Fred 1.1.1-beta
Updates & Improvements
- El Finder was updated to version 2.1.50. This fixed a few pesky bugs, especially the one where you couldn’t see the directory names.
- Refactored the Dropzone class for
future evil schemesto make it perform more consistently with less code.
- Some remnant development console logging was accidentally left in. Now it’s gone.
- Fred Themes delayed loading script tags in in a too-clever way. Now it loads them in order from top to bottom as.
- Fixed a user permission error around saving. Because content creators typically like to do that.
- Blueprints no longer store the Element IDs, making them unique again (as they’re always regenerated when used).
- Nested Dropzones sometimes refused to allow you to change the Elements inside them when they shouldn’t. Fixed.
- Reorganized some code for future maintainability, and sanity in general.