The Simpletron, software-based simulation of a primitive computer.
Simpletron has the following parts:
- A processor with only an accumulator register
- A memory of 100 words where stores code and data
- Input and output, which can interact with console and files.
Memory word is a signed four-digit decimal as +0001, +3364, -1293. Word can be data or instruction. Instruction is always positive; data can be positive or negative. First, two digits of the word are operation second operands.
Simpletron loads the programs in machine codes from file to memory and executes them.
Users can enter additional data from the console. Results show in console and output file.
Simpletron supports basic IO, memory, branching and arithmetic operations.
- Installed Docker
or for local setup:
git clone git://
docker-compose up -d
Get interactive shell in docker container
git clone git://
make simpletron
DATA - four digit interger (-9999 .. +9999)
COMMAND - four digit positive integer, first two digit operation code last two digit operand
1010 - read data from counsole to memory address 0010
4003 - go to 3rd instruction
After the first prompt, you need to enter the file name, which contains a file with machine codes without an empty line at the end. Program text example:
If simpletron loaded the program successfully, then the execution begins.
The program can ask for user input. Input must be data word (-9999 .. +9999)
All console output repeated to simpletron_out.txt file.
#define READ 10 // Read a word from the terminal into //a specific location in memory
format +1050 - 10 operation code 50 operand - memory address
#define WRITE 11 //Write a word from specific location //in memory to the terminal
format +1150 - 11 operation code 50 operand - memory address
#define LOAD 20 // Load a word from a specific memory location // into accumulator
#define STORE 21 // Store a word from accumulator into // a specific location in memory
#define ADD 30 // Add word from specific memory location // to accumulator
#define SUBSTRACT 31 // Substract word from specific memory location // from accumulator
#define DIVIDE 32 // Devide a word from accumulator // by word from specific memory location
#define MULTIPLY 33 // Multiply a word from accumulator // by word from specific memory location
#define BRANCH 40 // Branch to a specific location in memory
#define BRANCHNEG 41 // Branch to a specific location in memory if // the accumulator is negative
#define BRANCHZERO 42 // Branch to a specific location in memory if // the accumulator is zero
1007 // Read A and save to address 0007
1008 // Read B ans save to address 0008
2007 // Load A to accumulator
3008 // Add B
2109 // store accumulator to C (address 0009)
1109 // output C value to console
4300 // end of program
*** Program execution begins. ***
? 7
? 3
> +0010
*** Simpletron execution terminated ***
accumulator: +0010
instrcutionCounter: 06
instructionRegister: +4300
operationCode: 43
operand: 00
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 +1007 +1008 +2007 +3008 +2109 +1109 +4300 +0007 +0003 +0010
10 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000
20 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000
30 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000
40 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000
50 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000
60 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000
70 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000
80 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000
90 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000
1009 // Read A to address 0009
1010 // Read B to address 0010
2009 // Load to accumulator
3110 // Substract B from accumulator
4107 // if accumulator negative go to 07
1109 // Write A to console
4300 // End of program
1110 // Write B to console
4300 // End of program
*** Program execution begins. ***
? 5
? 10
> +0010
*** Simpletron execution terminated ***
accumulator: -0005
instrcutionCounter: 08
instructionRegister: +4300
operationCode: 43
operand: 00
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 +1009 +1010 +2009 +3110 +4107 +1109 +4300 +1110 +4300 +0005
10 +0010 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000
20 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000
30 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000
40 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000
50 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000
60 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000
70 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000
80 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000
90 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000
*** Program execution begins. ***
? 7
? 3
> +0007
*** Simpletron execution terminated ***
accumulator: +0004
instrcutionCounter: 06
instructionRegister: +4300
operationCode: 43
operand: 00
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 +1009 +1010 +2009 +3110 +4107 +1109 +4300 +1110 +4300 +0007
10 +0003 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000
20 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000
30 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000
40 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000
50 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000
60 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000
70 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000
80 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000
90 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000
calculate the sum of positive numbers and exit if entered a negative number
1099 // Input A (address 0099)
2099 // Load A to Accumulator
4106 // if Accumulator < 0 got to 0006
3098 // Accumulator += SUM (address 0098)
2198 // SUM = Accumulator
4000 // go to 0000
1198 // Print SUM
4300 // End
*** Program execution begins. ***
? 1
? 1
? 1
? 10
? 20
? -1
> +0033
*** Simpletron execution terminated ***
accumulator: -0001
instrcutionCounter: 07
instructionRegister: +4300
operationCode: 43
operand: 00
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 +1099 +2099 +4106 +3098 +2198 +4000 +1198 +4300 +0000 +0000
10 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000
20 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000
30 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000
40 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000
50 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000
60 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000
70 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000
80 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000
90 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0033 -0001
1099 // Get Number of arguments
1098 // Step for counter
2099 // Accumulator = Number of arguments
2197 // Counter = Accumulator
1096 // Get Nth argument
2096 // Accumulator = Argument
3095 // Accumulator += Sum
2195 // Sum = Accumulator
2097 // Accumulator = Counter
3198 // Accumulator -= Step
4213 // If Accumulator == 0 go to 13
2197 // Counter = Accumulator
4004 // Go to 04
2095 // Accumulator = Sum
3299 // Accumulator /= Number of Arguments
2194 // Result = Accumulator
1194 // Print result
4300 // End
*** Program execution begins. ***
? 5
? 1
? 1
? 2
? 3
? 4
? 5
> +0003
*** Simpletron execution terminated ***
accumulator: +0003
instrcutionCounter: 17
instructionRegister: +4300
operationCode: 43
operand: 00
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 +1099 +1098 +2099 +2197 +1096 +2096 +3095 +2195 +2097 +3198
10 +4213 +2197 +4004 +2095 +3299 +2194 +1194 +4300 +0000 +0000
20 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000
30 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000
40 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000
50 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000
60 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000
70 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000
80 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000
90 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0003 +0015 +0005 +0001 +0001 +0005
1099 // Read default max number
1098 // Read step of iteration
1097 // Read Series size (Counter)
1096 // Read Nth series number
2096 // Accumulator = Nth number
3199 // Accumulator -= max number
4109 // If Accumulator < 0 go to 09
2096 // Accumulator = Nth number
2199 // Max number = Accumulator
2097 // Accumulator = Iteration counter
3198 // Accumulator -= iteration step
2197 // Couunter = Accumulator
4214 // If counter == 0 go to 14
4003 // go to 3
1199 // Print Max number
4300 // End
*** Program execution begins. ***
? -1000
? 1
? 5
? 100
? -200
? 5
? 3
? 3
> +0100
*** Simpletron execution terminated ***
accumulator: +0000
instrcutionCounter: 15
instructionRegister: +4300
operationCode: 43
operand: 00
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 +1099 +1098 +1097 +1096 +2096 +3199 +4109 +2096 +2199 +2097
10 +3198 +2197 +4214 +4003 +1199 +4300 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000
20 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000
30 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000
40 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000
50 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000
60 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000
70 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000
80 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000
90 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0000 +0003 +0000 +0001 +0100