Independent scholar, formerly Learn Enough/Rails Tutorial
- Los Angeles, CA
- https://www.michaelhartl.com/
- @mhartl
- Pro
Ruby on Rails Tutorial sample application
Sublime Text 2 snippets used in the Ruby on Rails Tutorial
Sublime Text 2 setup used in the Ruby on Rails Tutorial
mhartl / rails_tutorial_programming_environment-Ready-Bake-ISO
Forked from cosmolee/rails_tutorial_programming_environment-Ready-Bake-ISORails Tutorial Environment. Burnable Ready-Bake ISO version. Boot from CD, USB or Virtual Machine.
Translations of the Ruby on Rails Tutorial book
Rails Tutorial Environment. Burnable Ready-Bake ISO version. Boot from CD, USB or Virtual Machine.
Ruby on Rails Tutorial sample application
One-liner for creating custom matchers in rspec
mislav / rspactor
Forked from pelle/rspactorBetter autotest for RSpec on OS X; resurrection of the original, command-line RSpactor
One-liner for creating custom matchers in rspec
Generates common user authentication code for Rails/Merb, with a full test/unit and rspec suite and optional Acts as State Machine support built-in.
Catch and handle the CGI::Session::CookieStore::TamperedWithCookie exception that comes from changing the Rails secret string. See http://blog.insoshi.com/2008/08/15/a-security-issue-with-rails-sec…
A tagging plugin for Rails applications that allows for custom tagging along dynamic contexts. Fork is to denormalize and optimize for speed (mainly for keeping lock times to a minimum)
Rails authentication with email & password.
Find likely mass assignment vulnerabilities
A CSS framework that aims to cut down on your CSS development time
mhartl / rails-footnotes
Forked from henrik/rails-footnotesEvery Rails page has footnotes that link give request information and link back to your source via TextMate [extracted from Rails TextMate bundle project]
mhartl / insoshi
Forked from insoshi/insoshiThe open source social networking platform in Ruby on Rails from the author of RailsSpace
An open source social networking platform in Ruby on Rails