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A very thin wrapper around the EdLink Graph API (v2).


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A very thin wrapper around the EdLink Graph API (v2).


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

$ gem 'ed_link'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install ed_link


API keys must be configured in the gem setup. You can do this anywhere in your application before you make API calls using the gem.

# config/initializers/ed_link.rb
EdLink.configure do |config|
  config.access_token = ENV['EDLINK_API_TOKEN']


Expects an ENV variable called EDLINK_API_TOKEN that is a valid API access token for the EdLink Graph API. Take a look at each resource to see the methods that correspond to the endpoints in the EdLink Graph API documentation.

The EdLink Developer Guides have more information that is important to review:

Query parameters for API requests are supported, and should be included in a single hash. For example, if you want to apply query parameters to the EdLink::School.all method you would call it like EdLink::School.all(params: params).

Note, most pagination parameters are not currently supported as we encourage you to use the preferred way to paginate results by using the $next URL. However, the gem does support the $first pagination parameter as a means of adjusting the page size.

Currently supported query parameters:

  # "expand" must be a String with a specific value based on the
  # resource you are trying to expand.
  expand: 'district',
  # "fields" must be a String of comma-separated field names that you
  # want to include in the response.
  fields: 'name, id',
  # "filter" must be a Hash with a specific structure based on the
  # resource you are accessing.
  filter: {
    name: [
        operator: 'starts with',
        value: 'r'
  # "first" must be an Integer and will be disregarded by the API if
  # it is larger than 10,000. (Default is 100.)
  first: 100


#=> {
#     :$data=> [
#       {
#         :created_date=>"2024-04-19T01:14:38.391Z",
#         :updated_date=>"2024-04-19T01:14:38.391Z",
#         :name=>"Edlink",
#         ...,
#         :id=>"08a5422e-13f4-4c0a-ba0f-e46f547ffc53"
#       }
#     ],
#     :$request=>"d1c5f7eb-8d6c-4456-92ac-8c528d374e78"
#   }
EdLink::School.find(id: 'e8b207c7-7b80-477c-ae7b-6020de91d46f')
#=> {
#     :$data=> [
#       {
#         :created_date=>"2024-04-19T01:14:38.391Z",
#         :updated_date=>"2024-04-19T01:14:38.391Z",
#         :name=>"Edlink (District Office)",
#         ...,
#         :id=>"e8b207c7-7b80-477c-ae7b-6020de91d46f"
#       }
#     ],
#     :$request=>"e6e5a17f-cc84-46ee-91bb-9bec990444f9"
#   }
# Returns only the "name" and "id" fields for schools whose name starts
# with the letter "z":
params = {
  fields: 'name, id',
  filter: {
    name: [
        operator: 'starts with',
        value: 'r'
EdLink::School.all(params: params)
#=> {
#     :$data=> [
#       {
#         :name=>"Rosen School",
#         :id=>"d905586d-4245-4223-b2ae-8d8f5b665844"
#       }
#     ],
#     :$request=>"50bcd21d-4c01-4cb3-af22-b5f65483ba6a"
#   }
# Returns only the "name" and "id" fields and expands the "district_id" field for
# a single school. (Notice that we are including the expanded field name "district")
# in the "fields" param.
params = {
  expand: 'district',
  fields: 'name, id, district'
EdLink::School.find(id: 'e8b207c7-7b80-477c-ae7b-6020de91d46f', params: params)
#=> {
#     :$data=> [
#       {
#         :name => "Edlink (District Office)",
#         :id => "e8b207c7-7b80-477c-ae7b-6020de91d46f"
#         :district => {
#           :created_date => "2024-04-19T01:14:38.391Z",
#           :updated_date =>"2024-04-19T01:14:38.391Z",
#           :name => "Edlink",
#           ...
#           :id => "08a5422e-13f4-4c0a-ba0f-e46f547ffc53"
#         }
#       }
#     ],
#     :$request= > "50bcd21d-4c01-4cb3-af22-b5f65483ba6a"
#   }
# Returns only 1 result per "page" and illustrates the $next key for
# pagination.
params=  {
  first: 1,
  fields: 'name, id'
EdLink::School.all(params: params)
#=> {
#     :$data=> [
#       {
#         :name =>  "Edlink (District Office)",
#         :id => "e8b207c7-7b80-477c-ae7b-6020de91d46f"
#       }
#     ],
#     :$next => "$cursor=46aef3e1-e9a7-4167-9da7-85999f34310e",
#     :$request => "904a6cc7-65ce-40b1-b400-892bf6dcd956"
#   }
# Using the $next URL to retrieve the next page of results:
  url: '$cursor=46aef3e1-e9a7-4167-9da7-85999f34310e'
#=> {
#     :$data: [
#       {
#         :id => "10ae266b-a974-4875-8f4e-5aa52a7af9f3",
#         :name => "Eddie Lynx",
#         ...
#       }
#    ],
#    :$next => "$cursor=48f1e496-e5b2-436d-a57d-df2451fa5f34",
#    :$request => "18be1073-549e-462b-ad8d-1049216931bb"
#  }

# You can also pass the "first" parameter to the #next method to limit the page size of the results
# (Even though Edlink says that these params are ignored.)
  url: '$cursor=46aef3e1-e9a7-4167-9da7-85999f34310e',
  params: { first: 1 }
#=> {
#     "$data": [
#       {
#         "id": "10ae266b-a974-4875-8f4e-5aa52a7af9f3",
#         "name": "Eddie Lynx",
#         ...
#       }
#     ],
#     "$next": "$cursor=36a20105-d87a-4a75-8dbb-43dd227b12b3",
#     "$request": "7d3901b7-9d36-4037-bcb5-6766eb6e35d0",
#     "$warnings": [
#       {
#         "code": "PAGING_IGNORED",
#         "message": "Use of the $cursor parameter overrides any provided $first, $last, $before, or $after parameters."
#       }
#     ]
#   }
# Errors
school = EdLink::School.find(id: 'e8b207c7')
#=> EdLink::BadRequestError: A valid v4 or v5 UUID or Alias is expected for parameter 'school_id'. (1/1 errors)

  school = EdLink::School.find(id: 'e8b207c7')
rescue EdLink::BadRequestError => error
  # Show the array of errors that came back from the API
  # (only the first error is shown in the exception messege)
  puts error.errors
  # Show the response headers from the API
  # (Edlink will probably add rate limiting/throttling in the future)
  puts error.headers 


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and the created tag, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.


A very thin wrapper around the EdLink Graph API (v2).







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