 4.8K Β· π 1.1K - 38% open Β· β±οΈ 29.12.2021):
git clone https://github.com/mvantellingen/python-zeep
PyPi (π₯ 5.2M / month Β· π¦ 590 Β· β±οΈ 15.08.2021):
pip install zeep
Conda (π₯ 150K Β· β±οΈ 30.08.2021):
conda install -c conda-forge zeep
httplib2 (π₯33 Β· β 450) - Small, fast HTTP client library for Python. Features persistent.. MIT
requests-toolbelt (π₯31 Β· β 860 Β· π€) - A toolbelt of useful classes and functions to be used.. Apache-2
GitHub (π¨βπ» 61 Β· π 150 Β· π 180 - 42% open Β· β±οΈ 28.10.2021):
git clone https://github.com/requests/toolbelt
PyPi (π₯ 31M / month Β· π¦ 5.2K Β· β±οΈ 30.01.2019):
pip install requests-toolbelt
Conda (π₯ 1M Β· β±οΈ 30.01.2019):
conda install -c conda-forge requests-toolbelt
httptools (π₯29 Β· β 1.1K) - Fast HTTP parser. MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 13 Β· π 65 Β· π¦ 24K Β· π 44 - 15% open Β· β±οΈ 22.02.2022):
git clone https://github.com/MagicStack/httptools
PyPi (π₯ 4.5M / month Β· π¦ 540 Β· β±οΈ 22.02.2022):
pip install httptools
Conda (π₯ 400K Β· β±οΈ 09.04.2022):
conda install -c conda-forge httptools
grequests (π₯28 Β· β 4.1K Β· π€) - Requests + Gevent = 3. BSD-2
GitHub (π¨βπ» 28 Β· π 340 Β· π¦ 3.2K Β· π 110 - 8% open Β· β±οΈ 26.01.2022):
git clone https://github.com/spyoungtech/grequests
PyPi (π₯ 340K / month Β· π¦ 660 Β· β±οΈ 05.04.2020):
pip install grequests
Conda (π₯ 56K Β· β±οΈ 22.04.2020):
conda install -c conda-forge grequests
requests-futures (π₯28 Β· β 1.9K Β· π€) - Asynchronous Python HTTP Requests for Humans using.. Apache-2
GitHub (π¨βπ» 26 Β· π 140 Β· π¦ 4.2K Β· π 79 - 22% open Β· β±οΈ 25.10.2021):
git clone https://github.com/ross/requests-futures
PyPi (π₯ 1.2M / month Β· π¦ 950 Β· β±οΈ 11.06.2019):
pip install requests-futures
Conda (π₯ 150K Β· β±οΈ 14.10.2020):
conda install -c conda-forge requests-futures
http-prompt (π₯25 Β· β 8.5K Β· π€) - An interactive command-line HTTP and API testing client built on.. MIT
Show 5 hidden projects...
- pycurl (π₯34 Β· β 880) - PycURL - Python interface to libcurl.
- hyper (π₯29 Β· β 1.1K Β· π) - HTTP/2 for Python.
- pysimplesoap (π₯25 Β· β 370 Β· π) - Python Simple SOAP Library.
- http-parser (π₯23 Β· β 330 Β· π) - HTTP request/response parser for python in C.
- httpstat (π₯21 Β· β 5.2K Β· π) - curl statistics made simple.
gunicorn (π₯43 Β· β 8.5K) - gunicorn Green Unicorn is a WSGI HTTP Server for UNIX, fast clients and.. MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 370 Β· π 1.6K Β· π₯ 100 Β· π¦ 720K Β· π 1.9K - 24% open Β· β±οΈ 06.08.2022):
git clone https://github.com/benoitc/gunicorn
PyPi (π₯ 25M / month Β· π¦ 62K Β· β±οΈ 27.03.2021):
pip install gunicorn
Conda (π₯ 1.2M Β· β±οΈ 08.04.2022):
conda install -c conda-forge gunicorn
gevent (π₯38 Β· β 5.8K Β· π€) - Coroutine-based concurrency library for Python. MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 100 Β· π 920 Β· π₯ 59K Β· π¦ 82K Β· π 1.3K - 6% open Β· β±οΈ 20.01.2022):
git clone https://github.com/gevent/gevent
PyPi (π₯ 6.7M / month Β· π¦ 15K Β· β±οΈ 11.12.2021):
pip install gevent
Conda (π₯ 860K Β· β±οΈ 07.04.2022):
conda install -c conda-forge gevent
whitenoise (π₯33 Β· β 2K) - Radically simplified static file serving for Python web apps. MIT
livereload (π₯28 Β· β 970) - livereload server in python (MAINTAINERS NEEDED). BSD-3
Hypercorn (π₯25 Β· β 280) - Hypercorn is an ASGI Server based on Hyper libraries and inspired by.. MIT
Show 3 hidden projects...
- waitress (π₯31 Β· β 1.1K) - Waitress - A WSGI server for Python 2 and 3.
- Meinheld (π₯25 Β· β 1.4K Β· π) - Meinheld is a high performance asynchronous WSGI Web Server (based..
- django-devserver (π₯25 Β· β 1.3K Β· π) - A drop-in replacement for Djangos runserver.
django-allauth (π₯41 Β· β 7.4K) - Integrated set of Django applications addressing.. MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 590 Β· π 2.6K Β· π¦ 97K Β· π 1.9K - 18% open Β· β±οΈ 19.06.2022):
git clone https://github.com/pennersr/django-allauth
PyPi (π₯ 550K / month Β· π¦ 5.3K Β· β±οΈ 07.06.2022):
pip install django-allauth
Conda (π₯ 75K Β· β±οΈ 07.06.2022):
conda install -c conda-forge django-allauth
oauthlib (π₯38 Β· β 2.4K) - A generic, spec-compliant, thorough implementation of the OAuth.. BSD-3
authlib (π₯37 Β· β 3.2K) - The ultimate Python library in building OAuth, OpenID Connect clients.. BSD-3
flask-login (π₯37 Β· β 3.1K) - Flask user session management. MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 110 Β· π 720 Β· π¦ 110K Β· π 360 - 2% open Β· β±οΈ 01.08.2022):
git clone https://github.com/maxcountryman/flask-login
PyPi (π₯ 3.7M / month Β· π¦ 13K Β· β±οΈ 02.05.2022):
pip install flask-login
Conda (π₯ 130K Β· β±οΈ 25.07.2022):
conda install -c conda-forge flask-login
google-auth (π₯37 Β· β 550) - Google Auth Python Library. Apache-2
GitHub (π¨βπ» 97 Β· π 240 Β· π¦ 140K Β· π 360 - 18% open Β· β±οΈ 05.08.2022):
git clone https://github.com/googleapis/google-auth-library-python
PyPi (π₯ 82M / month Β· π¦ 2.5K Β· β±οΈ 29.06.2022):
pip install google-auth
Conda (π₯ 5M Β· β±οΈ 06.08.2022):
conda install -c conda-forge google-auth
requests-oauthlib (π₯36 Β· β 1.5K) - OAuthlib support for Python-Requests!. ISC
GitHub (π¨βπ» 110 Β· π 400 Β· π¦ 230K Β· π 250 - 39% open Β· β±οΈ 21.02.2022):
git clone https://github.com/requests/requests-oauthlib
PyPi (π₯ 87M / month Β· π¦ 12K Β· β±οΈ 29.01.2022):
pip install requests-oauthlib
Conda (π₯ 5.3M Β· β±οΈ 30.01.2022):
conda install -c conda-forge requests-oauthlib
flask-jwt-extended (π₯35 Β· β 1.3K) - An open source Flask extension that provides JWT.. MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 86 Β· π 220 Β· π¦ 20K Β· π 350 - 3% open Β· β±οΈ 27.07.2022):
git clone https://github.com/vimalloc/flask-jwt-extended
PyPi (π₯ 3M / month Β· π¦ 650 Β· β±οΈ 27.06.2022):
pip install flask-jwt-extended
Conda (π₯ 110K Β· β±οΈ 28.07.2022):
conda install -c conda-forge flask-jwt-extended
django-oauth-toolkit (π₯34 Β· β 2.6K) - OAuth2 goodies for the Djangonauts!. BSD-3
django-guardian (π₯32 Β· β 3.2K) - Per object permissions for Django. BSD-3
GitHub (π¨βπ» 160 Β· π 540 Β· π¦ 4.9K Β· π 460 - 30% open Β· β±οΈ 25.03.2022):
git clone https://github.com/django-guardian/django-guardian
PyPi (π₯ 220K / month Β· π¦ 1.9K Β· β±οΈ 23.05.2021):
pip install django-guardian
Conda (π₯ 39K Β· β±οΈ 26.05.2021):
conda install -c conda-forge django-guardian
django-rest-framework-simplejwt (π₯32 Β· β 3.1K) - A JSON Web Token authentication plugin for the Django.. MIT
python-jose (π₯30 Β· β 1.1K) - A JOSE implementation in Python. MIT
dj-rest-auth (π₯30 Β· β 1K) - Authentication for Django Rest Framework. MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 160 Β· π 190 Β· π₯ 200 Β· π¦ 3.7K Β· π 310 - 44% open Β· β±οΈ 17.07.2022):
git clone https://github.com/iMerica/dj-rest-auth
PyPi (π₯ 110K / month Β· π¦ 8 Β· β±οΈ 30.03.2022):
pip install dj-rest-auth
Conda (π₯ 5.8K Β· β±οΈ 18.07.2022):
conda install -c conda-forge dj-rest-auth
Flask-HTTPAuth (π₯29 Β· β 1.1K) - Simple extension that provides Basic, Digest and Token HTTP.. MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 33 Β· π 200 Β· π 100 - 8% open Β· β±οΈ 26.06.2022):
git clone https://github.com/miguelgrinberg/Flask-HTTPAuth
PyPi (π₯ 540K / month Β· π¦ 2.2K Β· β±οΈ 29.05.2022):
pip install flask-httpauth
Conda (π₯ 110K Β· β±οΈ 29.05.2022):
conda install -c conda-forge flask-httpauth
fastapi-users (π₯28 Β· β 2.1K) - Ready-to-use and customizable users management for FastAPI. MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 49 Β· π 200 Β· π 210 - 1% open Β· β±οΈ 11.08.2022):
git clone https://github.com/fastapi-users/fastapi-users
PyPi (π₯ 28K / month Β· π¦ 9 Β· β±οΈ 21.06.2022):
pip install fastapi-users
Conda (π₯ 11K Β· β±οΈ 26.07.2022):
conda install -c conda-forge fastapi-users
django-rules (π₯28 Β· β 1.5K) - Awesome Django authorization, without the database. MIT
flask-dance (π₯27 Β· β 890) - Doing the OAuth dance with style using Flask, requests, and.. MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 54 Β· π 140 Β· π¦ 2.8K Β· π 200 - 18% open Β· β±οΈ 05.08.2022):
git clone https://github.com/singingwolfboy/flask-dance
PyPi (π₯ 56K / month Β· π¦ 160 Β· β±οΈ 05.04.2022):
pip install flask-dance
Conda (π₯ 8K Β· β±οΈ 07.06.2019):
conda install -c conda-forge flask-dance
django-rest-knox (π₯27 Β· β 790 Β· π€) - Authentication Module for django rest auth. MIT
authomatic (π₯25 Β· β 990 Β· π€) - Simple yet powerful authorization / authentication client library.. MIT
django-cas-ng (π₯25 Β· β 340) - Django CAS 1.0/2.0/3.0 client authentication library, support.. MIT
Flask-OpenID (π₯25 Β· β 220 Β· π€) - Flask-OpenID adds openid support to flask applications. BSD-3
GitHub (π¨βπ» 15 Β· π 73 Β· π₯ 10 Β· π¦ 5.9K Β· π 43 - 6% open Β· β±οΈ 23.11.2021):
git clone https://github.com/pallets-eco/flask-openid
PyPi (π₯ 1.7M / month Β· π¦ 1.3K Β· β±οΈ 08.09.2021):
pip install flask-openid
Conda (π₯ 98K Β· β±οΈ 04.11.2021):
conda install -c conda-forge flask-openid
fastapi_login (π₯23 Β· β 350) - FastAPI-Login tries to provide similar functionality as.. MIT
python-jwt (π₯22 Β· β 200) - Python module for generating and verifying JSON Web Tokens. MIT
flask-praetorian (π₯19 Β· β 310) - Strong, Simple, and Precise security for Flask APIs.. MIT
flask_simplelogin (π₯16 Β· β 170 Β· π€) - Simple Login - Login Extension for Flask - maintainer.. MIT
Show 12 hidden projects...
- python-social-auth (π₯33 Β· β 2.8K Β· π) - Social auth made simple.
- oauth2client (π₯33 Β· β 780 Β· π) - This is a Python library for accessing resources protected..
- django-rest-framework-jwt (π₯31 Β· β 3.1K Β· π) - JSON Web Token Authentication support for Django REST..
- python-oauth2 (π₯30 Β· β 2.9K Β· π) - A fully tested, abstract interface to creating OAuth clients..
- rauth (π₯29 Β· β 1.6K Β· π) - A Python library for OAuth 1.0/a, 2.0, and Ofly.
- Flask-User (π₯26 Β· β 990 Β· π) - Customizable User Authorization & User Management: Register,..
- django-stronghold (π₯24 Β· β 390 Β· π) - Get inside your stronghold and make all your Django..
- velruse (π₯22 Β· β 250 Β· π) - Simplifying third-party authentication for web applications.
- fastapi-jwt-auth (π₯19 Β· β 400 Β· π) - FastAPI extension that provides JWT Auth support..
- apex (π₯16 Β· β 96 Β· π) - Toolkit for Pyramid, a Pylons Project, to add Authentication and..
- pyramid_jwt (π₯15 Β· β 73 Β· π) - JWT authentication for Pyramid.
- fastapi-permissions (π₯14 Β· β 280 Β· π) - row level security for FastAPI framework.
bleach (π₯37 Β· β 2.4K) - Bleach is an allowed-list-based HTML sanitizing library that escapes.. Apache-2
markupsafe (π₯36 Β· β 490) - Safely add untrusted strings to HTML/XML markup. BSD-3
html5lib-python (π₯33 Β· β 980 Β· π€) - Standards-compliant library for parsing and serializing HTML.. MIT
WeasyPrint (π₯32 Β· β 5.1K) - The awesome document factory. BSD-3
xhtml2pdf (π₯32 Β· β 1.9K) - A library for converting HTML into PDFs using ReportLab. Apache-2
GitHub (π¨βπ» 140 Β· π 590 Β· π₯ 6 Β· π¦ 8.2K Β· π 340 - 39% open Β· β±οΈ 16.06.2022):
git clone https://github.com/xhtml2pdf/xhtml2pdf
PyPi (π₯ 380K / month Β· π¦ 830 Β· β±οΈ 16.06.2022):
pip install xhtml2pdf
Conda (π₯ 49K Β· β±οΈ 16.06.2022):
conda install -c conda-forge xhtml2pdf
selectolax (π₯25 Β· β 580) - Python binding to Modest and Lexbor engines (fast HTML5 parser with.. MIT
html5-parser (π₯19 Β· β 630) - Fast C based HTML 5 parsing for python. Apache-2
Show 1 hidden projects...
- Requests-HTML (π₯34 Β· β 13K Β· π) - Pythonic HTML Parsing for Humans.
tldextract (π₯34 Β· β 1.5K) - Accurately separates a URLs subdomain, domain, and public suffix,.. BSD-3
GitHub (π¨βπ» 43 Β· π 190 Β· π¦ 12K Β· π 170 - 10% open Β· β±οΈ 08.07.2022):
git clone https://github.com/john-kurkowski/tldextract
PyPi (π₯ 6.3M / month Β· π¦ 1.1K Β· β±οΈ 04.05.2022):
pip install tldextract
Conda (π₯ 250K Β· β±οΈ 08.07.2022):
conda install -c conda-forge tldextract
shortuuid (π₯30 Β· β 1.7K) - A generator library for concise, unambiguous and URL-safe UUIDs. BSD-3
Show 2 hidden projects...
- uritemplate (π₯28 Β· β 200) - URI template parsing per RFC6570.
- purl (π₯23 Β· β 280 Β· π) - A simple, immutable URL class with a clean API for interrogation and..
πΒ OpenAPI-Specification ( β 25K) - The OpenAPI Specification Repository.
OpenAPI Generator (π₯42 Β· β 13K) - OpenAPI Generator allows generation of API client.. Apache-2
GitHub (π¨βπ» 2.5K Β· π 4.4K Β· π¦ 4 Β· π 6K - 57% open Β· β±οΈ 11.08.2022):
git clone https://github.com/OpenAPITools/openapi-generator
PyPi (π₯ 4K / month Β· β±οΈ 15.05.2020):
pip install openapi-generator-cli
npm (π₯ 1.1M / month Β· π¦ 330 Β· β±οΈ 26.04.2022):
npm install @openapitools/openapi-generator-cli
connexion (π₯37 Β· β 4.1K) - Swagger/OpenAPI First framework for Python on top of Flask.. Apache-2
swagger-ui (π₯36 Β· β 22K) - Swagger UI is a collection of HTML, JavaScript, and CSS.. Apache-2
GitHub (π¨βπ» 520 Β· π 8.3K Β· π¦ 33K Β· π 4.9K - 15% open Β· β±οΈ 10.08.2022):
git clone https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-ui
apispec (π₯35 Β· β 970) - A pluggable API specification generator. Currently supports the.. MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 77 Β· π 160 Β· π¦ 5.8K Β· π 250 - 12% open Β· β±οΈ 09.08.2022):
git clone https://github.com/marshmallow-code/apispec
PyPi (π₯ 3.7M / month Β· π¦ 7.1K Β· β±οΈ 12.05.2022):
pip install apispec
Conda (π₯ 380K Β· β±οΈ 13.05.2022):
conda install -c conda-forge apispec
redoc (π₯33 Β· β 18K) - OpenAPI/Swagger-generated API Reference Documentation. MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 200 Β· π 2K Β· π₯ 66 Β· π¦ 2.9K Β· π 1.6K - 24% open Β· β±οΈ 10.08.2022):
git clone https://github.com/Redocly/redoc
flasgger (π₯32 Β· β 3K Β· π€) - Easy OpenAPI specs and Swagger UI for your Flask API. MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 110 Β· π 420 Β· π₯ 470 Β· π¦ 7.9K Β· π 360 - 55% open Β· β±οΈ 21.01.2022):
git clone https://github.com/flasgger/flasgger
PyPi (π₯ 450K / month Β· π¦ 360 Β· β±οΈ 31.07.2020):
pip install flasgger
Conda (π₯ 110K Β· β±οΈ 16.04.2021):
conda install -c conda-forge flasgger
drf-spectacular (π₯32 Β· β 1.2K) - Sane and flexible OpenAPI 3 schema generation for Django.. BSD-3
GitHub (π¨βπ» 76 Β· π 150 Β· π¦ 2.8K Β· π 580 - 7% open Β· β±οΈ 10.08.2022):
git clone https://github.com/tfranzel/drf-spectacular
PyPi (π₯ 580K / month Β· π¦ 25 Β· β±οΈ 25.04.2022):
pip install drf-spectacular
Conda (π₯ 5.6K Β· β±οΈ 01.08.2022):
conda install -c conda-forge drf-spectacular
AutoRest (π₯31 Β· β 3.9K) - OpenAPI (f.k.a Swagger) Specification code generator. Supports C#,.. MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 170 Β· π 710 Β· π₯ 85K Β· π¦ 390 Β· π 2K - 3% open Β· β±οΈ 08.08.2022):
git clone https://github.com/Azure/autorest
swagger-codegen (π₯30 Β· β 15K) - swagger-codegen contains a template-driven engine to.. Apache-2
GitHub (π¨βπ» 1.2K Β· π 5.8K Β· π 6.6K - 48% open Β· β±οΈ 27.06.2022):
git clone https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen
OpenAPI-to-GraphQL (π₯26 Β· β 1.3K) - Translate APIs described by OpenAPI Specifications.. MIT
datamodel-code-generator (π₯26 Β· β 1.1K) - Pydantic model generator for easy conversion of JSON,.. MIT
OpenAPI Spec validator (π₯25 Β· β 220) - OpenAPI Spec validator. Apache-2
GitHub (π¨βπ» 32 Β· π 50 Β· π 84 - 47% open Β· β±οΈ 21.06.2022):
git clone https://github.com/p1c2u/openapi-spec-validator
PyPi (π₯ 1.9M / month Β· π¦ 170 Β· β±οΈ 21.06.2022):
pip install openapi-spec-validator
Conda (π₯ 70K Β· β±οΈ 23.06.2022):
conda install -c conda-forge openapi-spec-validator
Spectree (π₯24 Β· β 210) - API spec validator and OpenAPI document generator for Python.. Apache-2
Spectacle (π₯23 Β· β 1.3K Β· π€) - Beautiful static documentation generator for OpenAPI/Swagger.. MIT
openapi-python-client (π₯23 Β· β 430) - Generate modern Python clients from OpenAPI. MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 39 Β· π 85 Β· π 250 - 31% open Β· β±οΈ 08.08.2022):
git clone https://github.com/openapi-generators/openapi-python-client
PyPi (π₯ 33K / month Β· π¦ 1 Β· β±οΈ 03.07.2022):
pip install openapi-python-client
Conda (π₯ 5.7K Β· β±οΈ 03.07.2022):
conda install -c conda-forge openapi-python-client
openapi-core (π₯23 Β· β 170) - OpenAPI core. BSD-3
pyramid_openapi3 (π₯16 Β· β 75) - Pyramid addon for OpenAPI3 validation of requests and.. MIT
Show 3 hidden projects...
- django-rest-swagger (π₯30 Β· β 2.6K Β· π) - Swagger Documentation Generator for Django REST..
- flask-swagger (π₯26 Β· β 460 Β· π) - A swagger 2.0 spec extractor for flask.
- pyramid_swagger (π₯18 Β· β 64 Β· π) - Convenient tools for using Swagger to define and..
πΒ GraphQL Specification ( β 14K) - GraphQL is a query language and execution engine tied to any..
graphene (π₯36 Β· β 7.3K) - GraphQL framework for Python. MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 180 Β· π 790 Β· π¦ 13K Β· π 980 - 14% open Β· β±οΈ 16.07.2022):
git clone https://github.com/graphql-python/graphene
PyPi (π₯ 1.7M / month Β· π¦ 840 Β· β±οΈ 30.05.2022):
pip install graphene
Conda (π₯ 180K Β· β±οΈ 06.06.2022):
conda install -c conda-forge graphene
Strawberry GraphQL (π₯33 Β· β 2.5K) - A GraphQL library for Python that leverages type.. MIT
graphene-django (π₯32 Β· β 3.9K) - Integrate GraphQL into your Django project. MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 190 Β· π 670 Β· π¦ 8.3K Β· π 750 - 18% open Β· β±οΈ 03.03.2022):
git clone https://github.com/graphql-python/graphene-django
PyPi (π₯ 410K / month Β· π¦ 470 Β· β±οΈ 31.12.2020):
pip install graphene-django
Conda (π₯ 19K Β· β±οΈ 09.01.2021):
conda install -c conda-forge graphene-django
ariadne (π₯32 Β· β 1.8K) - Ariadne is a Python library for implementing GraphQL servers using.. BSD-3
graphql-core (π₯30 Β· β 440) - A Python 3.6+ port of the GraphQL.js reference implementation of.. MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 26 Β· π 98 Β· π¦ 14K Β· π 120 - 11% open Β· β±οΈ 26.06.2022):
git clone https://github.com/graphql-python/graphql-core
PyPi (π₯ 3.8M / month Β· π¦ 720 Β· β±οΈ 10.04.2022):
pip install graphql-core
Conda (π₯ 350K Β· β±οΈ 10.04.2022):
conda install -c conda-forge graphql-core
graphql-relay-py (π₯26 Β· β 140) - A library to help construct a graphql-py server supporting.. MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 10 Β· π 32 Β· π¦ 11K Β· π 32 - 28% open Β· β±οΈ 23.07.2022):
git clone https://github.com/graphql-python/graphql-relay-py
PyPi (π₯ 1.7M / month Β· π¦ 480 Β· β±οΈ 16.04.2022):
pip install graphql-relay
Conda (π₯ 180K Β· β±οΈ 16.04.2022):
conda install -c conda-forge graphql-relay
tartiflette (π₯23 Β· β 820 Β· π€) - GraphQL Engine built with Python 3.6+ / asyncio. MIT
django-graphql-auth (π₯23 Β· β 290) - Django registration and authentication with GraphQL. MIT
graphene-mongo (π₯23 Β· β 250 Β· π€) - Graphene MongoEngine integration. MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 29 Β· π 100 Β· π¦ 280 Β· π 85 - 29% open Β· β±οΈ 14.01.2022):
git clone https://github.com/graphql-python/graphene-mongo
PyPi (π₯ 22K / month Β· π¦ 13 Β· β±οΈ 14.01.2022):
pip install graphene-mongo
Conda (π₯ 4.6K Β· β±οΈ 30.06.2020):
conda install -c conda-forge graphene-mongo
graphene-pydantic (π₯18 Β· β 170) - Integrate GraphQL with your Pydantic models. Apache-2
tartiflette-asgi (π₯17 Β· β 100) - ASGI support for the Tartiflette GraphQL engine. MIT
tartiflette-aiohttp (π₯17 Β· β 59 Β· π€) - tartiflette-aiohttp is a wrapper of aiohttp which.. MIT
Show 3 hidden projects...
- flask-graphql (π₯26 Β· β 1.3K Β· π) - Adds GraphQL support to your Flask application.
- python-graphql-client (π₯20 Β· β 150 Β· π) - Simple GraphQL client for Python 2.7+.
- Flask-GraphQL-Auth (π₯17 Β· β 64 Β· π) - (UNMAINTAINED. FEEL FREE TO FORK) A Pythonic way to..
websocket-client (π₯37 Β· β 3K Β· π) - WebSocket client for Python. Apache-2
GitHub (π¨βπ» 200 Β· π 710 Β· π¦ 69K Β· π 550 - 2% open Β· β±οΈ 20.06.2022):
git clone https://github.com/websocket-client/websocket-client
PyPi (π₯ 39M / month Β· π¦ 6.7K Β· β±οΈ 20.06.2022):
pip install websocket-client
Conda (π₯ 3.4M Β· β±οΈ 21.06.2022):
conda install -c conda-forge websocket-client
autobahn-python (π₯36 Β· β 2.4K) - WebSocket and WAMP in Python for Twisted and asyncio. MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 130 Β· π 760 Β· π¦ 20K Β· π 870 - 20% open Β· β±οΈ 11.08.2022):
git clone https://github.com/crossbario/autobahn-python
PyPi (π₯ 930K / month Β· π¦ 2K Β· β±οΈ 05.07.2022):
pip install autobahn
Conda (π₯ 310K Β· β±οΈ 03.08.2022):
conda install -c conda-forge autobahn
websockets (π₯35 Β· β 4.1K) - Library for building WebSocket servers and clients in Python. BSD-3
GitHub (π¨βπ» 60 Β· π 430 Β· π¦ 65K Β· π 900 - 2% open Β· β±οΈ 11.08.2022):
git clone https://github.com/aaugustin/websockets
PyPi (π₯ 12M / month Β· π¦ 3.6K Β· β±οΈ 17.04.2022):
pip install websockets
Conda (π₯ 1.4M Β· β±οΈ 18.04.2022):
conda install -c conda-forge websockets
Flask-SocketIO (π₯33 Β· β 4.7K) - Socket.IO integration for Flask applications. MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 66 Β· π 870 Β· π 1.5K - 0% open Β· β±οΈ 07.08.2022):
git clone https://github.com/miguelgrinberg/Flask-SocketIO
PyPi (π₯ 760K / month Β· π¦ 2.3K Β· β±οΈ 22.05.2022):
pip install flask-socketio
Conda (π₯ 160K Β· β±οΈ 22.05.2022):
conda install -c conda-forge flask-socketio
python-socketio (π₯33 Β· β 3K) - Python Socket.IO server and client. MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 61 Β· π 500 Β· π 730 - 5% open Β· β±οΈ 27.07.2022):
git clone https://github.com/miguelgrinberg/python-socketio
PyPi (π₯ 1.3M / month Β· π¦ 1.9K Β· β±οΈ 04.07.2022):
pip install python-socketio
Conda (π₯ 240K Β· β±οΈ 15.07.2022):
conda install -c conda-forge python-socketio
websockify (π₯28 Β· β 3.1K) - Websockify is a WebSocket to TCP proxy/bridge. This allows a.. βοΈLGPL-3.0
Show 4 hidden projects...
- flask-sockets (π₯27 Β· β 1.7K Β· π) - [DEPRECATED] Alternative:..
- gevent-socketio (π₯26 Β· β 1.2K Β· π) - Official repository for gevent-socketio.
- sockjs-tornado (π₯26 Β· β 860 Β· π) - WebSocket emulation - Python server.
- tornadio2 (π₯20 Β· β 530 Β· π) - Python socket.io server implementation on top of Tornado..
rpyc (π₯32 Β· β 1.2K) - RPyC (Remote Python Call) - A transparent and symmetric RPC library for python. MIT
fastapi-jsonrpc (π₯19 Β· β 180) - JSON-RPC server based on fastapi. MIT
Show 1 hidden projects...
- spyne (π₯26 Β· β 1.1K) - A transport agnostic sync/async RPC library that focuses on exposing..
python-lambda (π₯25 Β· β 1.4K) - A toolkit for developing and deploying serverless Python code in.. ISC
lambdarest (π₯18 Β· β 91 Β· π€) - Flask like web framework for AWS Lambda. MIT
wagtail (π₯42 Β· β 13K) - A Django content management system focused on flexibility and user.. BSD-3
django-cms (π₯40 Β· β 8.8K) - The easy-to-use and developer-friendly enterprise CMS powered.. BSD-3
feincms (π₯27 Β· β 840) - A Django-based CMS with a focus on extensibility and concise code. BSD-3
Show 1 hidden projects...
selenium (π₯47 Β· β 24K Β· π) - A browser automation framework and ecosystem. Apache-2
GitHub (π¨βπ» 750 Β· π 7.1K Β· π₯ 3M Β· π¦ 160K Β· π 8.3K - 1% open Β· β±οΈ 10.08.2022):
git clone https://github.com/SeleniumHQ/selenium
PyPi (π₯ 12M / month Β· π¦ 16K Β· β±οΈ 23.06.2022):
pip install selenium
Conda (π₯ 830K Β· β±οΈ 09.08.2022):
conda install -c conda-forge selenium
mitmproxy (π₯40 Β· β 28K) - An interactive TLS-capable intercepting HTTP proxy for penetration.. MIT
responses (π₯36 Β· β 3.7K) - A utility for mocking out the Python Requests library. Apache-2
GitHub (π¨βπ» 110 Β· π 300 Β· π₯ 62 Β· π¦ 15K Β· π 230 - 1% open Β· β±οΈ 15.07.2022):
git clone https://github.com/getsentry/responses
PyPi (π₯ 8M / month Β· π¦ 2.9K Β· β±οΈ 25.05.2022):
pip install responses
Conda (π₯ 1.1M Β· β±οΈ 26.05.2022):
conda install -c conda-forge responses
SeleniumBase (π₯34 Β· β 2.9K) - Scale your web app testing with Selenium, Python, and pytest. MIT
vcrpy (π₯33 Β· β 2.3K) - Automatically mock your HTTP interactions to simplify and speed up testing. MIT
django-silk (π₯32 Β· β 3.4K) - Silky smooth profiling for Django. MIT
Prism (π₯32 Β· β 3K) - Turn any OpenAPI2/3 and Postman Collection file into an API server.. Apache-2
factory_boy (π₯32 Β· β 2.9K) - A test fixtures replacement for Python. MIT
SeleniumLibrary (π₯32 Β· β 1.1K) - Web testing library for Robot Framework. Apache-2
GitHub (π¨βπ» 110 Β· π 670 Β· π₯ 3.5K Β· π¦ 2.5K Β· π 980 - 4% open Β· β±οΈ 20.04.2022):
git clone https://github.com/robotframework/SeleniumLibrary
PyPi (π₯ 650K / month Β· π¦ 120 Β· β±οΈ 08.01.2022):
pip install robotframework-seleniumlibrary
Conda (π₯ 51K Β· β±οΈ 12.01.2022):
conda install -c conda-forge robotframework-seleniumlibrary
pytest-django (π₯31 Β· β 1.1K) - A Django plugin for pytest. BSD-3
GitHub (π¨βπ» 130 Β· π 300 Β· π 480 - 27% open Β· β±οΈ 27.05.2022):
git clone https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-django
PyPi (π₯ 1.7M / month Β· π¦ 5.9K Β· β±οΈ 07.12.2021):
pip install pytest-django
Conda (π₯ 140K Β· β±οΈ 08.12.2021):
conda install -c conda-forge pytest-django
httprunner (π₯30 Β· β 3.4K) - HttpRunner API HTTP(S) / HTTP2 / WebSocket / RPC. Apache-2
HTTPretty (π₯30 Β· β 2K Β· π€) - Intercept HTTP requests at the Python socket level. Fakes the whole.. MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 100 Β· π 250 Β· π¦ 6.4K Β· π 230 - 39% open Β· β±οΈ 05.11.2021):
git clone https://github.com/gabrielfalcao/HTTPretty
PyPi (π₯ 510K / month Β· π¦ 2.7K Β· β±οΈ 16.08.2021):
pip install httpretty
Conda (π₯ 210K Β· β±οΈ 16.08.2021):
conda install -c conda-forge httpretty
tavern (π₯30 Β· β 880) - A command-line tool and Python library and Pytest plugin for automated.. MIT
django-nose (π₯28 Β· β 870 Β· π€) - Django test runner using nose. BSD-3
flask-debugtoolbar (π₯28 Β· β 840) - A toolbar overlay for debugging Flask applications. BSD-3
GitHub (π¨βπ» 41 Β· π 130 Β· π¦ 18K Β· π 110 - 40% open Β· β±οΈ 13.07.2022):
git clone https://github.com/flask-debugtoolbar/flask-debugtoolbar
PyPi (π₯ 120K / month Β· π¦ 3K Β· β±οΈ 29.03.2022):
pip install flask-debugtoolbar
Conda (π₯ 54K Β· β±οΈ 30.03.2022):
conda install -c conda-forge flask-debugtoolbar
webtest (π₯28 Β· β 320 Β· π€) - Wraps any WSGI application and makes it easy to send test requests to.. MIT
Mockoon (π₯27 Β· β 4.1K) - Mockoon is the easiest and quickest way to run mock APIs locally. No.. MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 39 Β· π 230 Β· π₯ 54K Β· π¦ 28 Β· π 470 - 12% open Β· β±οΈ 03.08.2022):
git clone https://github.com/mockoon/mockoon
schemathesis (π₯27 Β· β 1.4K) - Run thousands of randomly generated test scenarios based.. MIT
pytest-flask (π₯27 Β· β 430) - A set of pytest fixtures to test Flask applications. MIT
pytest-splinter (π₯26 Β· β 230) - pytest splinter and selenium integration for anyone interested.. MIT
Model Bakery (π₯25 Β· β 560) - Object factory for Django. Apache-2
selenium-python-helium (π₯24 Β· β 3K) - Selenium-python but lighter: Helium is the best Python.. MIT
django-test-plus (π₯24 Β· β 520) - Useful additions to Djangos default TestCase. BSD-3
GitHub (π¨βπ» 29 Β· π 54 Β· π 48 - 10% open Β· β±οΈ 13.07.2022):
git clone https://github.com/revsys/django-test-plus
PyPi (π₯ 57K / month Β· π¦ 1.3K Β· β±οΈ 19.05.2021):
pip install django-test-plus
Conda (π₯ 25K Β· β±οΈ 12.01.2018):
conda install -c conda-forge django-test-plus
aioresponses (π₯24 Β· β 370) - Aioresponses is a helper for mock/fake web requests in python.. MIT
python-mocket (π₯24 Β· β 240) - a socket mock framework - for all kinds of socket animals, web-.. BSD-3
requestium (π₯22 Β· β 1.7K) - Integration layer between Requests and Selenium for automation of.. BSD-3
aresponses (π₯21 Β· β 91) - Asyncio http mocking. Similar to the responses library used for requests. MIT
async-asgi-testclient (π₯19 Β· β 120) - A framework-agnostic library for testing ASGI web.. MIT
Show 10 hidden projects...
- pyppeteer (π₯30 Β· β 3.5K Β· π) - Headless chrome/chromium automation library (unofficial port of..
- parameterized (π₯28 Β· β 680 Β· π) - Parameterized testing with any Python test framework.
- flask-testing (π₯27 Β· β 490 Β· π) - Unittest extensions for Flask.
- pyramid_debugtoolbar (π₯24 Β· β 95 Β· π) - Pyramid debug toolbar.
- pyresttest (π₯23 Β· β 1.1K Β· π) - Python Rest Testing.
- httmock (π₯23 Β· β 440 Β· π) - A mocking library for requests.
- yandex-tank (π₯22 Β· β 2.2K) - Load and performance benchmark tool.
- wdb (π₯22 Β· β 1.5K Β· π) - An improbable web debugger through WebSockets.
- huxley (π₯17 Β· β 4.1K Β· π) - A testing system for catching visual regressions in Web..
- Astra (π₯15 Β· β 2.1K Β· π) - Automated Security Testing For REST APIs.
django-crispy-forms (π₯37 Β· β 4.5K) - The best way to have DRY Django forms. The app.. MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 220 Β· π 700 Β· π¦ 96K Β· π 670 - 11% open Β· β±οΈ 15.07.2022):
git clone https://github.com/django-crispy-forms/django-crispy-forms
PyPi (π₯ 670K / month Β· π¦ 8K Β· β±οΈ 25.01.2022):
pip install django-crispy-forms
Conda (π₯ 53K Β· β±οΈ 25.01.2022):
conda install -c conda-forge django-crispy-forms
flask-wtf (π₯37 Β· β 1.3K) - Simple integration of Flask and WTForms, including CSRF, file.. BSD-3
GitHub (π¨βπ» 95 Β· π 290 Β· π¦ 150K Β· π 310 - 11% open Β· β±οΈ 02.08.2022):
git clone https://github.com/wtforms/flask-wtf
PyPi (π₯ 4.7M / month Β· π¦ 16K Β· β±οΈ 31.03.2022):
pip install flask-wtf
Conda (π₯ 120K Β· β±οΈ 01.04.2022):
conda install -c conda-forge flask-wtf
django-formtools (π₯26 Β· β 590) - A set of high-level abstractions for Django forms. BSD-3
markdown (π₯39 Β· β 3K) - A Python implementation of John Grubers Markdown with Extension support. BSD-3
GitHub (π¨βπ» 160 Β· π 740 Β· π¦ 210K Β· π 780 - 4% open Β· β±οΈ 25.07.2022):
git clone https://github.com/Python-Markdown/markdown
PyPi (π₯ 19M / month Β· π¦ 22K Β· β±οΈ 05.05.2022):
pip install markdown
Conda (π₯ 3.3M Β· β±οΈ 15.07.2022):
conda install -c conda-forge markdown
pelican (π₯37 Β· β 11K) - Static site generator that supports Markdown and reST syntax... βοΈAGPL-3.0
GitHub (π¨βπ» 430 Β· π 1.8K Β· π₯ 620 Β· π¦ 5.9K Β· π 1.6K - 5% open Β· β±οΈ 04.08.2022):
git clone https://github.com/getpelican/pelican
PyPi (π₯ 15K / month Β· π¦ 1.8K Β· β±οΈ 09.02.2022):
pip install pelican
Conda (π₯ 120K Β· β±οΈ 11.07.2022):
conda install -c conda-forge pelican
mistune (π₯37 Β· β 2.1K) - A fast yet powerful Python Markdown parser with renderers and plugins. BSD-3
python-markdown2 (π₯35 Β· β 2.4K) - markdown2: A fast and complete implementation of Markdown in.. MIT
pymdown-extensions (π₯31 Β· β 620) - Extensions for Python Markdown. MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 35 Β· π 220 Β· π 300 - 5% open Β· β±οΈ 26.07.2022):
git clone https://github.com/facelessuser/pymdown-extensions
PyPi (π₯ 830K / month Β· π¦ 900 Β· β±οΈ 06.06.2022):
pip install pymdown-extensions
Conda (π₯ 78K Β· β±οΈ 06.06.2022):
conda install -c conda-forge pymdown-extensions
html2text (π₯29 Β· β 1.3K) - Convert HTML to Markdown-formatted text. βοΈGPL-3.0
django-markdownx (π₯26 Β· β 730) - Comprehensive Markdown plugin built for Django. BSD-3
mistletoe (π₯24 Β· β 500) - A fast, extensible and spec-compliant Markdown parser in pure Python. MIT
django-markdown-editor (π₯23 Β· β 600) - Awesome Django Markdown Editor, supported for.. βοΈGPL-3.0
markdown-it-py (π₯23 Β· β 350) - Markdown parser, done right. 100% CommonMark support, extensions,.. MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 19 Β· π 46 Β· π 64 - 35% open Β· β±οΈ 02.08.2022):
git clone https://github.com/executablebooks/markdown-it-py
PyPi (π₯ 2.5M / month Β· π¦ 41 Β· β±οΈ 16.04.2022):
pip install markdown-it-py
Conda (π₯ 370K Β· β±οΈ 18.04.2022):
conda install -c conda-forge markdown-it-py
markdown-include (π₯21 Β· β 80) - Provides syntax for Python-Markdown which allows for the.. βοΈGPL-3.0
GitHub (π¨βπ» 9 Β· π 35 Β· π¦ 1.8K Β· π 27 - 59% open Β· β±οΈ 19.07.2022):
git clone https://github.com/cmacmackin/markdown-include
PyPi (π₯ 52K / month Β· π¦ 220 Β· β±οΈ 20.08.2020):
pip install markdown-include
Conda (π₯ 8.3K Β· β±οΈ 21.07.2022):
conda install -c conda-forge markdown-include
πΒ Public APIs ( β 200K) - A collective list of free APIs.
πΒ best-of-ml-python - DB Clients ( β 11K) - Collection of python database client libraries.
discord.py (π₯44 Β· β 11K) - An API wrapper for Discord written in Python. MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 350 Β· π 3.4K Β· π¦ 48K Β· π 2.7K - 3% open Β· β±οΈ 11.08.2022):
git clone https://github.com/Rapptz/discord.py
PyPi (π₯ 49M / month Β· π¦ 2.7K Β· β±οΈ 12.06.2021):
pip install discord.py
Conda (π₯ 4.6K Β· β±οΈ 12.06.2021):
conda install -c conda-forge discord.py
youtube-dl (π₯43 Β· β 110K) - Command-line program to download videos from YouTube.com and.. Unlicense
GitHub (π¨βπ» 980 Β· π 8K Β· π₯ 50M Β· π 26K - 18% open Β· β±οΈ 10.08.2022):
git clone https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl
PyPi (π₯ 5.8M / month Β· π¦ 1.8K Β· β±οΈ 16.12.2021):
pip install youtube_dl
Conda (π₯ 1M Β· β±οΈ 20.12.2021):
conda install -c conda-forge youtube-dl
google-api-python-client (π₯42 Β· β 5.9K) - The official Python client library for Googles.. Apache-2
GitHub (π¨βπ» 180 Β· π 2.2K Β· π¦ 110K Β· π 920 - 6% open Β· β±οΈ 09.08.2022):
git clone https://github.com/googleapis/google-api-python-client
PyPi (π₯ 27M / month Β· π¦ 7.3K Β· β±οΈ 28.06.2022):
pip install google-api-python-client
Conda (π₯ 1.4M Β· β±οΈ 09.08.2022):
conda install -c conda-forge google-api-python-client
python-telegram-bot (π₯40 Β· β 19K) - We have made you a wrapper you cant refuse. βοΈGPL-3.0
GitHub (π¨βπ» 180 Β· π 4.2K Β· π₯ 9.8K Β· π¦ 60K Β· π 1.7K - 1% open Β· β±οΈ 03.08.2022):
git clone https://github.com/python-telegram-bot/python-telegram-bot
PyPi (π₯ 830K / month Β· π¦ 2.5K Β· β±οΈ 28.06.2022):
pip install python-telegram-bot
Conda (π₯ 54K Β· β±οΈ 29.06.2022):
conda install -c conda-forge python-telegram-bot
gspread (π₯40 Β· β 6K) - Google Sheets Python API. MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 150 Β· π 870 Β· π₯ 150 Β· π¦ 17K Β· π 750 - 6% open Β· β±οΈ 30.07.2022):
git clone https://github.com/burnash/gspread
PyPi (π₯ 8.6M / month Β· π¦ 970 Β· β±οΈ 31.05.2022):
pip install gspread
Conda (π₯ 230K Β· β±οΈ 01.06.2022):
conda install -c conda-forge gspread
GitPython (π₯40 Β· β 3.6K) - GitPython is a python library used to interact with Git repositories. BSD-3
GitHub (π¨βπ» 270 Β· π 760 Β· π¦ 96K Β· π 840 - 15% open Β· β±οΈ 08.08.2022):
git clone https://github.com/gitpython-developers/GitPython
PyPi (π₯ 27M / month Β· π¦ 7.2K Β· β±οΈ 20.02.2022):
pip install gitpython
Conda (π₯ 3.5M Β· β±οΈ 22.02.2022):
conda install -c conda-forge gitpython
pyTelegramBotAPI (π₯39 Β· β 5.9K) - Python Telegram bot api. βοΈGPL-2.0
Telethon (π₯36 Β· β 6.7K) - Pure Python 3 MTProto API Telegram client library, for bots too!. MIT
PyGithub (π₯36 Β· β 5.4K Β· π€) - Typed interactions with the GitHub API v3. βοΈLGPL-3.0
GitHub (π¨βπ» 280 Β· π 1.5K Β· π¦ 31K Β· π 1.3K - 7% open Β· β±οΈ 20.12.2021):
git clone https://github.com/PyGithub/PyGithub
PyPi (π₯ 7.6M / month Β· π¦ 2.5K Β· β±οΈ 26.04.2021):
pip install pygithub
Conda (π₯ 2.2M Β· β±οΈ 01.07.2021):
conda install -c conda-forge pygithub
slackclient (π₯36 Β· β 3.4K) - Slack Developer Kit for Python. MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 150 Β· π 820 Β· π₯ 350 Β· π 660 - 2% open Β· β±οΈ 03.08.2022):
git clone https://github.com/slackapi/python-slack-sdk
PyPi (π₯ 6.1M / month Β· π¦ 2.2K Β· β±οΈ 22.04.2022):
pip install slackclient
Conda (π₯ 510K Β· β±οΈ 19.11.2021):
conda install -c conda-forge slackclient
praw (π₯36 Β· β 2.9K) - PRAW, an acronym for Python Reddit API Wrapper, is a python package that.. BSD-2
twilio (π₯36 Β· β 1.6K) - A Python module for communicating with the Twilio API and generating TwiML. MIT
pytube (π₯35 Β· β 7.5K Β· π) - A lightweight, dependency-free Python library (and command-line.. Unlicense
python-slack-sdk (π₯34 Β· β 3.4K) - Slack Developer Kit for Python. MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 150 Β· π 820 Β· π₯ 350 Β· π 660 - 2% open Β· β±οΈ 03.08.2022):
git clone https://github.com/slackapi/python-slack-sdk
PyPi (π₯ 6.5M / month Β· π¦ 95 Β· β±οΈ 22.06.2022):
pip install slack-sdk
Conda (π₯ 29K Β· β±οΈ 26.07.2022):
conda install -c conda-forge slack-sdk
google-maps-services-python (π₯32 Β· β 3.6K Β· π) - Python client library for Google Maps API Web Services. Apache-2
python-twitter (π₯32 Β· β 3.3K Β· π€) - A Python wrapper around the Twitter API. Apache-2
simple-salesforce (π₯32 Β· β 1.3K) - A very simple Salesforce.com REST API client for Python. Apache-2
GitHub (π¨βπ» 74 Β· π 580 Β· π 360 - 39% open Β· β±οΈ 18.07.2022):
git clone https://github.com/simple-salesforce/simple-salesforce
PyPi (π₯ 5M / month Β· π¦ 200 Β· β±οΈ 28.02.2022):
pip install simple-salesforce
Conda (π₯ 45K Β· β±οΈ 11.12.2020):
conda install -c conda-forge simple-salesforce
sherlock (π₯31 Β· β 35K) - Hunt down social media accounts by username across social networks. MIT
instagram-scraper (π₯31 Β· β 7.1K) - Scrapes an instagram users photos and videos. Unlicense
imdbpy (π₯30 Β· β 990) - Cinemagoer is a Python package useful to retrieve and manage the data.. βοΈGPL-2.0
gallery-dl (π₯29 Β· β 5.2K) - Command-line program to download image galleries and.. βοΈGPL-2.0
twitter-scraper (π₯29 Β· β 3.3K Β· π€) - Scrape the Twitter Frontend API without authentication. MIT
notion-sdk-py (π₯25 Β· β 760) - Official Notion SDK rewritten in Python (sync + async). MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 15 Β· π 64 Β· π¦ 200 Β· π 51 - 13% open Β· β±οΈ 12.07.2022):
git clone https://github.com/ramnes/notion-sdk-py
PyPi (π₯ 77K / month Β· π¦ 17 Β· β±οΈ 18.04.2022):
pip install notion-client
Conda (π₯ 1.9K Β· β±οΈ 21.04.2022):
conda install -c conda-forge notion-client
WikiExtractor (π₯24 Β· β 3.1K) - A tool for extracting plain text from Wikipedia dumps. βοΈAGPL-3.0
scdl (π₯24 Β· β 2.5K) - Soundcloud Music Downloader. βοΈGPL-2.0
ghapi (π₯24 Β· β 370 Β· π) - A delightful and complete interface to GitHubs amazing API. Apache-2
pyshorteners (π₯24 Β· β 340) - Generating short urls with python has never been easier. βοΈGPL-3.0
igramscraper (π₯23 Β· β 2.4K) - scrapes medias, likes, followers, tags and all metadata. Inspired.. MIT
GHunt (π₯20 Β· β 12K) - Offensive Google framework. MPL-2.0
GitHub (π¨βπ» 26 Β· π 1K Β· π 280 - 19% open Β· β±οΈ 04.06.2022):
git clone https://github.com/mxrch/GHunt
InstaPy (π₯17 Β· β 15K Β· π€) - Tool for automated Instagram interactions. βοΈGPL-3.0
Show 16 hidden projects...
- Wikipedia (π₯32 Β· β 2.5K Β· π) - A Pythonic wrapper for the Wikipedia API.
- google-resumable-media (π₯32 Β· β 35) - Utilities for Google Media Downloads and Resumable..
- tushare (π₯31 Β· β 12K Β· π) - TuShare is a utility for crawling historical data of China stocks.
- py-googletrans (π₯31 Β· β 3.1K Β· π) - (unofficial) Googletrans: Free and Unlimited Google..
- facebook-sdk (π₯31 Β· β 2.7K Β· π) - Python SDK for Facebooks Graph API.
- twython (π₯31 Β· β 1.8K Β· π) - Actively maintained, pure Python wrapper for the Twitter API...
- Google Images Download (π₯30 Β· β 8K Β· π) - Python Script to download hundreds of images from..
- coursera-dl (π₯29 Β· β 8.8K Β· π) - Script for downloading Coursera.org videos and naming them.
- slacker (π₯29 Β· β 1.6K Β· π) - Full-featured Python interface for the Slack API.
- Django Facebook (π₯28 Β· β 1.4K Β· π) - Facebook open graph api implementation using the Django..
- python-instagram (π₯27 Β· β 2.9K Β· π) - Python Client for Instagram API.
- gmusicapi (π₯27 Β· β 2.5K Β· π) - An unofficial client library for Google Music.
- notion-py (π₯26 Β· β 3.8K Β· π) - Unofficial Python API client for Notion.so.
- telepot (π₯26 Β· β 2.4K Β· π) - Python framework for Telegram Bot API.
- twitterscraper (π₯26 Β· β 2.1K Β· π) - Scrape Twitter for Tweets.
- instagram_private_api (π₯25 Β· β 2.5K Β· π) - A Python library to access Instagrams private API.
fastapi-mail (π₯22 Β· β 350) - Fastapi mail system sending mails(individual, bulk).. MIT
mailer (π₯21 Β· β 240) - A light-weight, modular, message representation and mail delivery framework.. MIT
salmon (π₯19 Β· β 560) - A Python Mail Server. βοΈGPL-3.0
Show 6 hidden projects...
- flask-mail (π₯29 Β· β 540 Β· π) - Flask-Mail adds SMTP mail sending to your Flask applications.
- sync-engine (π₯28 Β· β 3.5K Β· π) - IMAP/SMTP sync system with modern APIs.
- flanker (π₯27 Β· β 1.5K Β· π) - Python email address and Mime parsing library.
- offlineimap (π₯24 Β· β 1.7K Β· π€) - Read/sync your IMAP mailboxes (python2) [LEGACY: move..
- pyramid_mailer (π₯21 Β· β 51 Β· π) - A package for sending email from your Pyramid..
- gmail (π₯20 Β· β 1.7K Β· π) - A Pythonic interface for Google Mail.
Libraries for web scraping, crawling, downloading, and mining as well as libraries.
Scrapy (π₯45 Β· β 44K) - Scrapy, a fast high-level web crawling & scraping framework for Python. BSD-3
feedparser (π₯34 Β· β 1.5K) - Parse feeds in Python. BSD-2
dirsearch (π₯30 Β· β 8.3K) - Web path scanner. βοΈGPL-2.0
cloudscraper (π₯30 Β· β 2.2K) - A Python module to bypass Cloudflares anti-bot page. MIT
pytrends (π₯29 Β· β 2.5K) - Pseudo API for Google Trends. Apache-2
GitHub (π¨βπ» 77 Β· π 670 Β· π¦ 1.6K Β· π 390 - 22% open Β· β±οΈ 10.06.2022):
git clone https://github.com/GeneralMills/pytrends
PyPi (π₯ 160K / month Β· π¦ 63 Β· β±οΈ 02.02.2022):
pip install pytrends
Conda (π₯ 3.5K Β· β±οΈ 08.02.2022):
conda install -c conda-forge pytrends
parsel (π₯29 Β· β 800) - Parsel lets you extract data from XML/HTML documents using XPath or CSS.. BSD-3
MechanicalSoup (π₯28 Β· β 4.1K) - A Python library for automating interaction with websites. MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 51 Β· π 360 Β· π₯ 43 Β· π 170 - 18% open Β· β±οΈ 03.07.2022):
git clone https://github.com/MechanicalSoup/MechanicalSoup
PyPi (π₯ 96K / month Β· π¦ 260 Β· β±οΈ 15.12.2021):
pip install MechanicalSoup
Conda (π₯ 130K Β· β±οΈ 31.05.2021):
conda install -c conda-forge mechanicalsoup
trafilatura (π₯26 Β· β 550) - Python & command-line tool to gather text on the Web: web.. βοΈGPL-3.0
Photon (π₯24 Β· β 8.9K) - Incredibly fast crawler designed for OSINT. βοΈGPL-3.0
AutoScraper (π₯24 Β· β 4.6K) - A Smart, Automatic, Fast and Lightweight Web Scraper for Python. MIT
Gerapy (π₯24 Β· β 2.8K) - Distributed Crawler Management Framework Based on Scrapy, Scrapyd,.. MIT
ruia (π₯22 Β· β 1.6K) - Async Python 3.6+ web scraping micro-framework based on asyncio. Apache-2
Show 15 hidden projects...
- Pattern (π₯33 Β· β 8.3K Β· π) - Web mining module for Python, with tools for scraping, natural..
- newspaper3k (π₯32 Β· β 12K Β· π) - News, full-text, and article metadata extraction in Python 3...
- pyspider (π₯31 Β· β 16K Β· π) - A Powerful Spider(Web Crawler) System in Python.
- python-goose (π₯27 Β· β 3.8K Β· π) - Html Content / Article Extractor, web scrapping lib in..
- robobrowser (π₯24 Β· β 3.6K Β· π) - Your friendly neighborhood web scraper.
- scrapely (π₯24 Β· β 1.8K Β· π) - A pure-python HTML screen-scraping library.
- frontera (π₯24 Β· β 1.2K Β· π) - A scalable frontier for web crawlers.
- micawber (π₯24 Β· β 580 Β· π) - a small library for extracting rich content from urls.
- Cola (π₯22 Β· β 1.4K Β· π) - A high-level distributed crawling framework.
- gazpacho (π₯20 Β· β 670 Β· π) - The simple, fast, and modern web scraping library.
- snallygaster (π₯19 Β· β 1.9K) - Tool to scan for secret files on HTTP servers.
- gain (π₯18 Β· β 2K Β· π) - Web crawling framework based on asyncio.
- opengraph (π₯16 Β· β 210 Β· π) - A python module to parse the Open Graph Protocol.
- lazynlp (π₯13 Β· β 2.1K Β· π) - Library to scrape and clean web pages to create massive datasets.
- Transistor (π₯13 Β· β 210 Β· π) - Transistor, a Python web scraping framework for intelligent use..
sentry (π₯40 Β· β 32K) - Sentry is cross-platform application monitoring, with a focus on.. βοΈSSPL-1.0
GitHub (π¨βπ» 690 Β· π 3.5K Β· π₯ 44K Β· π¦ 580 Β· π 5.5K - 10% open Β· β±οΈ 11.08.2022):
git clone https://github.com/getsentry/sentry
PyPi (π₯ 4.3K / month Β· π¦ 380 Β· β±οΈ 15.06.2022):
pip install sentry
Conda (π₯ 210K Β· β±οΈ 09.08.2022):
conda install -c conda-forge sentry-sdk
Prometheus Client (π₯32 Β· β 2.9K) - Python client for the Prometheus monitoring system. Apache-2
GitHub (π¨βπ» 120 Β· π 680 Β· π 430 - 14% open Β· β±οΈ 06.05.2022):
git clone https://github.com/prometheus/client_python
PyPi (π₯ 19M / month Β· π¦ 540 Β· β±οΈ 08.04.2022):
pip install prometheus-client
Conda (π₯ 6.6M Β· β±οΈ 08.04.2022):
conda install -c conda-forge prometheus_client
opentelemetry-python (π₯28 Β· β 990) - OpenTelemetry Python API and SDK. Apache-2
GitHub (π¨βπ» 160 Β· π 340 Β· π 1.2K - 13% open Β· β±οΈ 09.08.2022):
git clone https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-python
PyPi (π₯ 5.7K / month Β· π¦ 1 Β· β±οΈ 13.11.2020):
pip install timing-asgi
Conda (π₯ 76K Β· β±οΈ 09.08.2022):
conda install -c conda-forge opentelemetry-api
prometheus-flask-exporter (π₯27 Β· β 500) - Prometheus exporter for Flask applications. MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 23 Β· π 130 Β· π 110 - 18% open Β· β±οΈ 02.08.2022):
git clone https://github.com/rycus86/prometheus_flask_exporter
PyPi (π₯ 12M / month Β· π¦ 55 Β· β±οΈ 04.06.2022):
pip install prometheus-flask-exporter
Conda (π₯ 390K Β· β±οΈ 02.08.2022):
conda install -c conda-forge prometheus_flask_exporter
GoAccess (π₯24 Β· β 15K) - GoAccess is a real-time web log analyzer and interactive viewer that runs.. MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 140 Β· π 980 Β· π 2K - 17% open Β· β±οΈ 09.08.2022):
git clone https://github.com/allinurl/goaccess
Flask-MonitoringDashboard (π₯23 Β· β 640 Β· π€) - Automatically monitor the evolving performance of.. MIT
starlette context (π₯22 Β· β 270) - Middleware for Starlette that allows you to store and.. MIT
Starlette Prometheus (π₯17 Β· β 210 Β· π€) - Prometheus integration for Starlette. βοΈGPL-3.0
Show 4 hidden projects...
- opentracing-python (π₯27 Β· β 760 Β· π) - OpenTracing API for Python. This library is..
- ngxtop (π₯23 Β· β 6.3K Β· π) - Real-time metrics for nginx server.
- flask-state (π₯14 Β· β 620 Β· π) - Display machine state using Python3 with Flask.
- timing-asgi (π₯5 Β· β 89) - ASGI middleware to record and emit timing metrics (to..
pyscript (π₯23 Β· β 14K Β· π£) - Home Page: https://pyscript.net Examples:.. Apache-2
GitHub (π¨βπ» 81 Β· π 1K Β· π 380 - 53% open Β· β±οΈ 10.08.2022):
git clone https://github.com/pyscript/pyscript
Misago (π₯23 Β· β 2.2K) - Misago is fully featured modern forum application that is fast,.. βοΈGPL-2.0
GitHub (π¨βπ» 36 Β· π 480 Β· π¦ 43 Β· π 1.1K - 5% open Β· β±οΈ 06.08.2022):
git clone https://github.com/rafalp/Misago
trame (π₯17 Β· β 58) - Trame let you weave various components and technologies into a Web.. Apache-2
Show 1 hidden projects...
- python-react (π₯24 Β· β 1.6K Β· π) - Server-side rendering of React components.
flask-admin (π₯38 Β· β 5.1K) - Simple and extensible administrative interface framework for.. BSD-3
GitHub (π¨βπ» 340 Β· π 1.5K Β· π¦ 16K Β· π 1.4K - 30% open Β· β±οΈ 12.07.2022):
git clone https://github.com/flask-admin/flask-admin
PyPi (π₯ 1.5M / month Β· π¦ 2.4K Β· β±οΈ 30.01.2022):
pip install flask-admin
Conda (π₯ 130K Β· β±οΈ 30.01.2022):
conda install -c conda-forge flask-admin
django-debug-toolbar (π₯37 Β· β 7.1K) - A configurable set of panels that display various.. BSD-3
GitHub (π¨βπ» 260 Β· π 980 Β· π₯ 170 Β· π¦ 54K Β· π 810 - 11% open Β· β±οΈ 10.08.2022):
git clone https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar
PyPi (π₯ 1.5M / month Β· π¦ 12K Β· β±οΈ 23.06.2022):
pip install django-debug-toolbar
Conda (π₯ 140K Β· β±οΈ 24.06.2022):
conda install -c conda-forge django-debug-toolbar
django-grappelli (π₯32 Β· β 3.3K) - A jazzy skin for the Django Admin-Interface (official.. BSD-3
GitHub (π¨βπ» 79 Β· π 640 Β· π¦ 4.9K Β· π 700 - 3% open Β· β±οΈ 18.02.2022):
git clone https://github.com/sehmaschine/django-grappelli
PyPi (π₯ 140K / month Β· π¦ 1.7K Β· β±οΈ 18.02.2022):
pip install django-grappelli
Conda (π₯ 100K Β· β±οΈ 18.02.2022):
conda install -c conda-forge django-grappelli
django-admin-interface (π₯28 Β· β 1.2K) - djangos default admin interface made customizable... MIT
django-admin2 (π₯24 Β· β 1.2K Β· π€) - Extendable, adaptable rewrite of django.contrib.admin. BSD-3
fastapi-admin (π₯23 Β· β 1.4K) - A fast admin dashboard based on FastAPI and TortoiseORM.. Apache-2
django-smuggler (π₯22 Β· β 370) - Django Smuggler is a pluggable application for Django.. βοΈLGPL-3.0
Show 5 hidden projects...
- django-suit (π₯30 Β· β 2.2K Β· π) - Modern theme for Django admin interface.
- xadmin (π₯28 Β· β 4.7K Β· π) - Drop-in replacement of Django admin comes with lots of goodies,..
- django-jet (π₯27 Β· β 3.3K Β· π) - Modern responsive template for the Django admin..
- django-admin-bootstrapped (π₯26 Β· β 1.6K Β· π) - A Django admin theme using Twitter Bootstrap. It..
- nginx-ui (π₯16 Β· β 4.2K Β· π) - Nginx UI allows you to access and modify the nginx configurations..
Kong (π₯37 Β· β 33K) - The Cloud-Native API Gateway. Apache-2
GitHub (π¨βπ» 330 Β· π 4.3K Β· π₯ 350K Β· π 4K - 9% open Β· β±οΈ 11.08.2022):
git clone https://github.com/kong/kong
Docker Hub (π₯ 290M Β· β 680 Β· β±οΈ 09.08.2022):
docker pull kong
tyk (π₯27 Β· β 7.6K) - Tyk Open Source API Gateway written in Go, supporting REST, GraphQL, TCP.. MPL-2.0
GitHub (π¨βπ» 99 Β· π 920 Β· π₯ 9.7K Β· π 1.9K - 19% open Β· β±οΈ 11.08.2022):
git clone https://github.com/TykTechnologies/tyk
flask-sqlalchemy (π₯34 Β· β 3.8K) - Adds SQLAlchemy support to Flask. BSD-3
GitHub (π¨βπ» 110 Β· π 880 Β· π₯ 400 Β· π¦ 270K Β· π 570 - 7% open Β· β±οΈ 04.07.2022):
git clone https://github.com/pallets/flask-sqlalchemy
PyPi (π₯ 4.5M / month Β· π¦ 27K Β· β±οΈ 18.03.2021):
pip install flask-sqlalchemy
Conda (π₯ 260K Β· β±οΈ 18.03.2021):
conda install -c conda-forge flask-sqlalchemy
Flask-Migrate (π₯32 Β· β 2.1K) - SQLAlchemy database migrations for Flask applications using.. MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 45 Β· π 200 Β· π 380 - 2% open Β· β±οΈ 02.08.2022):
git clone https://github.com/miguelgrinberg/Flask-Migrate
PyPi (π₯ 1.1M / month Β· π¦ 9.5K Β· β±οΈ 01.08.2021):
pip install flask-migrate
Conda (π₯ 170K Β· β±οΈ 17.03.2022):
conda install -c conda-forge flask-migrate
flask-mongoengine (π₯32 Β· β 800) - MongoEngine flask extension with WTF model forms.. BSD-3
flask-caching (π₯32 Β· β 740) - A caching extension for Flask. BSD-3
GitHub (π¨βπ» 110 Β· π 170 Β· π¦ 11K Β· π 200 - 17% open Β· β±οΈ 04.08.2022):
git clone https://github.com/pallets-eco/flask-caching
PyPi (π₯ 3M / month Β· π¦ 750 Β· β±οΈ 26.06.2022):
pip install flask-caching
Conda (π₯ 80K Β· β±οΈ 30.07.2022):
conda install -c conda-forge flask-caching
flask-cors (π₯30 Β· β 790) - Cross Origin Resource Sharing ( CORS ) support for Flask. MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 40 Β· π 120 Β· π¦ 160K Β· π 140 - 27% open Β· β±οΈ 26.05.2022):
git clone https://github.com/corydolphin/flask-cors
PyPi (π₯ 4.9M / month Β· π¦ 8K Β· β±οΈ 06.01.2021):
pip install flask-cors
Conda (π₯ 670K Β· β±οΈ 30.05.2021):
conda install -c conda-forge flask-cors
flask-limiter (π₯29 Β· β 880) - Rate Limiting extension for Flask. MIT
flask-bcrypt (π₯29 Β· β 300) - Flask-Bcrypt is a Flask extension that provides bcrypt.. BSD-3
GitHub (π¨βπ» 25 Β· π 57 Β· π¦ 40K Β· π 44 - 6% open Β· β±οΈ 05.04.2022):
git clone https://github.com/maxcountryman/flask-bcrypt
PyPi (π₯ 1.1M / month Β· π¦ 3K Β· β±οΈ 05.04.2022):
pip install flask-bcrypt
Conda (π₯ 28K Β· β±οΈ 11.07.2022):
conda install -c conda-forge flask-bcrypt
flask-apispec (π₯28 Β· β 600) - Build and document REST APIs with Flask and apispec. MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 31 Β· π 140 Β· π¦ 960 Β· π 170 - 61% open Β· β±οΈ 10.08.2022):
git clone https://github.com/jmcarp/flask-apispec
PyPi (π₯ 130K / month Β· π¦ 43 Β· β±οΈ 30.03.2022):
pip install flask-apispec
Conda (π₯ 110K Β· β±οΈ 10.08.2022):
conda install -c conda-forge flask-apispec
flask-babel (π₯28 Β· β 390) - i18n and l10n support for Flask based on Babel and pytz. BSD-3
GitHub (π¨βπ» 33 Β· π 150 Β· π¦ 14K Β· π 110 - 16% open Β· β±οΈ 10.08.2022):
git clone https://github.com/python-babel/flask-babel
PyPi (π₯ 2.8M / month Β· π¦ 2.6K Β· β±οΈ 27.08.2020):
pip install flask-babel
Conda (π₯ 94K Β· β±οΈ 28.08.2020):
conda install -c conda-forge flask-babel
flask-marshmallow (π₯27 Β· β 750 Β· π€) - Flask + marshmallow for beautiful APIs. MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 17 Β· π 48 Β· π¦ 19K Β· π 100 - 24% open Β· β±οΈ 30.01.2022):
git clone https://github.com/marshmallow-code/flask-marshmallow
PyPi (π₯ 460K / month Β· π¦ 800 Β· β±οΈ 28.09.2020):
pip install flask-marshmallow
Conda (π₯ 67K Β· β±οΈ 28.09.2020):
conda install -c conda-forge flask-marshmallow
flask-seasurf (π₯26 Β· β 180) - SeaSurf is a Flask extension for preventing cross-site.. BSD-3
GitHub (π¨βπ» 33 Β· π 47 Β· π¦ 2K Β· π 48 - 10% open Β· β±οΈ 11.08.2022):
git clone https://github.com/maxcountryman/flask-seasurf
PyPi (π₯ 91K / month Β· π¦ 260 Β· β±οΈ 05.04.2022):
pip install flask-seasurf
Conda (π₯ 81K Β· β±οΈ 05.04.2022):
conda install -c conda-forge flask-seasurf
flask_injector (π₯25 Β· β 240) - Adds Injector support to Flask. BSD-3
GitHub (π¨βπ» 12 Β· π 33 Β· π¦ 670 Β· π 48 - 22% open Β· β±οΈ 15.06.2022):
git clone https://github.com/alecthomas/flask_injector
PyPi (π₯ 58K / month Β· π¦ 65 Β· β±οΈ 15.06.2022):
pip install flask_injector
Conda (π₯ 2.2K Β· β±οΈ 16.06.2022):
conda install -c conda-forge flask-injector
Flask-Moment (π₯24 Β· β 350) - Formatting of dates and times in Flask templates using.. MIT
flask-jsonrpc (π₯24 Β· β 260) - Basic JSON-RPC implementation for your Flask-powered sites. BSD-3
flask-paginate (π₯24 Β· β 260 Β· π€) - Pagination support for flask. BSD-3
GitHub (π¨βπ» 27 Β· π 79 Β· π₯ 39 Β· π¦ 2.3K Β· π 67 - 7% open Β· β±οΈ 09.01.2022):
git clone https://github.com/lixxu/flask-paginate
PyPi (π₯ 31K / month Β· π¦ 46 Β· β±οΈ 09.01.2022):
pip install flask-paginate
Conda (π₯ 11K Β· β±οΈ 12.01.2022):
conda install -c conda-forge flask-paginate
flask-rebar (π₯23 Β· β 220) - Flask-Rebar combines flask, marshmallow, and swagger for.. MIT
safrs (π₯22 Β· β 350) - SqlAlchemy Flask-Restful Swagger Json:API OpenAPI. βοΈGPL-3.0
flask_pydantic (π₯22 Β· β 220) - flask extension for integration with the awesome pydantic.. MIT
cookiecutter-flask (π₯21 Β· β 4.2K) - A flask template with Bootstrap, asset.. MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 69 Β· π 700 Β· π 180 - 3% open Β· β±οΈ 10.08.2022):
git clone https://github.com/cookiecutter-flask/cookiecutter-flask
flask_jsondash (π₯18 Β· β 3.2K) - Build complex dashboards without any front-end code. Use.. MIT
flask-file-upload (π₯17 Β· β 140 Β· π€) - Easy file uploads for Flask. MIT
Show 13 hidden projects...
- flask-security (π₯30 Β· β 1.6K Β· π) - Quick and simple security for Flask applications.
- flask-session (π₯28 Β· β 400 Β· π) - Server side session extension for Flask.
- flask-assets (π₯26 Β· β 430 Β· π) - Flask webassets integration.
- flask-bootstrap (π₯24 Β· β 1.5K Β· π) - A Flask app template with integrated SQLAlchemy,..
- flask-talisman (π₯23 Β· β 820 Β· π) - HTTP security headers for Flask.
- Frozen-Flask (π₯23 Β· β 720 Β· π) - Freezes a Flask application into a set of static files.
- Flask-Excel (π₯22 Β· β 240 Β· π) - A flask extension using pyexcel to read, manipulate and write..
- flask-profiler (π₯21 Β· β 700 Β· π) - a flask profiler which watches endpoint calls and tries..
- flask-s3 (π₯21 Β· β 190 Β· π) - Seamlessly serve your static assets of your Flask app from Amazon..
- Flask-Opentracing (π₯20 Β· β 130 Β· π) - OpenTracing instrumentation for the Flask..
- flask-ngrok (π₯20 Β· β 110 Β· π) - A simple way to demo Flask apps from your machine.
- flask-msearch (π₯19 Β· β 190 Β· π) - Full text search for flask.
- flask2postman (π₯14 Β· β 130 Β· π) - Generate a Postman collection from your Flask application.
fastapi-admin/fastapi-admin (π₯23 Β· β 1.4K) - A fast admin dashboard based on FastAPI and.. Apache-2
fastapi-crudrouter (π₯23 Β· β 820) - A dynamic FastAPI router that automatically creates.. MIT
fastapi-plugins (π₯19 Β· β 220) - FastAPI framework plugins. MIT
fastapi-mvc (π₯19 Β· β 160) - Developer productivity tool for making high-quality FastAPI.. MIT
fastapi-react (π₯18 Β· β 1.3K) - Cookiecutter Template for FastAPI + React Projects. Using.. MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 13 Β· π 210 Β· π 59 - 38% open Β· β±οΈ 18.02.2022):
git clone https://github.com/Buuntu/fastapi-react
fastapi-code-generator (π₯18 Β· β 540) - This code generator creates FastAPI app from an.. MIT
starlette_exporter (π₯18 Β· β 200) - Prometheus exporter for Starlette and FastAPI. Apache-2
fastapi-versioning (π₯17 Β· β 410 Β· π€) - api versioning for fastapi web applications. MIT
fastapi-socketio (π₯17 Β· β 180) - Easily integrate socket.io with your FastAPI app. Apache-2
fastapi-lazy (π₯10 Β· β 90 Β· π€) - Lazy package to start your project using FastAPI. MIT
Show 5 hidden projects...
- fastapi-sqlalchemy (π₯20 Β· β 430 Β· π) - Adds simple SQLAlchemy support to FastAPI.
- fastapi_contrib (π₯18 Β· β 520 Β· π) - Opinionated set of utilities on top of FastAPI.
- fastapi-utils (π₯17 Β· β 1.1K Β· π) - Reusable utilities for FastAPI.
- fastapi_cache (π₯13 Β· β 180 Β· π) - FastAPI simple cache.
- fastapi_client (π₯10 Β· β 250 Β· π) - FastAPI client generator.
Show 3 hidden projects...
- pyramid_jinja2 (π₯21 Β· β 73) - Jinja2 templating system bindings for the Pyramid web..
- pyramid_celery (π₯17 Β· β 100 Β· π) - Pyramid configuration with celery integration. Allows..
- pyramid_services (π₯16 Β· β 78 Β· π) - A service layer for pyramid.
django-extensions (π₯38 Β· β 5.8K) - This is a repository for collecting global custom.. MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 560 Β· π 1.1K Β· π¦ 99K Β· π 830 - 15% open Β· β±οΈ 11.07.2022):
git clone https://github.com/django-extensions/django-extensions
PyPi (π₯ 2.1M / month Β· π¦ 12K Β· β±οΈ 07.11.2021):
pip install django-extensions
Conda (π₯ 330K Β· β±οΈ 10.07.2022):
conda install -c conda-forge django-extensions
django-filter (π₯37 Β· β 3.8K) - A generic system for filtering Django QuerySets based on.. BSD-3
GitHub (π¨βπ» 180 Β· π 700 Β· π¦ 92K Β· π 790 - 9% open Β· β±οΈ 07.08.2022):
git clone https://github.com/carltongibson/django-filter
PyPi (π₯ 2.6M / month Β· π¦ 8.7K Β· β±οΈ 17.06.2022):
pip install django-filter
Conda (π₯ 78K Β· β±οΈ 17.06.2022):
conda install -c conda-forge django-filter
django-cors-headers (π₯36 Β· β 4.7K) - Django app for handling the server headers required.. MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 61 Β· π 500 Β· π¦ 120K Β· π 250 - 4% open Β· β±οΈ 08.08.2022):
git clone https://github.com/adamchainz/django-cors-headers
PyPi (π₯ 2.8M / month Β· π¦ 6.7K Β· β±οΈ 05.06.2022):
pip install django-cors-headers
Conda (π₯ 44K Β· β±οΈ 06.06.2022):
conda install -c conda-forge django-cors-headers
django-environ (π₯36 Β· β 2.6K) - Django-environ allows you to utilize 12factor inspired.. MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 76 Β· π 280 Β· π₯ 1 Β· π¦ 84K Β· π 210 - 26% open Β· β±οΈ 15.06.2022):
git clone https://github.com/joke2k/django-environ
PyPi (π₯ 1M / month Β· π¦ 3.5K Β· β±οΈ 15.06.2022):
pip install django-environ
Conda (π₯ 56K Β· β±οΈ 09.07.2018):
conda install -c conda-forge django-environ
django-oscar (π₯35 Β· β 5.4K) - Domain-driven e-commerce for Django. BSD-3
django-import-export (π₯35 Β· β 2.5K) - Django application and library for importing and.. BSD-2
GitHub (π¨βπ» 180 Β· π 720 Β· π¦ 14K Β· π 880 - 12% open Β· β±οΈ 04.08.2022):
git clone https://github.com/django-import-export/django-import-export
PyPi (π₯ 490K / month Β· π¦ 1K Β· β±οΈ 17.05.2022):
pip install django-import-export
Conda (π₯ 62K Β· β±οΈ 31.03.2022):
conda install -c conda-forge django-import-export
django-storages (π₯35 Β· β 2.2K Β· π) - Django-storages is a project to provide a variety of.. BSD-3
GitHub (π¨βπ» 230 Β· π 780 Β· π 630 - 30% open Β· β±οΈ 10.08.2022):
git clone https://github.com/jschneier/django-storages
PyPi (π₯ 2.2M / month Β· π¦ 4.9K Β· β±οΈ 30.10.2021):
pip install django-storages
Conda (π₯ 36K Β· β±οΈ 06.08.2022):
conda install -c conda-forge django-storages
dj-database-url (π₯35 Β· β 1.3K) - Use Database URLs in your Django Application. BSD-3
django-haystack (π₯34 Β· β 3.3K) - Modular search for Django. BSD-3
GitHub (π¨βπ» 200 Β· π 1.3K Β· π¦ 8.1K Β· π 1.3K - 43% open Β· β±οΈ 27.07.2022):
git clone https://github.com/django-haystack/django-haystack
PyPi (π₯ 110K / month Β· π¦ 2.8K Β· β±οΈ 03.05.2022):
pip install django-haystack
Conda (π₯ 4.8K Β· β±οΈ 31.05.2018):
conda install -c conda-forge django-haystack
django-reversion (π₯34 Β· β 2.8K) - django-reversion is an extension to the Django web.. BSD-3
django-ckeditor (π₯34 Β· β 2.1K Β· π) - Django admin CKEditor integration. BSD-3
django-simple-history (π₯34 Β· β 1.7K) - Store model history and view/revert changes from.. BSD-3
django-autocomplete-light (π₯34 Β· β 1.6K) - A fresh approach to autocomplete implementations,.. MIT
django-bootstrap3 (π₯33 Β· β 2.3K) - Bootstrap 3 integration with Django. BSD-3
GitHub (π¨βπ» 98 Β· π 690 Β· π¦ 17K Β· π 290 - 2% open Β· β±οΈ 11.08.2022):
git clone https://github.com/zostera/django-bootstrap3
PyPi (π₯ 83K / month Β· π¦ 4K Β· β±οΈ 27.12.2021):
pip install django-bootstrap3
Conda (π₯ 23K Β· β±οΈ 04.08.2019):
conda install -c conda-forge django-bootstrap3
django-tables2 (π₯33 Β· β 1.6K) - django-tables2 - An app for creating HTML tables. BSD-2
GitHub (π¨βπ» 140 Β· π 380 Β· π¦ 5.1K Β· π 540 - 10% open Β· β±οΈ 28.07.2022):
git clone https://github.com/jieter/django-tables2
PyPi (π₯ 150K / month Β· π¦ 890 Β· β±οΈ 05.10.2021):
pip install django-tables2
Conda (π₯ 1.4K Β· β±οΈ 24.10.2021):
conda install -c conda-forge django-tables2
django-money (π₯33 Β· β 1.3K) - Money fields for Django forms and models. BSD-3
easy-thumbnails (π₯33 Β· β 1.3K) - Easy thumbnails for Django. BSD-3
django-mptt (π₯32 Β· β 2.7K) - Utilities for implementing a modified pre-order traversal tree.. MIT
django-compressor (π₯32 Β· β 2.6K) - Compresses linked and inline javascript or CSS into a.. MIT
django-webpack-loader (π₯32 Β· β 2.4K) - Transparently use webpack with django. MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 56 Β· π 330 Β· π¦ 7.6K Β· π 180 - 15% open Β· β±οΈ 06.07.2022):
git clone https://github.com/django-webpack/django-webpack-loader
PyPi (π₯ 330K / month Β· π¦ 980 Β· β±οΈ 20.06.2022):
pip install django-webpack-loader
Conda (π₯ 3.2K Β· β±οΈ 17.11.2021):
conda install -c conda-forge django-webpack-loader
django-model-utils (π₯32 Β· β 2.3K) - Django model mixins and utilities. BSD-3
sorl-thumbnail (π₯32 Β· β 1.6K) - Thumbnails for Django. BSD-3
GitHub (π¨βπ» 150 Β· π 470 Β· π¦ 9.1K Β· π 400 - 28% open Β· β±οΈ 08.08.2022):
git clone https://github.com/jazzband/sorl-thumbnail
PyPi (π₯ 140K / month Β· π¦ 2.5K Β· β±οΈ 10.02.2022):
pip install sorl-thumbnail
Conda (π₯ 2.7K Β· β±οΈ 11.02.2022):
conda install -c conda-forge sorl-thumbnail
django-stubs (π₯32 Β· β 950) - PEP-484 stubs for Django. MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 170 Β· π 260 Β· π¦ 2.8K Β· π 470 - 42% open Β· β±οΈ 10.08.2022):
git clone https://github.com/typeddjango/django-stubs
PyPi (π₯ 550K / month Β· π¦ 76 Β· β±οΈ 17.06.2022):
pip install django-stubs
Conda (π₯ 4.8K Β· β±οΈ 20.06.2022):
conda install -c conda-forge django-stubs
django-taggit (π₯31 Β· β 2.9K) - Simple tagging for django. BSD-3
GitHub (π¨βπ» 140 Β· π 600 Β· π 390 - 18% open Β· β±οΈ 09.08.2022):
git clone https://github.com/jazzband/django-taggit
PyPi (π₯ 340K / month Β· π¦ 2.9K Β· β±οΈ 02.05.2022):
pip install django-taggit
Conda (π₯ 95K Β· β±οΈ 02.05.2022):
conda install -c conda-forge django-taggit
django-activity-stream (π₯31 Β· β 2.1K) - Generate generic activity streams from the actions on.. BSD-3
django-imagekit (π₯31 Β· β 2K Β· π€) - Automated image processing for Django. Currently v4.0. BSD-3
django-constance (π₯31 Β· β 1.5K) - Dynamic Django settings. BSD-3
django-phonenumber-field (π₯31 Β· β 1.3K) - A django model and form field for normalised phone.. MIT
django-bootstrap4 (π₯31 Β· β 960) - Bootstrap 4 integration with Django. BSD-3
GitHub (π¨βπ» 140 Β· π 260 Β· π¦ 65K Β· π 160 - 14% open Β· β±οΈ 11.08.2022):
git clone https://github.com/zostera/django-bootstrap4
PyPi (π₯ 130K / month Β· π¦ 990 Β· β±οΈ 07.03.2022):
pip install django-bootstrap4
Conda (π₯ 19K Β· β±οΈ 20.10.2021):
conda install -c conda-forge django-bootstrap4
cookiecutter-django (π₯30 Β· β 9.6K) - Cookiecutter Django is a framework for jumpstarting.. BSD-3
django-redis (π₯30 Β· β 2.4K) - Full featured redis cache backend for Django. BSD-3
django-fsm (π₯30 Β· β 2K) - Django friendly finite state machine support. MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 64 Β· π 260 Β· π¦ 1.1K Β· π 150 - 14% open Β· β±οΈ 16.02.2022):
git clone https://github.com/viewflow/django-fsm
PyPi (π₯ 270K / month Β· π¦ 330 Β· β±οΈ 05.11.2021):
pip install django-fsm
Conda (π₯ 21K Β· β±οΈ 07.12.2019):
conda install -c conda-forge django-fsm
django-cacheops (π₯30 Β· β 1.6K) - A slick ORM cache with automatic granular event-driven.. BSD-3
django-rq (π₯30 Β· β 1.5K) - A simple app that provides django integration for RQ (Redis Queue). MIT
django-pipeline (π₯30 Β· β 1.4K) - Pipeline is an asset packaging library for Django. MIT
django-countries (π₯30 Β· β 1.1K) - A Django application that provides country choices for.. MIT
django-waffle (π₯30 Β· β 930) - A feature flipper for Django. BSD-3
GitHub (π¨βπ» 110 Β· π 240 Β· π¦ 800 Β· π 190 - 17% open Β· β±οΈ 23.07.2022):
git clone https://github.com/django-waffle/django-waffle
PyPi (π₯ 370K / month Β· π¦ 340 Β· β±οΈ 05.06.2022):
pip install django-waffle
Conda (π₯ 6.7K Β· β±οΈ 01.08.2022):
conda install -c conda-forge django-waffle
django-sql-explorer (π₯29 Β· β 2K) - Easily share data across your company via SQL queries... MIT
django-braces (π₯29 Β· β 1.8K Β· π€) - Reusable, generic mixins for Django. BSD-3
GitHub (π¨βπ» 77 Β· π 210 Β· π¦ 13K Β· π 120 - 3% open Β· β±οΈ 18.11.2021):
git clone https://github.com/brack3t/django-braces
PyPi (π₯ 160K / month Β· π¦ 4K Β· β±οΈ 05.11.2021):
pip install django-braces
Conda (π₯ 33K Β· β±οΈ 08.07.2018):
conda install -c conda-forge django-braces
django-widget-tweaks (π₯29 Β· β 1.7K Β· π€) - Tweak the form field rendering in templates, not in.. MIT
django-dbbackup (π₯29 Β· β 620) - Management commands to help backup and restore your.. BSD-3
Django-Ninja (π₯28 Β· β 3.2K) - Fast, Async-ready, Openapi, type hints based framework for.. MIT
django-push-notifications (π₯28 Β· β 2K) - Send push notifications to mobile devices through GCM.. MIT
django-polymorphic (π₯28 Β· β 1.4K Β· π€) - Improved Django model inheritance with automatic.. BSD-3
GitHub (π¨βπ» 100 Β· π 240 Β· π 320 - 44% open Β· β±οΈ 18.11.2021):
git clone https://github.com/django-polymorphic/django-polymorphic
PyPi (π₯ 300K / month Β· π¦ 150 Β· β±οΈ 18.11.2021):
pip install django-polymorphic
Conda (π₯ 53K Β· β±οΈ 18.11.2021):
conda install -c conda-forge django_polymorphic
django-angular (π₯28 Β· β 1.2K Β· π€) - Let AngularJS play well with Django. MIT
django-redis-cache (π₯28 Β· β 1K) - A Redis cache backend for django. BSD-3
GitHub (π¨βπ» 46 Β· π 200 Β· π¦ 3.4K Β· π 130 - 49% open Β· β±οΈ 09.03.2022):
git clone https://github.com/sebleier/django-redis-cache
PyPi (π₯ 180K / month Β· π¦ 1.2K Β· β±οΈ 15.10.2020):
pip install django-redis-cache
Conda (π₯ 45K Β· β±οΈ 09.03.2022):
conda install -c conda-forge django-redis-cache
django-paypal (π₯28 Β· β 660) - A pluggable Django application for integrating PayPal.. MIT
djangorestframework-stubs (π₯28 Β· β 280) - PEP-484 stubs for django-rest-framework. MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 47 Β· π 69 Β· π¦ 1.4K Β· π 100 - 42% open Β· β±οΈ 27.07.2022):
git clone https://github.com/typeddjango/djangorestframework-stubs
PyPi (π₯ 290K / month Β· π¦ 58 Β· β±οΈ 22.06.2022):
pip install djangorestframework-stubs
Conda (π₯ 1.6K Β· β±οΈ 02.06.2022):
conda install -c conda-forge djangorestframework-stubs
django-extra-views (π₯27 Β· β 1.2K Β· π€) - Djangos class-based generic views are awesome, lets.. MIT
django-filebrowser (π₯27 Β· β 900 Β· π€) - Media-Management with Grappelli. BSD-3
viewflow (π₯26 Β· β 2.2K) - Reusable workflow library for Django. βοΈAGPL-3.0
django-configurations (π₯26 Β· β 920) - A helper for organizing Django project settings by.. BSD-3
GitHub (π¨βπ» 62 Β· π 130 Β· π¦ 2.3K Β· π 180 - 24% open Β· β±οΈ 05.08.2022):
git clone https://github.com/jazzband/django-configurations
PyPi (π₯ 100K / month Β· π¦ 660 Β· β±οΈ 25.01.2022):
pip install django-configurations
Conda (π₯ 25K Β· β±οΈ 13.10.2020):
conda install -c conda-forge django-configurations
django-cache-machine (π₯26 Β· β 840) - Automatic caching and invalidation for Django models.. BSD-3
django-watson (π₯25 Β· β 1K) - Full-text multi-table search application for Django. Easy to.. BSD-3
django-summernote (π₯25 Β· β 900 Β· π€) - Simply integrate Summernote editor with Django project. MIT
django-rosetta (π₯25 Β· β 890) - Rosetta is a Django application that eases the translation.. MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 78 Β· π 180 Β· π¦ 1.9K Β· π 150 - 28% open Β· β±οΈ 18.05.2022):
git clone https://github.com/mbi/django-rosetta
PyPi (π₯ 49K / month Β· π¦ 610 Β· β±οΈ 08.12.2021):
pip install django-rosetta
Conda (π₯ 4.3K Β· β±οΈ 08.12.2021):
conda install -c conda-forge django-rosetta
django-cleanup (π₯25 Β· β 780) - Automatically deletes old file for FileField and ImageField... MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 17 Β· π 71 Β· π¦ 7.9K Β· π 48 - 4% open Β· β±οΈ 23.07.2022):
git clone https://github.com/un1t/django-cleanup
PyPi (π₯ 140K / month Β· π¦ 320 Β· β±οΈ 24.01.2022):
pip install django-cleanup
Conda (π₯ 6.5K Β· β±οΈ 26.01.2022):
conda install -c conda-forge django-cleanup
django-organizations (π₯24 Β· β 990) - Multi-user accounts for Django projects. BSD-2
GitHub (π¨βπ» 45 Β· π 180 Β· π 140 - 11% open Β· β±οΈ 06.08.2022):
git clone https://github.com/bennylope/django-organizations
PyPi (π₯ 25K / month Β· π¦ 37 Β· β±οΈ 17.03.2022):
pip install django-organizations
Conda (π₯ 3.2K Β· β±οΈ 23.09.2021):
conda install -c conda-forge django-organizations
django-lifecycle (π₯24 Β· β 970) - Declarative model lifecycle hooks, an alternative to.. MIT
django-cachalot (π₯24 Β· β 950) - No effort, no worry, maximum performance. BSD-3
GitHub (π¨βπ» 29 Β· π 110 Β· π¦ 430 Β· π 140 - 13% open Β· β±οΈ 24.02.2022):
git clone https://github.com/noripyt/django-cachalot
PyPi (π₯ 40K / month Β· π¦ 83 Β· β±οΈ 25.02.2022):
pip install django-cachalot
Conda (π₯ 39K Β· β±οΈ 09.08.2018):
conda install -c conda-forge django-cachalot
django-split-settings (π₯24 Β· β 900) - Organize Django settings into multiple files and.. BSD-3
django-robots (π₯24 Β· β 380) - A Django app for managing robots.txt files following the.. BSD-3
django-vanilla-views (π₯23 Β· β 930) - Beautifully simple class-based views. BSD-2
django-easy-audit (π₯23 Β· β 480) - Yet another Django audit log app, hopefully the.. βοΈGPL-3.0
django-csp (π₯23 Β· β 430) - Content Security Policy for Django. BSD-3
django-codemod (π₯20 Β· β 140) - A tool to automatically fix Django deprecations. MIT
Show 9 hidden projects...
- jsonfield (π₯30 Β· β 1.1K Β· π) - A reusable Django model field for storing ad-hoc JSON data.
- django-shop (π₯28 Β· β 2.9K Β· π) - A Django based shop system.
- django-blog-zinnia (π₯28 Β· β 2.1K Β· π) - Simple yet powerful and really extendable application..
- django-q (π₯28 Β· β 1.6K Β· π) - A multiprocessing distributed task queue for Django.
- django-jenkins (π₯26 Β· β 940 Β· π) - Plug and play continuous integration with django and..
- django-floppyforms (π₯25 Β· β 810 Β· π) - Full control of form rendering in the templates.
- django-solo (π₯24 Β· β 700) - Helps working with singletons - things like global..
- merchant (π₯20 Β· β 990 Β· π) - A Django app to accept payments from various payment..
- django-schedule (π₯14 Β· β 800 Β· π) - A calendaring app for Django. It is now stable,..
certbot (π₯39 Β· β 29K) - Certbot is EFFs tool to obtain certs from Lets Encrypt and.. Apache-2
GitHub (π¨βπ» 500 Β· π 3.2K Β· π₯ 17K Β· π¦ 1.2K Β· π 5.1K - 11% open Β· β±οΈ 29.07.2022):
git clone https://github.com/certbot/certbot
PyPi (π₯ 240K / month Β· π¦ 290 Β· β±οΈ 08.06.2022):
pip install certbot
Conda (π₯ 6.9K Β· β±οΈ 09.07.2022):
conda install -c conda-forge certbot-apache
scapy (π₯38 Β· β 7.8K) - Scapy: the Python-based interactive packet manipulation program &.. βοΈGPL-2.0
web3.py (π₯38 Β· β 3.6K) - A python interface for interacting with the Ethereum blockchain and.. MIT
itsdangerous (π₯37 Β· β 2.5K) - Safely pass trusted data to untrusted environments and back. BSD-3
dnspython (π₯37 Β· β 2K) - a powerful DNS toolkit for python. ISC
GitHub (π¨βπ» 100 Β· π 460 Β· π¦ 130K Β· π 410 - 0% open Β· β±οΈ 02.08.2022):
git clone https://github.com/rthalley/dnspython
PyPi (π₯ 18M / month Β· π¦ 4.5K Β· β±οΈ 06.03.2022):
pip install dnspython
Conda (π₯ 450K Β· β±οΈ 07.03.2022):
conda install -c conda-forge dnspython
rdflib (π₯37 Β· β 1.7K) - RDFLib is a Python library for working with RDF, a simple yet powerful.. BSD-3
certifi (π₯37 Β· β 560 Β· π) - (Python Distribution) A carefully curated collection of Root.. MPL-2.0
impacket (π₯36 Β· β 9.4K) - Impacket is a collection of Python classes for working with network.. Apache-2
webargs (π₯36 Β· β 1.3K) - A friendly library for parsing HTTP request arguments, with built-in.. MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 74 Β· π 150 Β· π¦ 4.4K Β· π 280 - 3% open Β· β±οΈ 08.08.2022):
git clone https://github.com/marshmallow-code/webargs
PyPi (π₯ 660K / month Β· π¦ 470 Β· β±οΈ 12.01.2022):
pip install webargs
Conda (π₯ 170K Β· β±οΈ 13.07.2022):
conda install -c conda-forge webargs
weblate (π₯33 Β· β 3.1K) - Web based localization tool with tight version control integration. βοΈGPL-3.0
pynacl (π₯32 Β· β 910) - Python binding to the Networking and Cryptography (NaCl) library. Apache-2
saleor (π₯31 Β· β 17K) - A modular, high performance, headless e-commerce platform built.. BSD-3
GitHub (π¨βπ» 240 Β· π 4.7K Β· π¦ 1 Β· π 3.2K - 8% open Β· β±οΈ 11.08.2022):
git clone https://github.com/saleor/saleor
pywebview (π₯31 Β· β 3K) - Build GUI for your Python program with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. BSD-3
sslyze (π₯29 Β· β 2.8K) - Fast and powerful SSL/TLS scanning library. βοΈAGPL-3.0
Radicale (π₯29 Β· β 2.5K) - A simple CalDAV (calendar) and CardDAV (contact) server. βοΈGPL-3.0
proxy.py (π₯29 Β· β 2K) - Fast Lightweight 0 Dependency Pluggable TLS interception DNS-over-HTTPS.. BSD-3
python-user-agents (π₯29 Β· β 1.3K Β· π€) - A Python library that provides an easy way to identify.. MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 31 Β· π 190 Β· π¦ 4.6K Β· π 68 - 54% open Β· β±οΈ 14.12.2021):
git clone https://github.com/selwin/python-user-agents
PyPi (π₯ 2.6M / month Β· π¦ 470 Β· β±οΈ 23.08.2020):
pip install user-agents
Conda (π₯ 36K Β· β±οΈ 24.08.2020):
conda install -c conda-forge user-agents
maltrail (π₯28 Β· β 4.7K) - Malicious traffic detection system. MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 36 Β· π 820 Β· π 330 - 18% open Β· β±οΈ 11.08.2022):
git clone https://github.com/stamparm/maltrail
Js2Py (π₯28 Β· β 1.9K Β· π€) - JavaScript to Python Translator & JavaScript interpreter written in 100%.. MIT
dpkt (π₯28 Β· β 930) - fast, simple packet creation / parsing, with definitions for the basic.. BSD-3
httpagentparser (π₯27 Β· β 210) - Python HTTP Agent Parser. MIT
pyload (π₯26 Β· β 2.6K) - The free and open-source Download Manager written in pure Python. βοΈAGPL-3.0
tifffile (π₯26 Β· β 300) - Read and write TIFF files. Forked from https://pypi.org/project/tifffile. BSD-3
healthchecks (π₯23 Β· β 5.4K) - A cron monitoring tool written in Python & Django. BSD-3
GitHub (π¨βπ» 72 Β· π 600 Β· π 510 - 14% open Β· β±οΈ 09.08.2022):
git clone https://github.com/healthchecks/healthchecks
streaming-form-data (π₯21 Β· β 100) - Streaming parser for multipart/form-data written in Python. MIT
asgi-lifespan (π₯20 Β· β 110) - Programmatic startup/shutdown of ASGI apps. MIT
GitHub (π¨βπ» 4 Β· π 7 Β· π¦ 3.5K Β· π 14 - 21% open Β· β±οΈ 03.08.2022):
git clone https://github.com/florimondmanca/asgi-lifespan
PyPi (π₯ 130K / month Β· π¦ 11 Β· β±οΈ 07.06.2020):
pip install asgi-lifespan
Conda (π₯ 30K Β· β±οΈ 19.04.2022):
conda install -c conda-forge asgi-lifespan
Show 20 hidden projects...
- pyzmq (π₯39 Β· β 3.1K) - PyZMQ: Python bindings for zeromq.
βοΈRevised BSD
- PySocks (π₯33 Β· β 1.1K Β· π) - A SOCKS proxy client and wrapper for Python.
- speedtest-cli (π₯32 Β· β 12K Β· π) - Command line interface for testing internet bandwidth..
- httpbin (π₯32 Β· β 11K Β· π) - HTTP Request & Response Service, written in Python + Flask.
- netaddr (π₯32 Β· β 700 Β· π) - A network address manipulation library for Python.
- webassets (π₯31 Β· β 910 Β· π) - Asset management for Python web development.
- fake-useragent (π₯29 Β· β 2.8K Β· π) - up to date simple useragent faker with real world..
- aiodns (π₯28 Β· β 460 Β· π) - Simple DNS resolver for asyncio.
- Cactus (π₯26 Β· β 3.4K Β· π) - Static site generator for designers. Uses Python and Django..
- python-whois (π₯26 Β· β 380 Β· π) - A python module for retrieving and parsing WHOIS data.
- ipaddress (π₯26 Β· β 100 Β· π) - Python 3.3+s ipaddress for older Python versions.
- ProxyBroker (π₯23 Β· β 3K Β· π) - Proxy [Finder | Checker | Server]. HTTP(S) & SOCKS.
- sandman2 (π₯23 Β· β 1.9K Β· π) - Automatically generate a RESTful API service for your legacy..
- hyde (π₯22 Β· β 1.6K Β· π) - A Python Static Website Generator.
- reppy (π₯22 Β· β 180 Β· π) - Modern robots.txt Parser for Python.
- cabot (π₯20 Β· β 5.3K Β· π) - Self-hosted, easily-deployable monitoring and alerts service - like a..
- toapi (π₯20 Β· β 3.3K Β· π) - Every web site provides APIs.
- tinkerer (π₯19 Β· β 310 Β· π€) - Python blogging engine.
- libextract (π₯17 Β· β 500 Β· π) - Extract data from websites using basic statistical magic.
- IP2Trace (π₯10 Β· β 18) - Python tool to traceroute with IP geolocation information, such as..
- Best-of lists: Discover other best-of lists with awesome open-source projects on all kinds of topics.
- best-of-ml-python: A ranked list of awesome machine learning python libraries.
- Python Wiki - Web Programming: Wiki page about programming Web applications (both clients and servers) using Python.
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