Money Tracker is an open source tool for recording and displaying your expenses and income. This tool is motivated by the belief that ethics under capitalism are easier to achieve if individuals know where their money is going and how their habits dictate their position as economic agents.
Do npm install
Set the following environment variables:
mt_port: port which Express server listens on
mt_secret: secret used for authentication
mt_mongo_host: MongoDB host address
mt_mongo_name: MongoDB database name
mt_mongo_user: MongoDB username
mt_mongo_pass: MongoDB password
npm run dev
to watch serve and watch UI and API in paralell
npm run start
to start application
npm run apidocs
to build the API documentation, accessible at /docs
npm run codedocs
to build the app documentation, accessible at /code
npm run app:dev
to watch the UI source code
npm run server:dev
to watch the API source code
npm run build
to build the UI
npm run build:full
to build the UI, API docs and code docs