This is a sample Spring boot2 application integrated with Struts 2.5 and Struts2 jQuery Plugin
Updated Spring Boot to 2.7.16, Apache Struts GA and Struts2 jQuery Plugin 5.0.3. now this project can build and run on Java 21
Updated Spring Boot to 2.6.3 and Apache Struts 2.5.29 GA, asm to 9.2, now this project can build and run on Java 17
I am a big fan of Struts2 since 2007 but almost no one's using it really now nor wants to adapt to a new project. So I created this sample project to play with it.
- Spring Boot 2.2.6.RELEASE
- Apache Struts 2.5.22 GA
- Struts2 jQuery Plugin 4.0.3
- struts2-convention-plugin
- Junit 5
- Java 8 or greater
- Apache maven 3.2 or later