Tested using Altium Version: 23.4.1 Used on Neoden 4
Export your Pick and Place file from Altium Designer with metric (mm) units as a .csv file
Run this script with Python 3 or newer.
Import the newly created
file using the UI on the machine, and proceed with the machine programming. -
Exported file/s will be placed in the
Outputted Columns:
Designator,Comment,Layer,Footprint,Center-X(mm),Center-Y(mm),Rotation, Description\n\n" + \
Output Settings:
- Unit = Metric
- Show Units = False
- Separator= .
Format Setting:
- Format = CSV
Misc Setting:
- Exclude Filter Parameters = Unticked
- Include Variation Component = Unticked
- Distinguish different footprint with the same name = Unticked
- Include Standard (No BOM) Items = Ticked
- Y-flip Bottom Side Components = Unticked
Get useful information on the program
py neodenAltium.py -h"
py neodenAltium.py -help"
1- Import File "Example.csv"
2- make all components relative to first component in list
3- apply machine positions
py neodenAltium.py "Example.csv" -r -o 100 140
1- Import File "Example.csv"
2- Make all components relative to first component in list
4- Rotate components about a point 0,0 (X,Y) with an angle of 90 (Degrees)
3- Apply machine positions of 100, 140 (X,Y)
py neodenAltium.py "Example.csv" -r -a 0 0 90 -o 100 140
1- Import File "Example.csv"
2- Make all components relative to first component in list
4- Rotate components about a point 0,0 (X,Y) with an angle of 90 (Degrees)
3- Apply machine positions of 100, 140 (X,Y)
4- Apply component move, skipping N number of components. move -10.043,5.3 (X,Y) skipping 1 component in list (Handy for shifting components within a panel, for example when the panel has been defined by the PCB fabrication house)
py neodenAltium.py "Example.csv" -r -a 0 0 90 -o 100 140 -m -10.043 5.3 1
It's handy to know the order the parameter's are applied so you can get best use from the tool:
1- Apply relative component positions -r
2- Apply board rotation about a rotation point -a
3- Offset components - IE add machine positions -o
4- Move components - skipping N number of component -m
5- Plot resulted transformation in window -p
6- Export file - layer can be defined -s
(Optional layer argument)