A maze map generator for Gazebo
usage: map_gen.py -s 15,15 -o 0,0 -l 1 -f maze -v
For negative origin use '=' sign
map_gen.py -s 5,5 -o=-5,-5 -l 2 -f maze -v
Creates an SDF file for Gazebo which contains a perfect maze
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s , --size specifies size of maze as MxN. By default <15,15>
-o , --origin position of top left corner on gazebo world. By default <0,0>
-l , --length length of square cell edges. By default <1>
-f , --file specifies the name of created SDF file. By default <maze>
-v, --vector enables creating vector drawing of maze with the same name of SDF file
Enjoy your map!