A node that will simulate and render particles.
Reset the particle system. Destroys all particles and sets the elapsed time and loop count back to 0.
Sig: Particle3D:Reset()
Enable the particle node to spawn new particles. Disabling emission will also reset the loop count and elapsed time to 0.
Sig: Particle3D:EnableEmission(emit)
- Arg:
boolean emit
Whether to emit new particles
Check if the particle node is emitting new particles.
Sig: emit = Particle3D:IsEmissionEnabled()
- Ret:
boolean emit
Whether particle is emitting new particles
Set whether the particle node should simulate particles. Disabling simulation will essentially freeze particles.
Sig: Particle3D:EnableSimulation(simulate)
- Arg:
boolean simulate
Whether to simulate particles
Check if particle simulation is enabled.
Sig: simulate = Particle3D:IsSimulationEnabled()
- Ret:
boolean simulate
Whether to simulate particles
Set the particle to automatically emit particles on Start().
Sig: Particle3D:EnableAutoEmit(autoEmit)
- Arg:
boolean autoEmit
Whether to automatically begin emission on start
Check if the particle is set to automatically emit particles on Start().
Sig: autoEmit = Particle3D:IsAutoEmitEnabled()
- Ret:
boolean autoEmit
Whether to automatically begin emission on start
Get the amount of elapsed time since the particle began emission.
Sig: time = Particle3D:GetElapsedTime()
- Ret:
number time
Elapsed time
Set the particle system asset (template) that this node will use for simulating / rendering particles.
Sig: Particle3D:SetParticleSystem(system)
- Arg:
ParticleSystem system
Particle system asset
Get the particle system asset (template) that this node will use for simulating / rendering particles.
Sig: system = Particle3D:GetParticleSystem()
- Ret:
ParticleSystem system
Particle system asset
Set a material override that this particle should use. If no override is assigned, the material assigned to the Particle System asset will be used.
Sig: Particle3D:SetMaterialOverride(material)
- Arg:
Material material
Override material
Get the material used for rendering.
Sig: material = Particle3D:GetMaterial()
- Ret:
Material material
Material for rendering
Get the material override assigned to this node. If no override is assigned, the material assigned to the Particle System asset will be used.
Sig: material = Particle3D:GetMaterialOverride()
- Ret:
Material material
Override material
Set a time multiplier to speed up / slow down the simulation.
Sig: Particle3D:SetTimeMultiplier(mult)
- Arg:
number mult
Time multiplier
Get the current time multiplier.
Sig: mult = Particle3D:GetTimeMultiplier()
- Ret:
number mult
Time multiplier
Set whether the particle transforms should be updated in world space or local space. If a particle node is set to use local space, then adjusting this node's transform will affect the transform of all it's currently spawned particles.
Sig: Particle3D:SetUseLocalSpace(localSpace)
- Arg:
boolean localSpace
Update particles in local space
Get whether the particle transforms should be updated in world space or local space. If a particle node is set to use local space, then adjusting this node's transform will affect the transform of all it's currently spawned particles.
Sig: localSpace = Particle3D:GetUseLocalSpace()
- Ret:
boolean localSpace
Update particles in local space
Get the current number of live particles.
Sig: numParticles = Particle3D:GetNumParticles()
- Ret:
number numParticles
Number of particles
Get the particle data of a specific particle.
Sig: data = Particle3D:GetParticleData(index)
- Arg:
integer index
Particle index - Ret:
table data
Particle dataVector position
Vector velocity
Vector size
number elapsedTime
number lifeTime
number rotationSpeed
number rotation
Set the particle data for a specific particle.
Sig: Particle3D:SetParticleData(index, data)
- Arg:
integer index
Particle index - Arg:
table data
Particle dataVector position
Vector velocity
Vector size
number elapsedTime
number lifeTime
number rotationSpeed
number rotation
Set the particle orientation (of all particles in the system).
Sig: Particle3D:SetParticleOrientation(orientation)
- Arg:
ParticleOrientation(integer) orientation
Particle orientation
Get the particle orientation (of all particles in the system).
Sig: orientation = Particle3D:GetParticleOrientation()
- Ret:
ParticleOrientation(integer) orientation
Particle orientation
Enable the particle to automatically destroy itself after its duration has finished.
Sig: Particle3D:EnableAutoDestroy(autoDestroy)
- Arg:
boolean autoDestroy
Enable auto-destroy
Create a new instance of the particle system asset this node is currently using. This can be useful for adjusting particle system settings for a specific node without changing all other particles using the same ParticleSystem asset.
Sig: instance = Particle3D:InstantiateParticleSystem()
- Ret:
ParticleSystemInstance instance
New particle system instance