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AI Text Summarizer and Image Generator

  1. Text Summarization
    Enter a large block of text (min. 200 characters) and click the "Summarize" button to generate a concise summary.

Summarization Example

  1. Text-to-Image Generation
    Enter a text description of the image you want, and click the "Generate Image" button to generate an image.

Image Generation Example

This is a full-stack web application built with Node.js and Express.js that demonstrates the power of AI by integrating two APIs:

The application provides a user-friendly interface to summarize large blocks of text and generate images based on text descriptions.

Table of Contents

  1. Features
  2. Technologies Used
  3. File Breakdown
  4. Setup Instructions
  5. How to Use
  6. Project Flow
  7. Acknowledgments


  1. AI Text Summarization

    • Input: Large text blocks (min. 200 characters).
    • Output: A concise summary generated using the BART Large CNN model.
  2. Text-to-Image Generation

    • Input: Text describing an image.
    • Output: An AI-generated image in PNG format.
  3. Environment Configuration

    • API keys are hidden using dotenv.
    • Users can either create a .env file or directly replace the ACCESS_TOKEN in the code.
  4. Responsive Design

    • Clean, user-friendly interface styled with CSS.
  5. Cross-Origin Request Handling

    • Enabled using the CORS library for smooth client-server communication.

Technologies Used


  • HTML, CSS, JavaScript for UI and interactivity.


  • Node.js and Express.js for server-side logic and routing.


  • Text Summarization API: Hugging Face's BART Large CNN model.
  • Image Generation API: Hugging Face's Text-to-Image model.


  • Axios: For making HTTP requests.
  • dotenv: For securely handling API keys.
  • CORS: For enabling cross-origin requests.

File Breakdown


  • Text Summarization Section: Input textarea and summarize button.
  • Image Generation Section: Input textarea and generate image button.
  • Links to stylesheet.css and script.js.


  • Configures middleware (CORS, express.json, express.static).
  • Defines two API routes:
    • /summarize: Handles text summarization requests.
    • /convert-to-image: Handles text-to-image conversion requests.


  • Implements the logic for calling the Text Summarization API.
  • Validates input and uses the ACCESS_TOKEN for authorization.


  • Implements the logic for calling the Text-to-Image API.
  • Dynamically calculates image size based on text length.


  • Adds interactivity to the web page (button click handling, API requests, error management).


  • Styles the app with a clean and responsive design.

Setup Instructions

  1. Clone the Repository:

    git clone
    cd PostmanAPI
  2. Install Dependencies:

    npm install
  3. Set Up Environment Variables:

    • Create a .env file in the project root directory.
    • Add your Hugging Face API token:
  4. Run the Application:

    node index.js

How to Use

  1. Text Summarization:

    • Enter a large block of text (min. 200 characters).
    • Click the "Summarize" button to generate a concise summary.
  2. Text-to-Image Generation:

    • Enter a text description of the image you want.
    • Click the "Generate Image" button to see the AI-generated image.

Project Flow

  1. User Interaction:

    • Users interact with the web interface via the browser.
  2. Client-Side Processing:

    • script.js validates inputs and sends API requests to the server.
  3. Server-Side Processing:

    • index.js handles requests and routes them to the appropriate module (summarize.js or convert.js).
  4. API Interaction:

    • Hugging Face APIs process the data and return results.
  5. Result Display:

    • Summaries and images are displayed in the browser.


  • Hugging Face APIs: For providing powerful AI models for text summarization and image generation.
  • Postman Academy: For student programs that inspired this project.


AI Text Summarizer and Image Generator






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