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Mihai Oltean edited this page Feb 24, 2016 · 1 revision


void init(void);

int to_xml(pugi::xml_node parent);

int from_xml(pugi::xml_node parent);

// returns the number of automatic constants
long get_num_automatic_constants(void);

// returns the number of user defined constants
long get_num_user_defined_constants(void);

// returns the min interval for automatic constants
double get_min_constants_interval_double(void);

// returns the max interval for automatic constants
double get_max_constants_interval_double(void);

// returns a constant
double get_constants_double(long index);

// returns the constants type
long get_constants_type(void);

// returns true if the constants can evolve
bool get_constants_can_evolve(void);

// returns the max deviation within which the constants can evolve
double get_constants_mutation_max_deviation(void);

// sets the number of automatically generated constants
void set_num_automatic_constants(long value);

// sets the number of user defined constants
void set_num_user_defined_constants(long value);

// sets the lower bound of the constants interval
void set_min_constants_interval_double(double value);

// sets the upper bound of the constants interval
void set_max_constants_interval_double(double value);

// sets a particular user-defined constant
void set_constants_double(long index, double value);

// sets the constants type
void set_constants_type(long value);

// sets if the constants can evolve
void set_constants_can_evolve(bool value);

// sets the max deviation when constants can evolve
void set_constants_mutation_max_deviation(double value);
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