Convert string from greek to greeklish, for url usage.
dockerized-angular-crud-app Public
Basic CRUD angular app, this app consists of 2 containers. The first container spin up an nginx , and the second a fake json server which act as backend.
check-digit-iso-6346 Public
Java implementation for check digit ISO 6346
dockerized-java-api Public
A RESTful API with JAX-RS. This repo containes one dockerfile in order to spin up a container.
e-commerce Web Application Using JEE and JSF framework
dockerized-java-mysql-app Public
A simple example which combines 2 docker files, one to spin up a mysql container and a java container. Also put together these containers in the same network in order to communicate throughout cont…
A bat file in order to start up jenkins server each time the computer load windows
devTicketsWeb Public
Forked from tzimpoulog/devTicketsWebWebApplication with Ticket Reservation System for Developer Events using RestFul API , Spring Back End and Angular 5 Front end