Mano-simulator This program executes user commands based on the architecture of Mano Basic Computer, using PyQt5. contributors: Mohammad Nasajpour Melika Fotoohi Fatemeh Ghadamzadeh Outward appearence of program: Features: Write your assembly code in section "Code". use execution buttons to start the program: Arrange the code by clicking on button Compile your code with button Run the program with button Check your code line by line with button Reset execution with button In "Console" you can see the messages about the program in proccess of compiling, running and ... . In "Micro Operation" you can see the microoperation of each command. You can check important flags and values which are visible in the center of program window. Check different parts of the memory in the table on the right. Save your code with button Open a assembly code on your device with button Also you can see informations about our Mano Simulator by clicking on icon in bottom right corner.