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Youtube Parser Downloader

✨ Overview ✨

Youtube Parser Downloader is an open-source project designed for collecting statistical information about YouTube videos, channel monitoring, downloading videos, audio, subtitles, and thumbnails, as well as implementing a number of additional features such as content localization and editing. This tool is intended for researchers, developers, and anyone interested in analyzing YouTube content and its further use.


  1. Docker install
  2. Postgres install
  3. PIP install
  4. Youtube api install
  5. YT-DLP install


  1. Download project:
    git clone
    cd youtube_node_downloader
  1. Create file with youtube channel urls channels_list.json from channels_list.json.example.
  2. Install dependencies:
    sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  1. Set environment: rename .env.example to .env and set:
    TG_BOT_TOKEN=<Your Telegram bot token>
    TG_GROUP_ID=<Your target group ID for posting>
    TG_GROUP_ID=<Your target group ID for posting>
    YOUTUBE_API_KEY=<Your Youtube api key>
    YOUTUBE_SECRET_JSON=<secret json file name from Google API board>
  1. Run project:
    python3 -m app


The project supports several installation methods:

  1. Via pip: A quick way for Python users.
  2. Using Docker: A convenient way with environment isolation.
  3. Local installation via Python environment: Full control over dependencies.
  4. Via system service: For long-term automatic execution.

A detailed guide for each method is available in

Features 🚩

  • Parsing information about channels and videos through yt-dlp and YouTube API.
  • Monitoring channels and obtaining new videos.
  • Downloading video, audio, subtitles, and thumbnails.
  • Video editing, including merging audio tracks and increasing resolution.
  • Content localization, including translating descriptions and subtitles.
  • Creating subtitles and brief video summaries.
  • Integration with Telegram for sending notifications about new and popular videos.
  • Mirroring videos on the decentralized hosting Peertube.

How to Help the Project 🧑‍💻

We welcome any help and offer a wide range of tasks for contribution to the project, from programming to documentation. If you want to help, take a look at our task list and choose what you like. We appreciate every contribution!

Task List

  • Gathering information about channels and videos.
  • Channel monitoring and statistics.
  • Content downloading.
  • Video editing and localization.
  • Integration with external services such as Telegram and Peertube.

Join the Development 👥

To start working with the project, please familiarize yourself with our participation guides and code of conduct. We aim to create a welcoming and productive community.

Contact 🔊

If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to contact us through creating an issue in the project repository.

Used Libraries

The project uses the YouTube API:

pip install google-api-python-client==2.121.0
pip install google-auth-oauthlib==1.2.0
pip install google-auth-httplib2

And also the project yt-dlp:


Youtube channel list info downloader







No releases published


