is a Redis data management tool capable of real-time data synchronization, data migration, backup, verification and recovery, data analysis, and more.
The feature matrix of redis-GunYu
for real-time synchronization
Feature | Supported |
Resuming from Breakpoints | Yes |
Inconsistent slots between source and target clusters | Yes |
Topology changes in source or target clusters (scaling, migration, etc.) | Yes |
High availability | Yes |
Data filtering | Yes |
Data consistency model | Eventual/Weak |
has additional advantages:
- Minimal impact on stability
- Ingest source: Specify whether to sync data from a slave, master or prefer slave
- Local cache + resuming from breakpoints: Minimizes the impact on the source Redis
- Splits big keys of RDB to synchronize them
- Lower replication latency: Sync data concurrently, see sync latency metrics
- Data security and high availability
- Local cache supports data verification
- High availability of the tool: Supports master-slave mode, self-election based on the latest records, automatic and manual failover; the tool is P2P architecture, minimizing downtime impact
- Fewer restrictions on Redis
- Supports different deployment modes of Redis on the source and target, such as cluster or standalone instances
- Compatible with different versions of Redis on the source and target, supports from Redis 4.0 to Redis 7.2, see testing
- More flexible data consistency strategies, automatic switching
- When the shards distribution of the source and target is the same, batch writes in pseudo-transaction mode, and offsets are updated in real-time, maximizing inconsistent
- When the shard distribution of the source and target is different, offsets are updated periodically
- User-friendly for dev-ops
- API: supports HTTP API, such as full sync, checking synchronization status, pausing synchronization, etc.
- Monitoring: Rich monitoring metrics, such as replication latency metrics in time and space dimensions
- Data filtering: Filter by certain regular keys, databases, commands, etc.
- Redis topology: Real-time monitoring of topology changes in the source and target Redis (e.g., adding/removing nodes, master-slave switch, etc.), to change consistency strategies and adjust other functional strategies
Load a RDB file to a running redis server or cluster. Refers to RDB
Parse RDB file and write to stdout or file. Refers to RDB
Additional features are currently under development.
Comparison of redis-GunYu with several top-tranking tools based on product requirements
Feature | redis-shake/v2 | DTS | xpipe | redis-GunYu |
Resuming from Breakpoints | Yes (no local cache) | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Supports different sharding between source and target | No | Yes | No | Yes |
Topology changes | No | No | No | Yes |
High availability | No | No | Yes | Yes |
Data consistency | Eventual | Weak | Weak/Strong | Eventual (same sharding) + Weak (different sharding) |
The technical implementation of redis-GunYu
is illustrated in the diagram below. For detailed technical principles, see Technical Implementation
You can compile it yourself or run it directly in a container
Download Binary
Compile Source Code
Make sure Go language is installed and environment variables are configured
git clone
cd redis-GunYu
## Add proxy if needed
export GOPROXY=,direct
This generates the redisGunYu
binary file locally.
Start with configuration file
./redisGunYu -conf ./config.yaml
Default command is sync, you can run other command with -cmd=command name
Start with command line arguments
./redisGunYu --sync.input.redis.addresses= --sync.output.redis.addresses=
Run in docker
docker run mgtvtech/redisgunyu:latest --sync.input.redis.addresses= --sync.output.redis.addresses=
# For local testing, start the docker in host network mode --network=host, so redisGunYu can communicate with local Redis
docker run --network=host mgtvtech/redisgunyu:latest --sync.input.redis.addresses= --sync.output.redis.addresses=
Start demo service
docker run --rm -p 16379:16379 -p 26379:26379 -p 18001:18001 mgtvtech/redisgunyudemo:latest
- Source Redis: port 16379
- Target Redis: port 26379
- Synchronization tool: port 18001
Target Redis
redis-cli -p 26379> monitor
Input monitor
in the target Redis CLI
Source Redis
Connect to the source Redis and set a key. The synchronization tool will synchronize the command to the target Redis. Check the output of the target Redis connected by the Redis CLI
redis-cli -p 16300> set a 1
Check Status
curl http://localhost:18001/syncer/status
Check the status of the synchronization tool
Everyone is welcome to help improve redis-GunYu. If you have any questions, suggestions, or want to add other features, please submit an issue or PR directly.
Please follow these steps to submit a PR:
- Clone the repository
- Create a new branch: name it
for new features orbug-xxx
for bug fixes - Describe the changes in detail in the PR
is licensed under Apache 2.0, see LICENSE.
If you have any questions, please contact [email protected]