Small utility to check ssh client configuration.
Default rules definition using YAML file.
condition: mandatory
type: directory
mode: "700"
description: SSH client configuration directory
- private_key
- public_key
- name: known_hosts
condition: optional
type: file
mode: "600"
description: list of host keys known to the user
- name: known_hosts2
condition: not expected
type: file
mode: "600"
description: list of host keys known to the user, backup file
- name: authorized_keys
condition: optional
type: file
mode: "600"
description: public keys that can be used to log in as this user
- name: authorized_keys2
condition: not expected
type: file
mode: "600"
description: public keys that can be used to log in as this user, backup file
- name: config
condition: optional
type: file
mode: "600"
description: user configuration file
- name: environment
condition: optional
type: file
mode: "600"
description: additional environment variables
- name: rc
condition: optional
type: file
mode: "600"
description: executed when the user logs in
- name: config.d
condition: optional
type: directory
mode: "700"
description: configuration snippets
- ascii_text
- name: scripts.d
condition: optional
type: directory
mode: "700"
description: additional scripts
- executable_script
- name: agent.sock
condition: optional
type: socket
mode: "600"
description: SSH agent socket
name: OpenSSH private key
pattern: ".* private key$"
mode: "600"
name: OpenSSH public key
pattern: ".* public key$"
mode: "600"
name: executable script
pattern: ".*script.*executable.*"
mode: "700"
name: ascii text file
pattern: ".*ASCII text.*"
mode: "600"
It will check main directory permissions, specific files, file types, and verify file types inside subdirectories. Simple and effective.
Display help information.
$ ssh-clippie
Usage: ssh-clippie [OPTIONS]
This script reads permissions definition from YAML file and performs checks
against user ssh directory
--verbose Verbose mode
--quiet Quiet mode
--explain Explain mode
--ssh-directory DIRECTORY Home directory [default: /home/milosz/.ssh]
--permissions-definition-file FILE
Permissions definition YAML file
--help Show this message and exit.
Explain rules.
$ ssh-clippie --explain
Main directory should have permissions set to 700 and can contain OpenSSH private key, OpenSSH public key.
known_hosts (list of host keys known to the user) file which is optional and should have permissions set to 600
known_hosts2 (list of host keys known to the user, backup file) file which is not expected
authorized_keys (public keys that can be used to log in as this user) file which is optional and should have permissions set to 600
authorized_keys2 (public keys that can be used to log in as this user, backup file) file which is not expected
config (user configuration file) file which is optional and should have permissions set to 600
environment (additional environment variables) file which is optional and should have permissions set to 600
rc (executed when the user logs in) file which is optional and should have permissions set to 600
config.d (configuration snippets) directory which is optional and should have permissions set to 700 and can contain ascii text file.
scripts.d (additional scripts) directory which is optional and should have permissions set to 700 and can contain executable script.
agent.sock (SSH agent socket) socket which is optional and should have permissions set to 600
OpenSSH private key matching file type ".* private key$" should have permissions set to 600.
OpenSSH public key matching file type ".* public key$" should have permissions set to 600.
executable script matching file type ".*script.*executable.*" should have permissions set to 700.
ascii text file matching file type ".*ASCII text.*" should have permissions set to 600.
Perform check in quiet mode using exit code to determine success or failure.
$ ssh-clippie --quiet
$ echo $?
Perform check using verbose mode.
$ ssh-clippie --verbose
Checking /home/milosz/.ssh directory
$ echo $?
$ touch ~/.ssh/known_hosts2
$ ssh-clippie --verbose
Checking /home/milosz/.ssh directory
file /home/milosz/.ssh/known_hosts2 should not exist
$ echo $?
Install a project in editable mode.
$ pip install --editable .
Defaulting to user installation because normal site-packages is not writeable
Obtaining file:///mnt/c/Users/milos/PycharmProjects/ssh-clippie
Preparing metadata ( ... done
Requirement already satisfied: click==8.1.7 in /home/milosz/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from ssh-clippie==0.8.3) (8.1.7)
Requirement already satisfied: python-magic==0.4.27 in /home/milosz/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from ssh-clippie==0.8.3) (0.4.27)
Requirement already satisfied: pyyaml==6.0.1 in /home/milosz/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from ssh-clippie==0.8.3) (6.0.1)
Installing collected packages: ssh-clippie
Running develop for ssh-clippie
Successfully installed ssh-clippie-0.8.3
Execute tests.
$ python3 -m unittest --verbose ssh_clippie/tests/
test_check_permissions (tests.test_utils.Test) ... ok
test_display_file_types (tests.test_utils.Test) ... ok
test_exit_application (tests.test_utils.Test) ... ok
test_explain (tests.test_utils.Test) ... ok
test_get_file_type (tests.test_utils.Test) ... ok
test_get_permissions (tests.test_utils.Test) ... ok
test_load_permissions_definition (tests.test_utils.Test) ... ok
test_print_error_message (tests.test_utils.Test) ... ok
test_print_error_message_with_fix (tests.test_utils.Test) ... ok
test_print_header_quiet (tests.test_utils.Test) ... ok
test_print_header_verbose (tests.test_utils.Test) ... ok
test_print_message_quiet (tests.test_utils.Test) ... ok
test_print_message_verbose (tests.test_utils.Test) ... ok
test_set_ssh_directory (tests.test_utils.Test) ... ok
test_set_verbose_mode (tests.test_utils.Test) ... ok
Ran 15 tests in 0.055s