](https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text=Fantastic @PrestaShop module by @ZiZuu_Store: "ZiZuu Clean URLs"&url=https://github.com/ZiZuu-store/zzCleanURLs)
We are going to merge other users' contributions and ideas as soon as we note them and find the time to test.
If you fork, please make every change the way we can pull, don't reinvent the wheel .. make every custom change on a private branch, so you can merge your own changes to the community mintained branch every time a new release is out.
- For production use the latest stable release
- For developing or Pull Request please use only the "dev" branch
It has been reported to work on PS 1.5.6 - 1.6.1.x but will install on PS >= 1.5 too. If you succesfully use this module on some older version please report
Install the module from the Backoffice (administration panel), download the release ZIP file (zzcleanurls.zip) as it already contains the right folder name (zzcleanurls
, not zzcleanurls-version_x.y.z
In the modules tab, click on add a new module. Click on Browse to open the dialogue box letting you search your computer, select the ZIP file then validate the dialogue box. Finally click on Upload this module.
- products: {category:/}{rewrite} (you can add .html at the end)
- categories: {categories:/}{rewrite}/
- manufacturers: manufactures/{rewrite}
- suppliers: suppliers/{rewrite}
- CMS page: info/{rewrite} (you can add .html at the end)
- CMS category: info/{rewrite}/
- modules: modules/{module}{/:controller}
You can replace words such as "info", "suppliers", etc with whatever you want, given that it does not conflicts with a category name
Remember to
- clear the browser cache
- clear PS cache (under smarty -> cache and smarty -> compile)
- Go to modules -> Find and uninstall "zzcleanurls"
It should suffice!
If something goes wrong do the following:
- Open folder /override/classes/
- Remove "Link.php"
- Remove "Dispatcher.php"
- Open folder /override/controllers/front/
- Remove "CategoryController.php"
- Remove "CmsController.php"
- Remove "ManufacturerController.php"
- Remove "ProductController.php"
- Remove "SupplierController.php"
- Open folder /cache/
- Remove "class_index.php"
- Go to back office -> Preferences -> SEO and URLs -> Set userfriendly URL off -> Save
- Go to back office -> Preferences -> SEO and URLs -> Set userfriendly URL on -> Save
If you got any other override modules, you should now go to you back office, uninstall them, and reinstall them again to work correctly.
ZiZuu CleanURLs by ZiZuu Store is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available contacting us at [email protected].