Required: Full version of FSUIPC7 by Pete & John Dowson's
- VPC Constellation Alpha Grip color
- Aircraft on ground - Orange color
- Aircraft on ground, parking brake on - Blink Black/Red color
- Aircraft in flight, autopilot off - Blue color
- Aircraft in flight, autopilot on - Green color
- VPC Throttle color
- Default state (turned off) black color
- Autopilot FMS NAV Hold ON - B1 Green (if AP off - Blue)
- Yaw Damper ON - B2 Green (if AP off - Blue)
- Flight Director ON - B3 Green (if AP off - Blue)
- Autopilot Approach mode ON B4 Green, GS Captured - Blink Green/Bright Green (if AP off - Blue)
- Autopilot Back Course ON - B5 Green (if AP off - Blue)
- Autopilot Master ON - B6 Green
- VPC Panel #2 color
- Gear down - 3 down gear led green color (for each gear, left, center, right)
- Gear up - 3 upper gear led red color
- Gear deploying - middle gear led blink orange color
- Gear not retractably - middle gear led blue color
Please make sure the LUA files are listed in the [LuaFiles] section of FSUIPC7.ini file.
Add to FSUIPC7.ini:
2=Lua VPC_LT_MT50CM3
3=Lua VPC_LP_#2
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