Alin Chinese is a good start for people who learn Chinese or are curious about the Chinese language.
It has summarized, for you, all the key points of Chinese grammar (patterns/words/expressions) that beginners need to master in the first stage, which is concise and easy to understand.
- Kotlin
- Coroutines & Flow for asynchronous programming
- Target level 30
- Minimum level 23
- Coil - an image loading library backed by Kotlin Coroutines
- Gson - a JSON library for Kotlin and Java.
- UniFlow - simple Unidirectional Data Flow for Android & Kotlin
- Dagger Hilt - a dependency injection library for Android
- ViewBindingDelegate - a property delegate for ViewBinding
- Room Persistence - an abstraction layer over SQLite
- Paging 3 - a library to load and display pages of data from a larger dataset
- Navigation - a framework for navigating between 'destinations'
- Lifecycle - live data Kotlin extensions
- JUnit - a simple framework to write repeatable tests
- Espresso - Android UI tests
- MockK - a mocking library for Kotlin
- Firestore - a cloud-hosted, NoSQL database
- Firebase Authnetication - backend services to authenticate users
AlinChinese is based on Multi-Module Clean Architecture using Unidirectional Data Flow(MVI) in the presentation layer.
See the open issues for a list of proposed features (and known issues).
If you have general suggestions, please feel free to submit a new Github issue.
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.