2d multiplayer football game written completely in x86 32bit assembly with MASM
Microprocessor project for college
Multiplayer mode over serial port
You can customize the level!
You can chat over serial port.
Using visual studio 2015/2017, open RetroSoccer.sln
Make sure target architecture is x86(Win32) NOT x64.
To open two sessions in same machine, use virtual serial ports. You could use com0com[https://sourceforge.net/projects/com0com/].
To play on multiple devices, go to RetroSoccer/common.inc and change and set CREATE_ANOTHER_WINDOW to TRUE. You would either use serial ports, usb-to-serial adapter or with virtual serial ports use com2tcp to forward serial data to local net then forward it back on the other device to a serial port (latest version of com2tcp [https://sourceforge.net/projects/com0com/files/com2tcp/]).
Make sure serial ports COM1 and COM2 are reserved for the game, otherwise change them in RetroSoccer/common.inc (FIRST_PLAYER_PORT, SECOND_PLAYER_PORT) to their ports number. If you are playing on multiple devices, just reserve one port for first player (FIRST_PLAYER_PORT).