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mmagnuski edited this page Aug 28, 2014 · 3 revisions


recoverEEG recovers a file from raw data according to eegDb database


EEG = recoverEEG(eegDb, r);

eegDb - the eegDb database
r - eegDb's record number to recover
EEG - eeglab's EEG structure

more detail

recoverEEG() performs all modifications (filtering, epoching, rejection of epochs etc.) stated in the database unless asked to omit some of them (cleanline is omitted by default, if you want to run cleanline, add 'cleanline' to function keys)

optional key parameters:

key description
'prerej' remove only the prerejected epochs
'loaded' the file is loaded - look for corresponding modifications in the database and recover
'dir' allows to pass the directory where files reside (the path stated in the database can be different if data are accessed from a different computer)
'local' do not update base workspace
'nofilter' do not filter (for example the data are currently already filtered)
'cleanl' perform clean line if requested in the database record
'noICA' do not load ICA weights, even if present in the database
'ICAnorem' do not reject independent components, even if scheduled for removal
'interp' interpolate bad channels as the last step file recovery.


to get back EEG of the second file in the database:

EEG = recoverEEG(eegDb, 2);

see also

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