Error tracking and reporting to a Telegram chat (group or channel) using Tower.
It is a work-in-progress heavily inspired in the already existing
but using Telegram and telegex
Telegram bot framework
In order to use this reporter you must have a Telegram bot and provide your bot token and the chat ID (group or channel) in which you need to receive the reports.
This reporter uses Telegex
for the communication with the bot. In order to use a Telegram bot, it is necessary
to specify the bot token for Telegex
config :telegex, token: "<BOT_TOKEN>"
In addition you must specify your preferred adapter for the HTTP client. At the moment of writting this, Telegex
supports Finch
(recommended) and HTTPoison
# With Finch
config :telegex, caller_adapter: Finch
# With HTTPoison
config :telegex, caller_adapter: HTTPoison
Check Telegex's Configuration section for more options and information.
You must also add the chat_id
in which you want to receive the reports:
config :tower_telegram, chat_id: <chat_id>
TODO: add a helper to get the chat id (a simple wrapper around get_updates)
Finally, you must register the reporter in tower
reporters list:
config :tower, :reporters, [TowerTelegram]