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HTML5 Drag and Drop functionality for angular ui-grid

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Draggable rows plugin for ui-grid

NPM Bower License

Play with HTML5 drag and drop in angular ui-grid.


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Install using npm

npm install ui-grid-draggable-rows

Install using bower

bower install ui-grid-draggable-rows

Add plugin as dependency to your module

angular.module("app", ["ui.grid", "ui.grid.draggable-rows"]);


To add drag and drop functionality you have to insert ui-grid-draggable-rows directive to your table.

<div ui-grid="gridOptions" class="grid" ui-grid-draggable-rows></div>

Now, you have to add draggable wrapper to your rowTemplate. If you have your own template just replace the inner div.

$scope.gridOptions = {
    rowTemplate: '<div grid="grid" class="ui-grid-draggable-row" draggable="true"><div ng-repeat="(colRenderIndex, col) in colContainer.renderedColumns track by" class="ui-grid-cell" ng-class="{ \'ui-grid-row-header-cell\': col.isRowHeader, \'custom\': true }" ui-grid-cell></div></div>'

To add action after dropping row register new listener on rowDropped event.

$scope.gridOptions.onRegisterApi = function (gridApi) {
    gridApi.draggableRows.on.rowDropped($scope, function (info, dropTarget) {
        console.log("Dropped", info);

To enable using a "handle" for dragging the rows, add the useUiGridDraggableRowsHandle property to your gridOptions and add this class to your handle: ui-grid-draggable-row-handle.

$scope.gridOptions.useUiGridDraggableRowsHandle = true;

Additional styling

When you drag a row over others they get additional css class ui-grid-draggable-row-over. This plugin has default styling for these elements. If you are using less you could import styles into your application.

@import "/path/to/bower_components/ui-grid-draggable-rows/less/draggable-rows";

If you are using clear css just put these styles into your stylesheet.

.ui-grid-draggable-row-target {
  opacity: 0.5 !important;
.ui-grid-draggable-row {
  height: 30px;
.ui-grid-draggable-row-over {
  position: relative;
.ui-grid-draggable-row-over:before {
  content: "";
  display: block;
  position: absolute;
  left: 0;
  width: 100%;
  border-bottom: 1px dotted #AAA;
.ui-grid-draggable-row-over--above:before {
  top: 0;
.ui-grid-draggable-row-over--below:before {
  bottom: 0;

List of events

Event Listener Original event Description
rowDragged function(info, rowElement) onDragStart Fired once during start dragging
rowEnterRow function(info, rowElement) onDragEnter Fired when draggable row enter on other row
rowOverRow function(info, rowElement) onDragOver Fired when draggable row is over other row
rowLeavesRow function(info, rowElement) onDragLeave Fired when draggable row leaves other row
rowFinishDrag function() onDragEnd Fired after finish dragging
beforeRowMove function(from, to, data) Fired before a row's index is changed
rowDropped function(info, targetElement) onDrop Fired when row is dropping to other row

To listen these events just register new listener via ui-grid API.

info is an object with the following properties

    draggedRow: domElement,     // The dragged row element

    draggedRowEntity: object,   // The object the dragged row represents in the grid data (`row.entity`)

    targetRow: domElement,      // The target row element

    targetRowEntity: object,    // The object the target row represents in the grid data

    position: string,           // String that indicates whether the row was dropped
                                // above or below the drop target (determined by half row height)
                                // eg. 'above' or 'below'

    fromIndex: int,             // Original position of dragged row in sequence

    toIndex: int,               // New position of dragged row in the sequence
$scope.gridData.onRegisterApi = function (gridApi) {
    gridApi.draggableRows.on.rowDragged($scope, function (info, rowElement) {
        console.log("Start dragging...");

        // do something

Public methods

Method Description
setDragDisabled(boolean) Enable or disable drag 'n drop functionality

All public methods are accessible through dragndrop object from gridApi. See example below

$scope.gridData.onRegisterApi = function (gridApi) {

Handling grouping

In order to handle grouping you have to manually set the 'from' grouping value to that of the 'to' as shown below.

$scope.gridData.onRegisterApi = function (gridApi) {
    gridApi.draggableRows.on.beforeRowMove($scope, function (from, to, data) {
        console.log("Setting the grouping values");
        data[from].groupValue = data[to].groupValue;


  • automatically insert the required template row
  • write test (better late than never)
  • improve documentation


Project is currently maintained by


Plugin ui-grid-draggable-rows has been originally developed by Szymon Krajewski.


The MIT License © 2015 - 2016


HTML5 Drag and Drop functionality for angular ui-grid






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  • JavaScript 93.8%
  • CSS 6.2%