Repository for DS 701 that produces the course notes.
The setup instructions are particular to supporting the RISE package for displaying Jupyter notebooks as slides.
These instructions are tailored to, and tested on, MacoS Ventura 13.5. If you want to run this on Windows, contact the course instructors.
Installing the RISE package is known to work with a Python 3.9 environment and the associated Jupyter packages so for now we will use Python 3.9.
Install miniconda, if you haven't already.
conda env create -f environment-dev.yml
Now activate the environment.
conda activate ds701_dev_env
After you successfully activated the environment, run this command from the Conda virtual environment.
jupyter contrib nbextension install --user
If you prefer to create the Conda environment manually, or the commands above didn't work you can follow the instructions below.
Create a conda environment with Python 3.9:
# replace my_env with any name for your environment
conda create -n my_env python=3.9
conda activate my_env
Once your new environment is activated, install the following packages:
conda install notebook
pip install jupyter_contrib_nbextensions
jupyter contrib nbextension install --user
Then you can install the rest of the dependencies, one at a time.
conda install -c conda-forge widgetsnbextension
conda install -c conda-forge ipywidgets
pip install -U RISE
conda install -c conda-forge jupyter-book
conda install numpy
conda install matplotlib
conda install scipy
conda install pandas
conda install -c conda-forge seaborn
conda install -c conda-forge scikit-learn
conda install networkx
conda install -c conda-forge qrcode
pip install graphviz
To start and run the Jupyter notebooks in this repo, type the following at a command prompt in your Conda environment.
jupyter notebook
That should open up the Jupyter notebook listing page in your default web browser.
From there you can click on any notebook to open it.
This should normally only be done by the course instructors.
To create or update a local copy of the Jupyter Book, run the following command from your Conda environment.
make book