Gosl is a Go library to develop Artificial Intelligence and High-Performance Scientific Computations.
The library tries to be as general and easy as possible. Gosl considers the use of both Go concurrency routines and parallel computing using the message passing interface (MPI). Gosl has several modules (sub-packages) for a variety of tasks in scientific computing, image analysis, and data post-processing.
Gosl includes high-performant linear algebra functions (wrapping MKL, OpenBLAS, LAPACK, SuiteSparse, UMFPACK...), fast Fourier transform algorithms (wrapping FFTW), numerical integration (wrapping QUADPACK), functions and structures for geometry calculations (e.g. 3D transfinite interpolation, grid search, octree...), random numbers generation (SFMT and DSFMT) and probability distributions, optimisation and graph algorithms, plotting and visualisation using the VTK, and much more.
Gosl has also solvers to (stiff or not) ordinary differential equations and several tools for 2D/3D mesh generation to assist on the development of solvers for partial differential equations.
We now give focus to Machine Learning (see ml
package) and Big Data (see h5
package). We are
also planning wrappers to powerful tools such as CNTK, TensorFlow, and Hadoop. We have a wrapper to
OpenCV in the works as well.
Gosl works on Windows, macOS, and Linux.
Gosl includes the following sub-packages:
- chk – Check code and unit test tools
- io – Input/output, read/write files, and print commands
- io/h5 – Read/write HDF5 (Big Data) files
- utl – Utilities. Lists. Dictionaries. Simple Numerics
- utl/al – Utilities. (Naive) Implementation of Classic algorithms and structures (e.g. Linked Lists)
- plt – Plotting and drawing (png and eps)
- mpi – Message Passing Interface for parallel computing
- la – Linear Algebra: vector, matrix, efficient sparse solvers, eigenvalues, decompositions, etc.
- la/mkl – Lower level linear algebra using Intel MKL
- la/oblas – Lower level linear algebra using OpenBLAS
- num/qpck – Go wrapper to QUADPACK for numerical integration
- num – Fundamental numerical methods such as root solvers, non-linear solvers, numerical derivatives and quadrature
- fun – Special functions, DFT, FFT, Bessel, elliptical integrals, orthogonal polynomials, interpolators
- fun/dbf – Database of functions of a scalar and a vector like f(t,{x}) (e.g. time-space)
- fun/fftw – Go wrapper to FFTW for fast Fourier Transforms
- gm – Geometry algorithms and structures
- gm/msh – Mesh structures and interpolation functions for FEA, including quadrature over polyhedra
- gm/tri – Mesh generation: triangles and Delaunay triangulation (wrapping Triangle)
- gm/rw – Mesh generation: read/write routines
- graph – Graph theory structures and algorithms
- opt – Numerical optimization: Interior Point, Conjugate Gradients, Powell, Grad Descent, more
- rnd – Random numbers and probability distributions
- rnd/dsfmt – Go wrapper to dSIMD-oriented Fast Mersenne Twister
- rnd/sfmt – Go wrapper to SIMD-oriented Fast Mersenne Twister
- vtk – 3D Visualisation with the VTK tool kit
- ode – Solvers for ordinary differential equations
- ml – Machine learning algorithms
- ml/imgd – Machine learning. Auxiliary functions for handling images
- pde – Solvers for partial differential equations (FDM, Spectral, FEM)
- tsr – Tensors, continuum mechanics, and tensor algebra (e.g. eigendyads)
We are currently working on the following additional packages:
- img - Image and machine learning algorithms for images
- img/ocv - Wrapper to OpenCV
is a unit test. We have several of them! Some usage information can be learned from these files.t_something_main.go
is a test with a main function to be run withgo run ...
ormpirun -np ? go run ...
(replace ? with the number of cpus).t_b_something_test.go
is a benchmark test. Run benchmarks withgo test -run=XXX -bench=.
Here, we call structure any user-defined type. These are simply Go types
defined as struct
One may think of these structures as classes. Gosl has several global functions as well and
tries to avoid complicated constructions.
An allocated structure (instance) is called an object and functions attached to this object are
called methods. In Gosl, the variable holding the pointer to an object is always named o
(lower case "o"). This variable is similar to the self
or this
keywords in other languages
(Python, C++, respectively).
Functions that allocate a pointer to a structure are prefixed with New
; for instance:
. Some structures require an explicit call to another function to release allocated
memory. Be aware of this requirement! In this case, the function is named Free
and appears in a
few sub-packages that use CGO. Also, some objects may need to be initialized before use. In this
case, functions named Init
have to be called.
The directories corresponding to each package have a README.md file that should help with
understanding the library. Also, there are links to godoc.org
where all functions, structures, and
variables are well explained.
We aim for a 100% test coverage! Despite trying our best to accomplish this goal, full coverage is
difficult, in particular with (sub)packages that involve Panic
or figure generation
Nonetheless, critical algorithms are completely tested.
We use the following bash
macro frequently to check our test coverage:
gocov() {
go test -coverprofile=/tmp/cv.out
go tool cover -html=/tmp/cv.out
- chk test coverage
- io test coverage
- utl test coverage
- utl/al test coverage
- fun/dbf test coverage
- gm/tri test coverage
- gm/rw test coverage
- rnd test coverage
- rnd/dsfmt test coverage
- rnd/sfmt test coverage
The following works take advantage of Gosl:
- Pedroso DM, Bonyadi MR, Gallagher M (2017) Parallel evolutionary algorithm for single and multi-objective optimisation: differential evolution and constraints handling, Applied Soft Computing http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.asoc.2017.09.006 paper available here
- Pedroso DM (2017) FORM reliability analysis using a parallel evolutionary algorithm, Structural Safety 65:84-99 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.strusafe.2017.01.001
- Pedroso DM, Zhang YP, Ehlers W (2017) Solution of liquid-gas-solid coupled equations for porous media considering dynamics and hysteretic retention behaviour, Journal of Engineering Mechanics 04017021 http://dx.doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)EM.1943-7889.0001208
- Pedroso DM (2015) A solution to transient seepage in unsaturated porous media. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 285:791-816 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cma.2014.12.009
- Pedroso DM (2015) A consistent u-p formulation for porous media with hysteresis. Int. Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 101(8):606-634 http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/nme.4808
See the AUTHORS file.
Unless otherwise noted, the Gosl source files are distributed under the BSD-style license found in the LICENSE file.