package ejdbtutorial
import (
func main() {
// Create a new database file and open it
jb, err := goejdb.Open("addressbook", JBOWRITER | JBOCREAT | JBOTRUNC)
if err != nil {
// Get or create collection 'contacts'
coll, _ := jb.CreateColl("contacts", nil)
// Insert one record:
// JSON: {'name' : 'Bruce', 'phone' : '333-222-333', 'age' : 58}
rec := map[string]interface{} {"name" : "Bruce", "phone" : "333-222-333", "age" : 58}
bsrec, _ := bson.Marshal(rec)
fmt.Printf("\nSaved Bruce")
// Now execute query
res, _ := coll.Find(`{"name" : {"$begin" : "Bru"}}`) // Name starts with 'Bru' string
fmt.Printf("\n\nRecords found: %d\n", len(res))
// Now print the result set records
for _, bs := range res {
var m map[string]interface{}
bson.Unmarshal(bs, &m)
// Close database
You can save this code in ejdbtutorial.go
and build:
go build ejdbtutorial.go
System libraries:
- Google Go
- installed ejdb (see or Installing on Debian/Ubuntu)
go get
// Create query object.
// Sucessfully created queries must be destroyed with Query.Del().
// EJDB queries inspired by MongoDB ( and follows same philosophy.
// - Supported queries:
// - Simple matching of String OR Number OR Array value:
// - {'fpath' : 'val', ...}
// - $not Negate operation.
// - {'fpath' : {'$not' : val}} //Field not equal to val
// - {'fpath' : {'$not' : {'$begin' : prefix}}} //Field not begins with val
// - $begin String starts with prefix
// - {'fpath' : {'$begin' : prefix}}
// - $gt, $gte (>, >=) and $lt, $lte for number types:
// - {'fpath' : {'$gt' : number}, ...}
// - $bt Between for number types:
// - {'fpath' : {'$bt' : [num1, num2]}}
// - $in String OR Number OR Array val matches to value in specified array:
// - {'fpath' : {'$in' : [val1, val2, val3]}}
// - $nin - Not IN
// - $strand String tokens OR String array val matches all tokens in specified array:
// - {'fpath' : {'$strand' : [val1, val2, val3]}}
// - $stror String tokens OR String array val matches any token in specified array:
// - {'fpath' : {'$stror' : [val1, val2, val3]}}
// - $exists Field existence matching:
// - {'fpath' : {'$exists' : true|false}}
// - $icase Case insensitive string matching:
// - {'fpath' : {'$icase' : 'val1'}} //icase matching
// Ignore case matching with '$in' operation:
// - {'name' : {'$icase' : {'$in' : ['théâtre - театр', 'hello world']}}}
// For case insensitive matching you can create special index of type: `JBIDXISTR`
// - $elemMatch The $elemMatch operator matches more than one component within an array element.
// - { array: { $elemMatch: { value1 : 1, value2 : { $gt: 1 } } } }
// Restriction: only one $elemMatch allowed in context of one array field.
// - Queries can be used to update records:
// $set Field set operation.
// - {.., '$set' : {'field1' : val1, 'fieldN' : valN}}
// $upsert Atomic upsert. If matching records are found it will be '$set' operation,
// otherwise new record will be inserted
// with fields specified by argment object.
// - {.., '$upsert' : {'field1' : val1, 'fieldN' : valN}}
// $inc Increment operation. Only number types are supported.
// - {.., '$inc' : {'field1' : number, ..., 'field1' : number}
// $dropall In-place record removal operation.
// - {.., '$dropall' : true}
// $addToSet Atomically adds value to the array only if its not in the array already.
// If containing array is missing it will be created.
// - {.., '$addToSet' : {'fpath' : val1, 'fpathN' : valN, ...}}
// $addToSetAll Batch version if $addToSet
// - {.., '$addToSetAll' : {'fpath' : [array of values to add], ...}}
// $pull Atomically removes all occurrences of value from field, if field is an array.
// - {.., '$pull' : {'fpath' : val1, 'fpathN' : valN, ...}}
// $pullAll Batch version of $pull
// - {.., '$pullAll' : {'fpath' : [array of values to remove], ...}}
// - Collection joins supported in the following form:
// {..., $do : {fpath : {$join : 'collectionname'}} }
// Where 'fpath' value points to object's OIDs from 'collectionname'. Its value
// can be OID, string representation of OID or array of this pointers.
// NOTE: Negate operations: $not and $nin not using indexes
// so they can be slow in comparison to other matching operations.
// NOTE: Only one index can be used in search query operation.
func (ejdb *Ejdb) CreateQuery(query string, queries ...string) (*EjQuery, *EjdbError)