This repository contains the source code and setup guide for my final project in the Advanced IoT Course at University of Kashan. The project is a Gas Detector system built using Arduino Wemos D1, various sensor modules, an LED indicator, and an active buzzer for alert notifications. 🔧📡⚡
- MQTT Communication: Connects to HiveMQ broker for real-time data exchange.
- Node-RED Dashboard: Provides a graphical interface for monitoring and controlling the system.
- Alarm System: Activates LED and Buzzer when gas levels exceed a threshold.
- Email Alerts: When the gas level exceeds a bound, it sends an email to warn you. 📩
⚠️ 📊 - Customizable Topics: MQTT topics can be changed in the code to suit different configurations.
- The gas sensor detects gas concentration in the environment.
- If the gas level exceeds a predefined threshold, the LED turns on and the buzzer sounds an alarm. 🔊
⚠️ 💡 - The Wemos D1 board publishes gas level readings to the HiveMQ MQTT broker.
- Node-RED subscribes to the MQTT topics, processes the data, and displays it on a dashboard.
- If the gas level exceeds a bound, the system sends an email alert. 📧🚨📊
- The system can be monitored and controlled through the Node-RED dashboard. 📊🔄🖥️
- Wemos D1 (ESP8266)
- MQ-2 or MQ-135 Gas Sensor
- Active Buzzer
- Resistors and Jumper Wires
- Breadboard
- Arduino IDE with ESP8266 board support
- MQTT Library (PubSubClient)
- HiveMQ Broker (Cloud-based MQTT service)
- Node-RED for data visualization and control
- Install Arduino IDE and add ESP8266 board support.
- Install PubSubClient library for MQTT communication.
- Update the WiFi credentials and MQTT broker details in the code.
- Upload the code to the Wemos D1 board. 🔄🚀⚙️
- Import the provided JSON flow file into Node-RED.
- Update MQTT topics if necessary.
- Deploy the flow and monitor sensor data in real time. 📡📈💡
- You can modify MQTT topics in the Arduino code to match your requirements.
- Import the provided Node-RED JSON file to visualize data effectively.
- Adjust the threshold values in the code to set alarm conditions. 🔄
⚠️ 📊
- Integrating a mobile notification system using Telegram or WhatsApp. 📲💬🚀
Mehrdad Chaharbaghi - Advanced IoT Course, University of Kashan
Feel free to contribute and improve the project! 🚀✨🤝