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Rebranding HelpOps-Hub

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@mdazfar2 mdazfar2 released this 18 Jan 06:06
· 19 commits to main since this release

🎉 HelpOps Quest: A 16-Day Devops Challenge!

We’re excited to announce HelpOps Quest, an engaging 16-day DevOps challenge designed for enthusiasts and professionals to learn, practice, and showcase their skills! This feature will be an interactive page on the HelpOps-Hub website, allowing participants to complete DevOps tasks, earn badges, and receive a certificate for completing the full challenge.

🔥 Let’s dive into the complete structure and functionality of this event:

What is HelpOps Quest?

HelpOps Quest is a gamified program where participants:

  1. Complete 16 DevOps tasks (1 per day).
  2. Earn a badge after completing the first 8 tasks.
  3. Unlock a certificate of completion and a final badge after completing all 16 tasks.
  4. Share their progress on LinkedIn by posting about their task completion with the #HelpOpsQuest hashtag and tagging HelpOps-Hub.
  5. Participants can take reference from curated resources (blogs, YouTube tutorials) for each task to guide them through.

🤔 How is it work?

1. Participate Now Button

  • A Participate Now button will be displayed on the HelpOps Quest page.
  • Only logged-in users can participate. Non-logged-in users will be prompted to log in or sign up.

2. Challenge Timeline:

  • Registration Period: Users can register before the official start date of the challenge.
  • Challenge Start Date: Tasks are unlocked daily, and users can submit their work for review starting from this date.

3. Daily Tasks:

  • Each task will be unlocked sequentially, one per day.

  • Tasks will include:

    • Description: Clearly define the goal of the task.
    • References: Provide helpful blogs or YouTube videos to assist users in completing the task.
    • Submission Form:
      - Task Completion Link (e.g., LinkedIn post URL).
      - Optional Notes/Comments: Users can add additional details about their submission.
      - Clear instructions on what the submission should include (e.g., screenshots, code repository links, or project links).

4. LinkedIn Engagement:

  • Users are encouraged to share their task completion progress on LinkedIn with the #HelpOpsQuest hashtag and tag HelpOps-Hub to increase community engagement.

👨‍💻 How Admin or Core team can approve participants submission?

Admins and the core HelpOps-Hub team (e.g., Azfar, Ram, etc.) will have access to a dedicated Admin Dashboard to manage and review submissions from participants. After their decision, the participants will be notified that the task is complete, meaning the task is approved, and they can move on to the next task.

Admin Dashboard Features:

1. User Details:

  • Participant name, email, and profile.
  • Progress tracker showing tasks completed by each user.

2. Task Submission Details:

  • View links submitted by users for each task (e.g., LinkedIn posts, GitHub repo links).
  • Optional notes or comments from users.

3. Task Status Management:

  • Status of each task:
    • Pending: Submission awaiting review.
    • Approved: Task successfully completed and approved.
    • Needs Improve: Submission requires changes with admin-provided feedback.

4. Manual Review by Admins:

  • Admins can manually review submissions and either:
    • Approve the submission.
    • Request changes by providing comments/feedback to users.

5. Notifications

  • Approved submissions notify users of their progress.
  • "Needs Improve" submissions notify users with admin feedback.

💎 Milestones & Rewards

Participants can achieve the following milestones:

1. After 8 Tasks:

  • Earn the "Ops Challenger (level 1)" Badge.
  • Displayed on their HelpOps-Hub profile.

2. After 16 Tasks:

  • Earn the "Ops Challenger Pro" Badge.
  • Receive a Certificate of Completion, downloadable from their dashboard.

3. Community Recognition:

  • Participants can share their badges and certificates on LinkedIn, tagging HelpOps-Hub.

🗜️Development Requirements

Frontend Features ✨

1. HelpOps Quest Page:

  • Introduction to the program, milestones, and rewards.
  • "Participate Now" button for logged-in users.

2. Participant Dashboard:

  • Track user progress with visual indicators (e.g., progress bar or task list).
  • Show locked/unlocked tasks.
  • Allow users to submit their task completion details.

3. Task Submission Form:

  • Fields for:
    • Task Completion Link (e.g., LinkedIn post URL).
    • Optional Notes/Comments field.

4. Badge & Certificate Section:

  • Showcase earned badges.
  • Allow users to download their certificate once all tasks are completed.

👽 Backend Features

1. User Data Management:

  • Track registered users, their progress, and submissions.

2. Task Submission System:

  • Store and manage submitted links, notes, and statuses.

3. Admin Dashboard:

  • Manage users, task submissions, and statuses.

4. Badge & Certificate System:

  • Automatically award badges after completing milestones.
  • Generate certificates for users who complete all 16 tasks.

🤖Integration Features

1. LinkedIn Sharing:

  • Add a "Share Progress" button for completed tasks.
  • Provide a pre-filled LinkedIn post template, e.g.:

"Day X of #HelpOpsQuest completed! Task: [Task Name]. Thanks to @HelpOps-Hub for this amazing learning opportunity! 🚀"

2. Email Notifications:

  • Notify users when:
    • A task submission is approved.
    • A submission needs revision.
    • A badge or certificate is earned.

Let’s collaborate and bring HelpOps Quest to life! 🎯

  • Feel free to ask questions, suggest improvements, or start contributing.