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Leonardo Crauss Daronco edited this page Mar 30, 2016 · 15 revisions

(List of issues here and here. Last revision considered: 0083bc2)


  • [#1895] Fix cookie overflow after signing in via Shibboleth. Now the user data is not stored in the session anymore, only in the database. The session has a simple flag indicating if the user signed in via Shibboleth or not.
  • [#1843] Automatically generate unique usernames when creating accounts via Shibboleth and LDAP to avoid conflicts if users had the same name, for example.


  • [#1651] New rake task to set a new dial number for all web conference rooms. To use it, set a dial number pattern in the website and run rake mconf:generate_dial_numbers to set dial numbers on all rooms
  • [#1404] Now the "principal name" is used as the identifier for ShibTokens. There's a migration related to this change, please read:
  • [#1423] User information (email and name) are now automatically updated when the user signs in via Shibboleth. Will only happen if the flag shib_update_users is enabled in the website and if the user account was created by Shibboleth (so existent accounts associated with Shibboleth credentials will not be automatically updated). The flag shib_update_users is disabled by default. If enabled, the information that is automatically updated will also not be editable by the user anymore, to prevent confusion. There's a migration related to this change, please read:
  • [#1368] Users that have accounts created by Shibboleth are not able to sign in locally anymore, only via Shibboleth. They are also not able to change their password anymore, since their password on Mconf-Web has no use. There's a migration related to this change, please read:
  • [#1711] Superusers are now able to sign in even without an active enrollment. To remove access to superusers, just make them normal users again.
  • [#1709] Dates in invitations to meetings now observe daylight savings time.
  • [#1708] The list of enrollments that can record meetings is now configurable in the management page (not hard-coded anymore).
  • [#1465] Fix cropping for small images and make the redirects after the crop more consistent.
  • [#1763] New options to moderate spaces and to forbid users to create spaces. Spaces created with moderation will not be seen by any user other than the creator until an admin approves it. If the option to forbid users to create spaces is set, only admins will be able to create spaces.
  • [#1737] Fix creation of recent activities when a user signs in via Shibboleth.
  • [#1681] Users can't request to join a space they already belong to.
  • [#1719] Fix redirects that would occasionally send the user back to a modal window that would not actually open as a modal window.
  • [#1721] Fix redirects that would occasionally send the user back to a conference or the feedback form right after signing in.
  • [#1769] Fix enabling the input for the message when inviting people to a space, it was always disabled when it shouldn't.
  • [#1778] Update the data in Shibboleth tokens after every successful user sign in. So now checking the data in the session or checking the data in ShibToken#data should be the same when a user is signed in via Shibboleth.
  • Fix strings with using the wrong language for Android/iOS tooltips.


  • Important changes related to Shibboleth:
    • Users that sign in only using Shibboleth will not be able to edit their email and name. These attributes will be updated automatically from the data received from Shibboleth every time the user signs in. There's a flag to enable/disable this automatic update that is false by default, meaning the attributes will not be automatically updated.
    • Now the application uses the field configure as the "principal name" as the identifier for the tokens used to sign in people via Shibboleth. There's a migration to automatically update all tokens to use the new identifier.
    • Users that were created via Shibboleth but later had local authentication enabled for them (by setting a password), will lose access to the local authentication. This has to be fixed by setting new_account=false to their ShibTokens.
    • There's a wiki page with more information about these changes and troubleshoot:


  • [MWEB#1290] Users can now unregister from an event.
  • [MWEB#1220] When an anonymous user is registering for an event, now it gets the option to sign in first.
  • [MWEB#1289] Require email registration when an anonymous registers in an event.
  • [MWEB#1050] Don't create an activity in the user's timeline when updating a resource (e.g. a space) without changing any information.
  • [MWEB#1415] Return json responses for common errors (404, 500, 403).
  • [MWEB#1469] Remove unnecessary emails when a user is registered by an admin and the flag "require admin approval" is set.
  • [MWEB#1481] Web conference rooms of private spaces are now create as public by default.
  • [MWEB#1153] Allow admins to permanently remove users and spaces.
  • [MWEB#1502] Global admins can accept their own request to a space and choose the role.
  • [MWEB#1503] Improve the search for users in the management page search by terms instead of exact phrase and with new filters.
  • [MWEB#1297] Use a single simple and clean layout for all emails. Also reviewed the content of several emails.
  • [MWEB#1522] Use complete links in all emails (e.g. "" instead of "login").
  • [MWEB#1140] Fetch and store default web conference configurations. Used to make the list of conference layouts dynamic.
  • [MWEB#1511] Don't remove a user's posts when the user is removed.
  • [MWEB#1482] Improve the options to playback/download recordings with better strings, tooltips, and making links to files trigger a download of the file instead of a playback.
  • [MWEB#1530] Fix notifications not being sent for join requests and invitations.
  • [MWEB#1141] Now the configs of a web conference server are automatically fetched and saved in the db. The list of layouts will then be automatically updated to match the list in the web conference server.
  • [MWEB#1571] Added localization for layout names.
  • [MWEB#1512] Disable spaces when the last admin is disabled or destroyed.
  • [MWEB#1547] Form to invite people to a conference wasn't focusing the right component and generated error.
  • [MWEB#1554] Require authentication in the feedback form.
  • [MWEB#1546] Fix error when a recent activity for a join request had an unexpected owner.
  • [MWEB#1551] Fix invalid filter in /manage/users when the query is an email.
  • [MWEB#1583] Added an option set the format of dial numbers and automatically generate them.
  • [MWEB#1584] Show a room's dial number to the users in case it is set.
  • [MWEB#1513] Admins are now always moderators in all web conference rooms they join.
  • [MWEB#1398] Fix: (ActionController::UnknownFormat) "ActionController::UnknownFormat".
  • [MWEB#1185] Use I18n to format dates in the events so dates are formatted according to the language used.
  • [MWEB#1618] Fix downloaded attachments being always empty.
  • [MWEB#1616] Send "invitation-url" as metadata when creating a room, used by the mobile client.
  • [MWEB#1480] Resque notification workers should test if object must still be notified by the time it's run, preventing double or missing notifications due to race conditions.
  • [MWEB#1639] Change redirection of the cancel button when editing a user's account to go back to the home page, when the user is editing his own account, or to go back to the user management page, when an admin is editing a user's account.
  • [MWEB#1552] Allow space admins to remove users from the space.
  • [MWEB#1651] Added a rake task to generate dial numbers for all rooms.
  • [MWEB#1475] Fix issues when web conference servers are removed and created again.
  • [MWEB#1604] Global admins can now add users to spaces. The user will receive a notification about it. Only available for global admins, not for space admins.
  • [MWEB#1676] Fix bug when filtering past events by ASC order in a space.
  • [MWEB#1636,MWEB#1637] Add support for BigBlueButton 0.9. The API stays the same, but now the application accepts set the web conference server's version to 0.9.
  • [MWEB#1685] Fix the total number of spaces in the management page.
  • [MWEB#1695] Remove unnecessary calls to setConfigXML when there are no options specified by the user.
  • [MWEB#1704] Allow global admins to edit the background image of web conference rooms (works for Mconf-Live only, not available on BigBlueButton).
  • Update the default apache config to prevent the BEAST attack
  • Fix recent activities for destroyed attachments
  • Create a recent activity when the logo of a space is updated.
  • Don't create public activities when resources are updated but nothing changed (e.g. saving a post without changing the title or description).
  • Participant can now cancel registration on event via email.
  • Search for more than one word separatly in user management.
  • Setup mailcatcher (development only).
  • Correctly highlight multiple words when searching for users in the management page.
  • Fix webconf join on tablets, wasn't triggering the mobile client.
  • Remove group :assets from Gemfile, not used on Rails 4 anymore.
  • Modifications to factories, calls and spec_helper to speed up tests (development only).
  • Set all resque processes in a single monit group.
  • Fix inexistent profile right after a user is created.
  • Add option to set the redis database that should be used, allowing the application to connect to an external redis server.
  • Strip domain from usernames that are emails for new LDAP users.
  • Use case-insensitive search for users on LDAP sign in.
  • Allow sign in using email on LDAP.
  • Use resque-timeout-lock to prevent jobs from being executed more than once.
  • Update multiple libraries to prevent security risks.
  • Made radio and checkbox inputs look better.
  • Several security fixes, see PR #111.
  • Clarify in which timezones events are shown.
  • Validate uniqueness of user email to show better errors when a user tries to register with an email that is already registered.


  • Requires an update of Apache's configuration file.
  • Requires an update of monit's configuration file.
  • Requires an update of logrotate's configuration file.

19/03/2015 (migração para a versão 2)

A migração para a versão 2.0 inclui inúmeras mudanças na aplicação. Entre elas estão a correção de diversos bugs, atualização de praticamente todas as bibliotecas base, melhorias no desempenho e segurança e um design mais agradável para o usuário.

A lista completa de mudanças é bastante extensa. Uma lista com as mudanças principais pode ser vista no Changelog do Mconf-Web base. Além disso, os tickets que foram incluídos nessa versão podem ser vistos em e

A migração para esta versão é mais complexa que uma atualização de versão tradicional. Foi elaborado um guia específico para essa migração, que está em Migração para a nova versão.

01/12/2013 (última atualização para a versão 0.8)

  • Update the links to the documentation in the frontpage


  • [#984] Fix wrong message in the email sent to the admins of a space confirming that a user accepted or rejected an invitation to join the space.
  • [#1020] Fix wrong text in private messages sent for web conference invitations.
  • [#973] Fix wrong full name set to users on shibboleth login.
  • Remove option to invite people to spaces via email only -- now only people registered can be invited (a7d9d1f).
  • Fix error when the user name passed to the application in the login via federation was not in UTF-8 (0b8b82e).


  • [#874] Add links to the documentation of "Mconf on Moodle" in the frontpage.


  • [#926] Allow more types of users to record meetings.
  • [#944] Users should only be able to record in rooms they are moderators of.
  • [#918] Fix wrong layout in the footer in some pages that prevented buttons from being clicked.
  • [#908] Fix permission error when a user tried to update all of his recordings (in /home/recordings).
  • [#874] Add links to the documentation in the frontpage.


  • [#756] Use the correct locale to display success message when changing languages.
  • [#630] Mark private messages as read when user clicks to read them.
  • [#859] Fix missing translation when the list of attachments is empty.
  • [#854] Fix wrong tags in the list of attachments when seeing the page as an anonymous user.
  • [#815] Redirect to the page to ask permission to join a space when trying to access a private space you're not a member of.
  • [#816] All links in the list of spaces now point to the space's home (not to the page to ask to join the space).
  • [#809] Block invited users from creating a conference when accessing it using the moderator password.
  • [#865] The page with the list of recordings of a private space is now only available to members of the space.
  • [#763] Fix wrong error messages when a private message fails to be sent.
  • [#820] The role "invited" in spaces is now functional and explained in the interface.


  • [#807] Add information about Mconf-Mobile and links to download in the pages that are used to join a webcoference from a mobile device.
  • [#789] New pages to join the conference when invited, to make clear the separation between user login and user access to a room (that doesn't necessarily require a login but might require an access code).
  • [#814] Redirect the user to the pages he was in when logging in (works when clicking in the "login" link in the top bar).
  • [#821] Translated user roles in spaces ("Admin", "Member", "Invited").
  • [#837] Change the name of the room when a user changes his login (affects the welcome message shown in the webconference).


  • [#817] When a user tries to access the page to send a join request to a space he's already a member of he is redirected to the space's home page.
  • [#829] Added a button to force meetings to be closed.
  • [#808] When an anonymous user access a space he sees a simple button to join the conference instead of a button with a dropdown menu as shown to logged users.
  • [#813] Fix errors when editing the name of a space.
  • [#822] When a private space is created the webconference room is also created as private.
  • [#774] Fix the tab webconference of public spaces requiring authentication for anonymous users.
  • [#812] Fix unclosed <b> tags in the user's home page.
  • [#671] Ignore blank timezones (if the user has a blank timezone will use the site's timezone).


  • [#724] Fix error when sending webconference invitations to multiple emails.
  • [#775] Fix dialog box that shows the user data from the federation.
    • Important: Requires an update in the configurations of Apache. See this page for instructions. This link points to the file with the content that should be updated.
  • [#770] Improve the layout of the footer in the frontpage.


  • [#770] Updated the information and layout of the footer.
  • Fix wrong user information on login.


  • [#718] Rooms that belongs to disabled users or spaces cannot be accessed
  • [#759] Removed text that says that the user can change his room id (he can't)
  • [#766] Fix bug causing errors when trying to update a space (name, description, logo, etc)
  • [#731] When a user tried to accept and invitation to join a space he was asked to create a new account, but creating new accounts is disabled in the site
  • [#728] Fix huge horizontal scroll bar when uploading profile picture
  • [#737] Minimum length for logins is now 1 char
  • [#530] Add options to configure an external help page (when configured the website will have links pointing to
  • Updated translations


  • First version