monkeyplug is a little script to mute profanity in audio files (intended for podcasts, but YMMV) in a few simple steps:
- The user provides a local audio file (or a URL pointing to an audio file which is downloaded)
- Either Whisper (GitHub) or the Vosk-API is used to recognize speech in the audio file
- Each recognized word is checked against a list of profanity or other words you'd like muted
is used to create a cleaned audio file, muting the objectional words
You can then use your favorite media player to play the cleaned audio file.
If provided a video file for input, monkeyplug will attempt to process the audio stream from the file and remultiplex it, copying the original video stream.
monkeyplug is part of a family of projects with similar goals:
- 📼 cleanvid for video files (using SRT-formatted subtitles)
- 🎤 monkeyplug for audio and video files (using either Whisper or the Vosk-API for speech recognition)
- 📕 montag for ebooks
Using pip
, to install the latest release from PyPI:
python3 -m pip install -U monkeyplug
Or to install directly from GitHub:
python3 -m pip install -U 'git+'
monkeyplug requires:
- FFmpeg
- Python 3
- mutagen
- a speech recognition library, either of:
- Whisper
- vosk-api with a VOSK compatible model
To install FFmpeg, use your operating system's package manager or install binaries from The Python dependencies will be installed automatically if you are using pip
to install monkeyplug, except for vosk
or openai-whisper
; as monkeyplug can work with both speech recognition engines, there is not a hard installation requirement for either until runtime.
usage: <arguments>
-v [true|false], --verbose [true|false]
Verbose/debug output
-m <string>, --mode <string>
Speech recognition engine (whisper|vosk) (default: whisper)
-i <string>, --input <string>
Input file (or URL)
-o <string>, --output <string>
Output file
--output-json <string>
Output file to store transcript JSON
-w <profanity file>, --swears <profanity file>
text file containing profanity (default: "swears.txt")
-a APARAMS, --audio-params APARAMS
Audio parameters for ffmpeg (default depends on output audio codec)
-c <int>, --channels <int>
Audio output channels (default: 2)
-f <string>, --format <string>
Output file format (default: inferred from extension of --output, or "MATCH")
--pad-milliseconds <int>
Milliseconds to pad on either side of muted segments (default: 0)
--pad-milliseconds-pre <int>
Milliseconds to pad before muted segments (default: 0)
--pad-milliseconds-post <int>
Milliseconds to pad after muted segments (default: 0)
--force [true|false] Process file despite existence of embedded tag
VOSK Options:
--vosk-model-dir <string>
VOSK model directory (default: ~/.cache/vosk)
--vosk-read-frames-chunk <int>
WAV frame chunk (default: 8000)
Whisper Options:
--whisper-model-dir <string>
Whisper model directory (~/.cache/whisper)
--whisper-model-name <string>
Whisper model name (base.en)
Alternately, a Dockerfile is provided to allow you to run monkeyplug in Docker. You can pull one of the following images:
- Whisper
then run
inside the directory where your audio files are located.
If you'd like to help improve monkeyplug, pull requests will be welcomed!
- Seth Grover - Initial work - mmguero
This project is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License - see the LICENSE file for details.