A number of little applications I needed setting up Elasticsearch on AWS Autoscaling Groups. These target Elasticsearch >= 7.0.
cloudwatcher (
) - Push metrics about an Elasticsearch cluster to AWS CloudWatch, mainly to inform AWS Target Tracing Scaling Policies.
drainer (
) - Remove shards from Elasticsearch nodes on EC2 instances that are about to be terminated - either by an AWS AutoScaling Group downscaling or by Spot Instance interruption - by consuming CloudWatch Events from an SQS Queue.
throttler (
) - Regulate an AWS AutoScaling Group running Elasticsearch by preventing new autoscaling actions until the cluster is stable (not red, no relocating shards, etc).
snapshooter (
) - Take snapshots of Elasticsearch cluster on a schedule, and clean up old ones with downsampling.
- A little bit of glue to run each application./pkg
- Packages that should theoretically be reusable in other projects./internal
- Code that isn't reusable in other projects./internal/app
- The implementation of each application./internal/pkg
- Packages used across multiple applications.
You need a working Go >= 1.13 environment. Then clone this repository:
mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/github.com/mintel/
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/mintel/
git clone [email protected]:mintel/elasticsearch-asg.git
cd elasticsearch-asg
go test ./...
for app in cloudwatcher drainer snapshooter throttler; do
go build "./cmd/$app"
for app in cloudwatcher drainer snapshooter throttler; do
docker build . -f "Dockerfile.$app" -t "mintel/elasticsearch-$app:latest"
Install Delve.
To debug one of the apps:
dlv debug ./cmd/cloudwatcher -- --elasticsearch.url=http://localhost:9200
To debug tests in the current directory:
dlv test
See the Delve Getting Started guide for more details.
If you tag a commit with a semantic version, Docker Hub will build it as a separate tag. For example:
git tag -a v1.2.3 -m "Release v1.2.3"
git push --follow-tags
Will build Docker images like mintel/elasticsearch-cloudwatcher:1.2.3