Releases: miltonio/milton2
Releases · miltonio/milton2
- Added support for PROPFIND propname listing.
- Slf4j-log4j12 upgraded to 1.7.36
- Easy-mock upgraded to 5.2.0
- Maven-compiler-plugin upgraded to 3.13.0
- Maven-source-plugin upgraded to 3.3.1
- Maven-javadoc-plugin upgraded to 3.10.0
- Maven-gpg-plugin upgraded to 3.2.5
- Nexus-staging-maven-plugin upgraded to 1.7.0
- Maven-jxr-plugin upgraded to 3.4.0
- Junit upgraded to 3.8.2
- Commons-codec upgraded to 1.17.1
- Commons-io upgraded to 2.16.1
- Cglib upgraded to 3.3.0
- Httpclient upgraded to 4.5.14
- Ical4j upgraded to 4.0.2
- Mina-core upgraded to 2.2.1
- Subethasmtp upgraded to 3.1.7
- Exec-maven-plugin upgraded to 3.3.0
- Ftpserver-core upgraded to 1.2.0
- Ftplet-api upgraded to 1.2.0
- Hazelcast upgraded to 5.3.8
- Caffeine upgraded to 3.1.8
- Grizzly-framework upgraded to 2.4.4
- Json upgraded to 20240303
- Bcpkix upgraded to bcpkix-jdk15upgraded to18 1.78
- Async-http-client upgraded to 3.0.0
- Maven-dependency-plugin upgraded to 3.7.0
- Frontend-maven-plugin 1.15.0
- Removed appengine-api-labs as useless and old.
- Aspirin library is now fully Jakarta compatible.
- Inject annotation and mail dependencies were migrated from Javax to Jakarta.
- Spring-web Upgraded to 6.1.5.
- Null pointer error during getModifiedDate resolving. This bug is now fixed.
- Spring-webmvc upgraded to 6.1.13.
- Upgraded spring dependencies.
- Upgraded hazelcast dependencies.
- Fixed multipart upload.
- Updated spring sample JavaScript.
- Upgraded spring dependency to 6.1.2
- Upgraded org.json dependency to 20231013
- Upgraded oauth2 client to 1.0.2
- Fixed possible xss in SimpleContentGenerator
- Added more javadoc.
- Javadoc added to some milton-api classes.
- Maven dependencies upgraded to support maven 4.
- Upgraded dependencies to recent versions (H2, Jetty servlets).
- Refactored milton-api, updated to use Java 17 features.
- Response http code 429 added.
- CollectionResource getChildren() - nullpointer handling fixed and unified across all handlers.
- Exception handling unified across all annotation handlers. The real exception is unwrapped before throwing.
- concurrentlinkedhashmap updated to Caffeine. Performance and stability improved.
- JavaScript update for the sample with file system back-end.
- Spring updated to 6.0.9.
- Hazelcast updated to 5.3.0.
- Spring Boot 3 is now supported.
- Codebase migrated to Java 17.
- Migrated to Jakarta EE 9.
- Spring framework dependency migrated to 6.0.2.
- DNS server removed as not required. Java now has native support.
- Maven dependency upgraded to support new JDK. Flags to compilator added to support com.sun.jndi.ldap package.
- Upgraded jetty maven plugin in filesystem sample to support Jakarta EE 9.
- "Pause upload/Resume upload" button on a default page did not sync with individual files upload status. Now the button properly changes status according to files upload status.
- Dependencies updated: spring-mvc updated to 5.3.18 in milton-server-ce. spring-core, spring-web, spring-websocket and spring-mvc updated to 5.3.18 in milton-spring-fs.