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Plugin for Obsidian that allows to do a lot of things with JavaScript/TypeScript scripts from inside the Obsidian itself


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CodeScript Toolkit

(formerly known as Fix Require Modules, see Rebranding section for more details)

This is a plugin for Obsidian that allows to do a lot of things with JavaScript/TypeScript scripts from inside the Obsidian itself.

Who is this plugin for?

This plugin is for you if you want to:

Why this plugin?

There are several very good plugins that allow to write JavaScript/TypeScript scripts for Obsidian, but they all have their own limitations and quirks.

Most of those plugins support writing scripts in CommonJS (cjs) only, which is not so used nowadays.

None of those plugins provide you the developer experience as you would have in any other modern JavaScript/TypeScript development environment.

This plugin aims to erase the line between the Obsidian world and the JavaScript/TypeScript development world.

New functions

The plugin adds the following functions to the global scope:

require(id, options)

await requireAsync(id)
await requireAsync(id, options)

await requireAsyncWrapper((require) => {
  // any code that uses synchronous require()
await requireAsyncWrapper(async (require) => {
  // any code that uses synchronous require()
id: string;
options: Partial<RequireOptions>;

interface RequireOptions {
  cacheInvalidationMode: 'always' | 'never' | 'whenPossible';
  parentPath: string;

Explanation of the options will be shown in the Features section.


Obsidian on desktop has a built-in require() function, but it is quite limited.

Obsidian on mobile does not have it at all.

This plugin brings the advanced version of require() to both desktop and mobile.


Combines all features of require() and import().

All features brought by this plugin are available for it.


Wraps synchronous require() calls in asynchronous ones.

It is useful when you want to use the synchronous require() calls but some features are not available for it normally.

await requireAsyncWrapper((require) => {

It is especially useful for migrating scripts you have for desktop to use on mobile, as you can see in the Features section, most of the features of require() don't work on mobile.


All of the examples below will be shown using require(), but you can use them with all the new functions introduced by this plugin.

Built-in Modules

Desktop Mobile

Certain Obsidian built-in modules are available for import during plugin development but show Uncaught Error: Cannot find module if you try to require() them manually. This plugin fixes that problem, allowing the following require() calls to work properly:


Example usage:

const obsidian = require('obsidian');
new obsidian.Notice('My notice');

const { Notice } = require('obsidian');
new Notice('My notice');

obsidian/app module

Desktop Mobile

There is a global variable app that gives access to Obsidian App instance.

However, starting from Obsidian v1.3.5 this global variable is deprecated in the public API.

Starting from Obsidian v1.6.6 this global variable was completely removed from the public API.

Currently this global variable is still available, but it's better not rely on it, as it is not guaranteed to be maintained.

This plugin gives you a safer alternative:


obsidian/builtInModuleNames module

Desktop Mobile

You can access the list of built-in Obsidian module names that are made available by this plugin.


Relative path

Desktop Mobile

Fixes Cannot find module errors for relative paths:


Optionally provide the path to the current script/note if detection fails. Submit an issue if needed:

require('./some/relative/path.js', { parentPath: 'path/to/current/script.js' });
require('./some/relative/path.js', { parentPath: 'path/to/current/' });

Root-relative path

Desktop Mobile

Adds support for root-relative paths:


The root / directory is configurable via settings.

System root path (Linux, MacOS)

Desktop Mobile

On Linux and MacOS, the system root path is /path/from/system/root.js.

In order to distinguish them from root-relative path, you need to prepend ~ to the path.


Vault-root-relative path

Desktop Mobile

Adds support for vault-root-relative paths:

Desktop Mobile

Originally, require() only supported CommonJS (cjs) modules and would throw require() of ES Module path/to/script.mjs not supported. Instead change the require of path/to/script.mjs to a dynamic import() which is available in all CommonJS modules. This plugin adds support for ECMAScript modules:


Now you can use any type of JavaScript modules:


TypeScript modules

Desktop Mobile

Adds support for TypeScript modules:



When the plugin loads a TypeScript module, it strips all type annotations and convert the code into JavaScript syntax.

The plugin will report an error only if the code is syntactically incorrect. No type-checking is performed, as it done by IDEs and/or compilers.

So you can potentially load some non-compilable TypeScript module, and the plugin won't report any errors. You can get runtime errors when using the module.

It is advisable to validate your TypeScript modules with external IDEs and/or compilers.

Example of such problematic module:

interface Foo {
  bar: string;

export function printFoo(foo: Foo): void {
  console.log(foo.barWithTypo); // this line would cause a compilation error in a regular IDE, but the plugin won't report any errors

The plugin just strips all type annotations and converts the code into JavaScript:

export function printFoo(foo) {

So when we execute within Obsidian:

require('/FooModule.ts').printFoo({ bar: 'baz' });

we get undefined instead of baz.

NPM modules

Desktop Mobile

You can require NPM modules installed into your configured scripts root folder.


See Tips how to avoid performance issues.


Desktop Mobile

File URLs

Desktop Mobile

You can require files using file URLs:


Resource URLs

Desktop Mobile

You can require files using resource URLs:


See getResourcePath() and Platform.resourcePathPrefix for more details.

Top-level await

Desktop Mobile
await Promise.resolve();

export const dep = 42;

Smart caching

Desktop Mobile

Modules are cached for performance, but the cache is invalidated if the script or its dependencies change.

You can also control cache invalidation mode:

require('./someScript.js', { cacheInvalidationMode: 'always' });
require('./someScript.js', { cacheInvalidationMode: 'never' });
require('./someScript.js', { cacheInvalidationMode: 'whenPossible' });
  • always - always get the latest version of the module, ignoring the cached version
  • never - always use the cached version, ignoring the changes in the module, if any
  • whenPossible - get the latest version of the module if possible, otherwise use the cached version

Also, you can use a query string to skip cache invalidation (except for URLs), which behaves as setting cacheInvalidationMode to never:

require('./someScript.js?someQuery'); // cacheInvalidationMode: 'never'
require(''); // cacheInvalidationMode: 'whenPossible'

Clear cache

Desktop Mobile

If you need to clear the require cache, you can invoke the CodeScript Toolkit: Clear Cache command.

Source maps

Desktop Mobile

Manages source maps for compiled code, allowing seamless debugging in Obsidian.

Invocable scripts

Desktop Mobile

Make any script invocable by defining a module that exports a function named invoke (sync or async) that accepts app argument of App type.

// cjs sync
exports.invoke = (app) => { console.log('cjs sync'); };

// cjs async
exports.invoke = async (app) => { console.log('cjs async'); await Promise.resolve(); };

// mjs sync
export function invoke(app) { console.log('mjs sync'); };

// mjs async
export async function invoke(app) { console.log('mjs async'); await Promise.resolve(); };

// cts sync
import type { App } from 'obsidian';
exports.invoke = (app: App): void => { console.log('cts sync'); };

// cts async
import type { App } from 'obsidian';
exports.invoke = async (app: App): Promise<void> => { console.log('cts async'); await Promise.resolve(); };

// mts sync
import type { App } from 'obsidian';
export function invoke(app: App): void { console.log('mts sync'); };

// mts async
import type { App } from 'obsidian';
export async function invoke(app: App): Promise<void> { console.log('mts async'); await Promise.resolve(); };

Invoke scripts

Desktop Mobile

Configure a script directory so every script in it can be invoked using the Command Palette. Use CodeScript Toolkit: Invoke Script: <<Choose>> for more predictable lists:

Command Palette


Startup script

Desktop Mobile

Invoke any script when Obsidian loads via a configuration setting.

You can add an optional cleanup() function to the startup script, which will be called when the plugin is unloaded.

The function has the same signature as invoke() function.

import type { App } from 'obsidian';

export async function cleanup(app: App): Promise<void> {
  // executes when the plugin is unloaded

export async function invoke(app: App): Promise<void> {
  // executes when the plugin is loaded, including when the app is started

You can reload the startup script using the CodeScript Toolkit: Reload Startup Script command.


Desktop Mobile

Assign hotkeys to frequently used scripts:


Code buttons

Desktop Mobile

Create code buttons that execute JavaScript/TypeScript:

```code-button "Click me!"
// CommonJS (cjs) style
const { dependency1 } = require('./path/to/script1.js');

// ES Modules (esm) style
import { dependency2 } from './path/to/script2.js';

// Top-level await
await Promise.resolve(42);

// TypeScript syntax
function myTypeScriptFn(arg: string): void {}

Code Button

If you don't want to see the system messages such as Executing..., Executed successfully, you can set the systemMessages setting to false.

```code-button "Click me!" systemMessages:false
// code

Refreshing code blocks

Desktop Mobile

Code blocks are refreshed automatically when the content changes.

If you just update settings in the code block header, the code block will not be rerendered.

So your button caption and settings will not be refreshed.

To fix that, you can:

  • Modify the code block content.
  • Reopen the note.
  • Reload the plugin.
  • Use the Refresh Preview plugin.

Console messages

Desktop Mobile

Code blocks intercept all calls to console.debug(), console.error(),, console.log(), console.warn() and display them in the results panel.

```code-button "Console messages"
console.debug('debug message');
console.error('error message');'info message');
console.log('log message');
console.warn('warn message');

Console messages

If you do not want to intercept console messages, you can set the console setting to false.

```code-button "Console messages" console:false
// code

See Refreshing code blocks.

Auto output

Desktop Mobile

Code blocks automatically output the last evaluated expression.

```code-button REPL
1 + 2;
3 + 4;
5 + 6; // this will be displayed in the results panel

To disable this feature, set the autoOutput setting to false.

```code-button REPL autoOutput:false
1 + 2;
3 + 4;
5 + 6; // this will NOT be displayed in the results panel

See Refreshing code blocks.

Auto running code blocks

Desktop Mobile

Code blocks can be configured to run automatically when the note is opened using the autorun or autorun:true setting.

```code-button "Run automatically" autorun
// code to run

See Refreshing code blocks.


Desktop Mobile

Within code block you have access to the container HTML element that wraps the results panel.

```code-button "Using container"
container.createEl('button', { text: 'Click me!' });

Render markdown

Desktop Mobile

Within code block you have access to the renderMarkdown() function that renders markdown in the results panel.

```code-button "Render markdown"
await renderMarkdown('**Hello, world!**');

Temp plugins

Desktop Mobile

This plugin allows you to create temporary plugins.

This is useful for quick plugin prototyping from inside the Obsidian itself.

The key here is the function registerTempPlugin(), which is available in the script scope.

```code-button "Click me!"
import { Plugin } from 'obsidian';

class MyPlugin extends Plugin {
  onload() {
    console.log('loading MyPlugin');


The loaded temp plugins can be unloaded using the CodeScript Toolkit: Unload Temp Plugin: PluginName / CodeScript Toolkit: Unload Temp Plugins commands.

Also all temp plugins are unloaded when current plugin is unloaded.


Desktop Mobile

If you plan to use scripts extensively, consider putting them in a dot directory, such as .scripts within your vault. Obsidian doesn't track changes within dot directories and won't re-index your node_modules folder repeatedly.


Extending import()

Desktop Mobile

Extending dynamic import() expressions to support const obsidian = await import('obsidian') is currently impossible due to Electron limitations within Obsidian. Although Obsidian 1.6.5+ uses Node.js v20.14.0 which includes Module.register(), it depends on Node.js Worker threads and fails with The V8 platform used by this instance of Node does not support creating Workers. Use requireAsync() as a workaround.



By default, debug messages for this plugin are hidden.

To show them, run the following command:


For more details, refer to the documentation.


This plugin was formerly known as Fix Require Modules.

The plugin quickly overgrew its original purpose and got way more features than just fixing require() calls. That's why it got a new name.

However, for the backward compatibility, the previous id fix-require-modules is still used internally and you might find it

  • in plugin folder name;
  • in plugin URL;
  • in Debugging section;


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© Michael Naumov


Plugin for Obsidian that allows to do a lot of things with JavaScript/TypeScript scripts from inside the Obsidian itself







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