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Releases: mhvk/baseband-tasks


10 Mar 20:54
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0.4 (2025-03-10)

  • Numpy >= 2.0 is now supported.
  • The minimum versions required by baseband-tasks are now python 3.10 and
    baseband 4.2.
  • Remove support for the deprecated astropy test runner. This means it is
    no longer possible to test the installed baseband package with
    baseband_tasks.test() inside python; instead, one should use
    pytest --pyargs baseband_tasks from the command line.

New Features

  • All tasks involving FFTs and padding now automatically ensure efficient
    lengths of the transforms. [#249]

API Changes

  • The integration.Stack class is deprecated, because of the name conflict with
    combining.Stack. It has been renamed to integration.PulseStack. Only
    the latter will be available under baseband.tasks.

Bug Fixes

  • Ensure subclasses of HDFPayload can be used directly with arbitrary headers. [#245]


12 Dec 19:48
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0.3 (2021-12-12)

New Features

  • Added support for applying and inverting polyphase filter banks. [#86]

  • Improve resampling and add a new ShiftAndResample task that can also
    apply time shifts, including possible time delay phase rotations. [#225]

  • Add a simpler ShiftSamples task that just shifts channels by integer
    number of samples. [#226, #235, #239]

  • Add ability for incoherent dedispersion with DisperseSamples and
    Dedispersamples. [#238]

  • Streams can now carry meta-data in a meta attribute. This includes
    information on frequency, sideband, and polarization, all
    of which are stored in meta['__attributes__'] entry (like astropy's
    Table class). [#233]

API Changes

Bug Fixes

  • For PintToas, parameters other than observatory and frequency
    are no longer passed on to PINT's toa.TOA class (but still
    properly used in toa.get_TOAs_list). [#235]

Other Changes and Additions

  • All tasks now can deal with incomplete last frames. For PaddedTaskFrame,
    the task will get a complete frame, but it will overlap with the
    one-but-last frame and only the non-overlapping part is used. [#219, #234]


29 Mar 20:12
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Tagging v0.2


19 Jul 16:23
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Initial release (renamed first published version of the scintillometry package).