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Debug Drops

Sukhandeep Singh edited this page Oct 9, 2023 · 1 revision

Debug Drops

What is a Debug Drop?

A Debug Drop is a collection of logs and metadata about the environment MSDO (Microsoft Security DevOps) Extension is running in. It helps support engineers efficiently debug problems that may occur in your workflows.

What data is included in a Debug Drop?

All task logs, MSDO config files in your repository (*.gdnconfig, tsaoptions.json, *.gdnbaselines, *.gdnsuppress), raw tool results (directly from the tool), processed tool results (converted into MSDO's results format), environment variables (filtering out values for anything MSDO does not use directly), and host machine metadata (operating system, disk space usage, and memory usage) will be included.

When should I create a Debug Drop?

When you are filing an issue to get help from a support engineer, the engineer assigned to help you may not have access to your pipeline and will need you to provide logs and data in order to investigate. In these scenarios, the simplest way to collect all the data that may be required is to generate a Debug Drop and share it.

How do I create a Debug Drop?

Add an environment variable with the name 'GDN_DEBUG_DROP' and the value 'true'. After your pipeline completes, check the build artifacts for the run and you will find a DebugDrop artifact you can download.