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Phases of Production

Paul Cullen Rowe edited this page Mar 6, 2019 · 5 revisions

The "Phases of Production" allow us to forecast production at a high level and set expectations of delivery. Descriptions detail the expected delivery at the end of each phase.

January - Planning, Low-Fi Design, and Front-End Setup

  • We will make decisions on tech stack and feature set.
  • These decisions will enable the design team to build low fidelity designs and establish a vision for the product. They will also allow the development team to set up early iterations of environments and boilerplate, to build the foundation for developing the application.


  • Lo-fi Design - LBD (design team)
  • Front-End Setup - Paul

February - Back-end Planning and Setup, First Component

  • Design team will add fidelity to the designs and ultimately complete major design work by end of February.
  • Development team will build the first child components (menus/headers/footers).
  • Back-End environment (AWS/GCP/Heroku) for staging and production is set up and ready to serve.
  • CI/CD Setup


  • Front End Setup (ts, css, testing framework) - Jacob, Andy
  • Back End Setup (environments, first server) - Paul
  • First Front End Component - Jacob, Andy
  • Hi-Fi Design - Lye


  • Required redesign to align with DSW needs (just the crawl event, not the whole DSW)
  • FE Setup, CI/CD, and Heroku Deployment completed

March - Low-Fi Design, Low-Fi layout components, Auth (FE+BE), Establish DSW Contacts for resources

  • Development team will create low-fi Header component
  • Development team will create low-fi Tabs component
  • Development team will create low-fi Map component (placeholder)
  • Development team will create low-fi Venue List component (placeholder)
  • Back-end auth could bleed over into next month.
  • Establish contacts at DSW to gather resources such as reps for venues, etc.

April - High-Fi design, Admin area to edit venue details, Auth BE (continued), Higher-Fi components

  • Development team will build the view for the basic details of a single venue.
  • Development team will build the authorization interface on both the front and back end.
  • Development team will create the UI for venue reps to administer venue details and save them to our database.
  • Development of back end for auth will complete.

May - Map, Geofencing

  • Map displays real location data, clickable points, point markers.
  • View Remaining venues, view Visited venues
  • Use geofencing to detect if a user is at a venue

June - Buffer month / Stretch features, Contact venues

  • Allows for overflow, plan to use this month for adding any extra features we think of along the way.
  • Inform venues that they should begin getting materials together, establish contacts.

July - Dev Complete, QA Month

  • Try to break stuff, and then fix it.
  • Get a couple venues trying out the application.

August - Code Freeze, Get all venues using product

September - It's Go-Time, Baby.