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(List of issues here and here. Last revision considered: 3806d89abd)
19/03/2015 (migração para a versão 2)
A migração para a versão 2.0 inclui inúmeras mudanças na aplicação. Entre elas estão a correção de diversos bugs, atualização de praticamente todas as bibliotecas base, melhorias no desempenho e segurança e um design mais agradável para o usuário.
A lista completa de mudanças é bastante extensa. Os tickets que foram incluídos nessa versão podem ser vistos em http://dev.mconf.org/redmine/versions/1 e http://dev.mconf.org/redmine/versions/43.
A migração para esta versão é mais complexa que uma atualização de versão tradicional. Foi elaborado um guia específico para essa migração, que está em Migração para v2.
01/12/2013 (última atualização para a versão 0.8)
- Update the links to the documentation in the frontpage
- [#984] Fix wrong message in the email sent to the admins of a space confirming that a user accepted or rejected an invitation to join the space.
- [#1020] Fix wrong text in private messages sent for web conference invitations.
- [#973] Fix wrong full name set to users on shibboleth login.
- Remove option to invite people to spaces via email only -- now only people registered can be invited (a7d9d1f).
- Fix error when the user name passed to the application in the login via federation was not in UTF-8 (0b8b82e).
- [#874] Add links to the documentation of "Mconf on Moodle" in the frontpage.
- [#926] Allow more types of users to record meetings.
- [#944] Users should only be able to record in rooms they are moderators of.
- [#918] Fix wrong layout in the footer in some pages that prevented buttons from being clicked.
- [#908] Fix permission error when a user tried to update all of his recordings (in
). - [#874] Add links to the documentation in the frontpage.
- [#756] Use the correct locale to display success message when changing languages.
- [#630] Mark private messages as read when user clicks to read them.
- [#859] Fix missing translation when the list of attachments is empty.
- [#854] Fix wrong tags in the list of attachments when seeing the page as an anonymous user.
- [#815] Redirect to the page to ask permission to join a space when trying to access a private space you're not a member of.
- [#816] All links in the list of spaces now point to the space's home (not to the page to ask to join the space).
- [#809] Block invited users from creating a conference when accessing it using the moderator password.
- [#865] The page with the list of recordings of a private space is now only available to members of the space.
- [#763] Fix wrong error messages when a private message fails to be sent.
- [#820] The role "invited" in spaces is now functional and explained in the interface.
- [#807] Add information about Mconf-Mobile and links to download in the pages that are used to join a webcoference from a mobile device.
- [#789] New pages to join the conference when invited, to make clear the separation between user login and user access to a room (that doesn't necessarily require a login but might require an access code).
- [#814] Redirect the user to the pages he was in when logging in (works when clicking in the "login" link in the top bar).
- [#821] Translated user roles in spaces ("Admin", "Member", "Invited").
- [#837] Change the name of the room when a user changes his login (affects the welcome message shown in the webconference).
- [#817] When a user tries to access the page to send a join request to a space he's already a member of he is redirected to the space's home page.
- [#829] Added a button to force meetings to be closed.
- [#808] When an anonymous user access a space he sees a simple button to join the conference instead of a button with a dropdown menu as shown to logged users.
- [#813] Fix errors when editing the name of a space.
- [#822] When a private space is created the webconference room is also created as private.
- [#774] Fix the tab webconference of public spaces requiring authentication for anonymous users.
- [#812] Fix unclosed <b> tags in the user's home page.
- [#671] Ignore blank timezones (if the user has a blank timezone will use the site's timezone).
- [#724] Fix error when sending webconference invitations to multiple emails.
- [#775] Fix dialog box that shows the user data from the federation.
- [#770] Improve the layout of the footer in the frontpage.
- [#770] Updated the information and layout of the footer.
- Fix wrong user information on login.
- [#718] Rooms that belongs to disabled users or spaces cannot be accessed
- [#759] Removed text that says that the user can change his room id (he can't)
- [#766] Fix bug causing errors when trying to update a space (name, description, logo, etc)
- [#731] When a user tried to accept and invitation to join a space he was asked to create a new account, but creating new accounts is disabled in the site
- [#728] Fix huge horizontal scroll bar when uploading profile picture
- [#737] Minimum length for logins is now 1 char
- [#530] Add options to configure an external help page (when configured the website will have links pointing to http://www.ufrgs.br/cpd/servicos/redes-e-comunicacao/webconferencia-mconf)
- Updated translations
- First version