If you see any issues, such as items being recycled the wrong way, say it on Green Complaint! Feel free to come and report the issue. Add the necessary data so that something can be done about it. You can also see reports from other people and support the environment.
- Refreshed UI
- Account options
- Create, edit, and mark reports as resolved
- Restore reports
- And more...
Want to create your own? Or contribute? Perfect. Before, please read the contributing guidelines. To install Green Complaint on your desktop first you need clone the repo, install all the dependencies, and run.
$ git clone https://github.com/mlamota2020/green-complaint.git
$ cd green-complaint
$ npm install
$ ready!!!
There are some scripts for development and production.
With npm start
, Green Complaint will start the server at localhost:4000
npm run dev
starts a development server powered by Nodemon by restarting it for you when you do changes. To work correctly, you need to run in another console npm run dev-css
to create the styles on demand.
Use this command to create the actual styles on the app. The diference with npm run dev-css
is that the command is always watching, and build-css
isn't watching.
Well, you can make changes and create a pull request with the commit. DON'T MAKE THE CHANGES DIRECTLY!!
The app is only for the 64 bits Windows version. Sorry for the inconveniences.
Check that you're builing with admin privileges. This will help to create the app for other plaforms.
- 2021 YLA - Environmental Club. Coded by Matias La Mota | Logo by Sebastián Heras. Made with ♥