Don't use this! Use mikkelricky/yabai/tree/grid-spaces.
Grid spaces a la TotalSpaces2, but for
macOS Monterey, built on
yabai and
skhd. You also need
jq to make the magic work - and jq
is a
magic tool in itself!
Install jq
brew install jq
Check the installation
for yabai
and install it:
brew install yabai --HEAD
yabai --start-service
Create the desired number of spaces using yabai or Mission Control.
Make sure that yabai
works and can focus spaces by running a command like
yabai --message space --focus next
Create the file ~/.gridspacesrc
and define the number of columns in your grid:
Install skhd:
brew install koekeishiya/formulae/skhd
brew services start skhd
Create or edit the configuration file for skhd and define keyboard shortcuts for moving around in the grid, e.g.
cmd + ctrl - up : «path to this directory»/navigate up
cmd + ctrl - down : «path to this directory»/navigate down
cmd + ctrl - left : «path to this directory»/navigate left
cmd + ctrl - right : «path to this directory»/navigate right
cmd + ctrl + shift - up : «path to this directory»/navigate --move-window up
cmd + ctrl + shift - down : «path to this directory»/navigate --move-window down
cmd + ctrl + shift - left : «path to this directory»/navigate --move-window left
cmd + ctrl + shift - right : «path to this directory»/navigate --move-window right
That's it! Now you should be able to use your grid.
and Grid spaces only work as expected when some Spaces system
preferences are set correctly:
- “Automatically rearrange Spaces based on most recent use” must not be checked
- “Displays have separate Spaces” must be checked
- “When switching to an application, switch to a Space with open windows for the application” may be checked and might come in handy if you’ve lost a window for an application that you’re onyl use on special occasions.
# Uncheck “Automatically rearrange Spaces based on most recent use”
defaults write mru-spaces -boolean false
# You may want to check “When switching to an application, switch to a Space with open windows for the application”.
defaults write 'Apple Global Domain' AppleSpacesSwitchOnActivate -boolean true
# Reload the system preferences
killall 'System preferences'
Furthermore, all Mission Control space switching keyboard shortcuts should be
disabled as all Space navigation should be handled by skhd
calling the
Finally, you may want to Reduce motion to get rid of some animations:
brew reinstall yabai
yabai --restart-service
brew install shellcheck
Check to code:
shellcheck navigate