Cordova (PhoneGap) 3.0+ Plugin to connect to Google's native Universal Analytics SDK 3.0
- A Cordova 3.0+ project for iOS and/or Android
- A Mobile App property through the Google Analytics Admin Console
- Download the Google Analytics SDK 3.0 for iOS and/or Android
- For iOS, add the downloaded Google Analytics SDK header files and libraries according to the Getting Started documentation
- For Android, add
to your Cordova Android project's/libs
directory and build path
This plugin follows the Cordova 3.0 plugin spec, so it can be installed through the Cordova CLI in your existing Cordova project:
cordova plugin add
If you are not using the CLI, follow the steps in the section Installing Without the CLI
#JavaScript Usage In your 'deviceready' handler, set up your Analytics tracker:
where UA-XXXX-YY is your Google Analytics Mobile App property
To track a Screen (PageView):
analytics.trackView('Screen Title')
To track an Event:
analytics.trackEvent('Category', 'Action', 'Label')
Label is optional
#Installing Without the CLI Copy the files manually into your project and add the following to your config.xml files:
<feature name="UniversalAnalytics">
<param name="ios-package" value="UniversalAnalyticsPlugin" />
<feature name="UniversalAnalytics">
<param name="android-package" value="" />