Prepare HP Omnicept Cognitive Load (HPO-CLD) files for loading into SQL database
The primary use for this is project is to prepare the HPO-CLD CSV files for loading into PostgreSQL. The HP-CLD files are NOT provided in this project. You must acquire and download them yourself using appropriate means.
For convenience, we recommend using DBeaver for interactive work with the database to create tables and load the data. All instructions are for running applications on Linux or in a compatible environment.
Ensure the following programs are installed. On Windows, using WSL with Ubuntu is preferred.
- unzip
- dos2unix
- ruby
Example installation on Ubuntu:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y unzip dos2unix ruby
After downloading the HPO-CLD dataset zip file, it must be unpacked in "./dataset/" for the build scripts to find the input files.
mkdir -p ./dataset
unzip -d dataset
Run the script and it will process the HPO-CLD files to create the database ready files we want.
Output from the build process creates new CSV files in the 'load_files' directory.
time ./bin/
flatpak install flathub io.dbeaver.DBeaverCommunity
flatpak run io.dbeaver.DBeaverCommunity
In DBeaver, establish a database connection to the running PostgreSQL container.
Open a New SQL Script page.
Using whatever method is convenient, copy the SQL from the project_root/sql/create_tables.sql file into the SQL Script window.
Run the script to create the tables.
- Open a New SQL Script page.
- Using whatever method is convenient, copy the SQL from the project_root/sql/load_files.sql file into the SQL Script window.
- Run the script to load the data files into the tables.
- Open a New SQL Script page.
- Using whatever method is convenient, copy the SQL from the project_root/sql/drop_tables.sql file into the SQL Script window.
- Run the script to DROP the tables which deletes all the data previously loaded.
select (select count(*) from demographics) as "demographics", (select count(*) from labels) as "labels", (select count(*) from bitalino) as "bitalino", (select count(*) from tobii) as "tobii", (select count(*) from event_log) as "event_log";