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An image classification algorithm using various Machine learning (ML) methods that classifies land & water on Sentinel-2A satellite image.


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Image-Classification-using-Sentinel-2 | 2019


To develop and apply a chain of image filtering, segmentation and classification operations along with developing a classification model using convolution neural netwok (CNN). The exercise also explore various image filtering approaches that includes setting the correct parameters & finally reflect on the results and mention the current limitations of the method used.

Image Selectioin

The below screenshot shows the arial view of the Manhattan, New York and the highlighted region is a sub-set of the main image. The co-ordinates of the sub-set image are X-min: 628204.624870053, X-Max: 629655.9482847921, Y-Min: 680645.7086842884, Y-Max:682035.0097308763 ([EPSG:2260]).


Image analysis procedure

Following are the methods used to perform Image Analysis:-

  • Filtering (Decision Tree Algorithm)
  • Segmentation (Mean Shift Algorithm)
  • Classification (Fuzzy C means Algorithm)
  1. Decision Tree Algorithm

# R script for Image Analysis
#Download/add the required packages/libraries
library (raster)
library (rgdal)

#define the working directory
#setwd ('your working directory')
#load the land cover data (polygon shapefile)
samples <- readOGR('Flevoland_Samples.shp')

# Generate  training samples points using Flevoland_Samples dataset
pt_samples <- spsample(samples, 800, type='regular')

# Add the land cover class to the points  
pt_samples$Class <- over(pt_samples, samples)$Class

#writeOGR(pt_samples, dsn='your output folder', layer = 'TS_Flevoland', driver="ESRI Shapefile")
#Load the Planet image and rename the spectral bands
planet_image <- stack('Flevoland_planet.tif')
names(planet_image) <- c('blue', 'green', 'red', 'NIR')
# Extracting spectral information from Planet images for the training samples generated in the previous step
sample_values <- extract(planet_image, pt_samples, df = TRUE)
sample_values <- sample_values[, -1]

# Combine the class information with extracted values
sample_data <- data.frame(classvalue = pt_samples@data$Class, sample_values)
#Decision Tree /CART using rpart package
# Step 1: trainign classification model
DT_training <- rpart(as.factor(classvalue)~., data=sample_data, method = 'class', minsplit = 5)
#Plot the trained decision tree model
rpart.plot (DT_training)

#Investigate the trained decision tree model
summary (DT_training)
#alternatively you can use print(DT_training)

#investigate the complexity table. This table will be used to prune the trained DT model

#Pruning training DT model
#prune(DT_training, cp= 0.04) 
#rpart.plot (DT_training)
# Step 2: Predict the land cover classes of interest
DT_prediction <- predict(planet_image, DT_training, type='class')
#Display the classification results
DT_prediction <- ratify(DT_prediction)
LC_raster_classes <- levels(DT_prediction)[[1]]
planetclass <- c("Arable", "BuiltUp", "Forest", "Grassland", "Water")
LC_Classes <- data.frame(classvalue1 = c(1,2,3,4,5), classnames1 = planetclass)
LC_ClassesColor <- c("#FBF65D", "#D2CDC0", "#38814E", "#D1D182", "#5475A8")
LC_raster_classes$legend <- LC_Classes$classnames
levels(DT_prediction) <- LC_raster_classes
levelplot(DT_prediction, maxpixels = 1e6,
          col.regions = LC_ClassesColor,
          main = "Decision Tree classification of land cover usign Planet Images")

# Investigating the classification results obtained by the decision tree classification model
DT_kfold <- kfold(sample_data, k = 3, by=sample_data$classvalue)
table(DT_kfold )
DT_preparation <- list()
for (k in 1:3) {
  training_phase <- sample_data[DT_kfold != k, ]
  testing_phase <- sample_data[DT_kfold  == k, ]
  DT_training <- rpart(as.factor(classvalue)~., data=training_phase, method = 'class', minsplit = 5)
  prediction_class <- predict(DT_training,  testing_phase, type='class')
  # create a data.frame using the reference and prediction
  DT_preparation[[k]] <- cbind( testing_phase$classvalue, as.integer(prediction_class))

DT_results <-, DT_preparation)
DT_results <- data.frame(DT_results)
colnames(DT_results) <- c('observed', 'predicted')
DT_results_summary <- table(DT_results)
# Rename the LC classes
colnames(DT_results_summary ) <- LC_Classes$classnames
rownames(DT_results_summary ) <- LC_Classes$classnames

# Total number of classes
Total_classes <- sum(DT_results_summary )

# Identify the total number of correctly classified cases per class
matrix_diagonal <- diag(DT_results_summary )
# Calculate the Overall Accuracy
Overall_Accuracy <- sum(matrix_diagonal) / Total_classes

  1. Mean Shift Algorithm

# R script for practical class Basic Image Processing
# Split and merge segmentation
# Last modified: 26 April 2019
# This code is developed for educational purpose, 
# to be used in Q4 course "Image Analysis" of MSc course in Geoinformatics at ITC.
# The code is developed by Valentyn Tolpekin, [email protected].
# The code is optimized for clarity rather than for computational efficiency.
# Do not remove this announcement.
# The code is distributed "as is", WITH NO WARRANTY whatsoever!


StartPath <- getwd()

#Defining the root directory
Root <- StartPath

Path_in <- paste(Root, "/input",sep="")
Path_out <- paste(Root, "/output",sep="")

dir.create(Path_out,showWarnings=FALSE, recursive=TRUE)


convert_to_polygons <- TRUE
# Read image
image.fn <- "NewYork_Subset.tif"

A <- readGDAL(paste(Path_in,"/",image.fn,sep="")) 

# Image is too large. Subset.
d <- A@[email protected]
nrows0 <- d[1]
ncols0 <- d[2]

#nrows <- 1451
#ncols <- 1371

nrows <- 500
ncols <- 490

if(nrows < nrows0 & ncols < ncols0) {
	start_row <- round(runif(1, min = 1, max=nrows0 - nrows))
	start_col <- round(runif(1, min = 1, max=ncols0 - ncols))
	start_row <- nrows
	start_col <- ncols

	end_row <- start_row + nrows - 1
	end_col <- start_col + ncols - 1

	A <- A[start_col:end_col, start_row:end_row]

n_b <- ncol(A@data)

A.image <- A

# Apply histogram strecth
for(k in 1:n_b) {
	A.image@data[, k]   <- histstretch(A.image@data[, k])

# Image dimensions
d <- A@[email protected]
psize <- A@grid@cellsize

nrows <- d[1]
ncols <- d[2]
npix <- prod(d)

proj_image <- A@proj4string

nR <- 1
nG <- 2
nB <- 3

if(n_b>1) image(A.image,red=nR,green=nG,blue=nB,axes=TRUE) else image(A.image,col=gray((0:255)/255),axes=TRUE)

# The max number of iterations
iter <- 1000

x <- data.matrix(A@data)

# xy <- coordinates(A)
# sx <- xy[,1]
# sy <- xy[,2]

# sx <- sx - min(sx)
# sy <- sy - min(sy)

# x <- cbind(x, sx, sy)

# set the bandwidth
h <- 0.5 * rep(1, ncol(x))

res <- meanShift(x, x, nNeighbors=10, bandwidth=h, alpha=0, iterations = iter, epsilonCluster = 0.1)

# Display classified data

Seg <- SpatialGridDataFrame(A@grid, data.frame(class_id=res$assignment), proj4string = A@proj4string)

rf <- colorRampPalette(rev(brewer.pal(11,'Spectral')))
pal <- rf(32)

image(Seg, col=pal, axes=TRUE)

# Output raster image file

OUT <- Seg
imagefn.out <- paste("NewYork_Subset",".tif",sep="")
# writeGDAL(OUT, imagefn.out, drivername = "GTiff", type = "Int32", mvFlag = -1, colorTables=list(pal))
writeGDAL(OUT, imagefn.out, drivername = "GTiff", type = "Byte", mvFlag = -1)

# The end

3. Fuzzy C means

# R code for practical class Fuzzy and sub-pixel classification
# Last modified: 10 May 2018
# This code is developed for educational purpose, 
# to be used in Q4 course "Image Analysis" of MSc course in Geoinformatics at ITC.
# The code is developed by Valentyn Tolpekin, [email protected].
# The code is optimized for clarity rather than for computational efficiency.
# Do not remove this announcement.
# The code is distributed "as is", WITH NO WARRANTY whatsoever!

# Block 1: variable definitions, data import, preparation


# Show intermediate results? (slow)
ShowAll <- TRUE

# Fuzzy parameter
m <- 2.0

# Number of classes
n_cl <- 5

# Set path to directories
Root <- "C:/Users/csc/Desktop/Root"


# Input directory
Path_in <- paste(Root, "/Input", sep="")

# Output directory
Path_out <- paste(Root, "/Output", sep="")
dir.create(Path_out, recursive = TRUE, showWarnings=FALSE)

# Name of the input file (excluding file extenstion .img)
imagefn <- "test.tif"

# Combine path, file name and file extension, then read the file
MS <- readGDAL(paste(Path_in, "/", imagefn, sep="")) 

# Number of bands
n_b <- dim(MS@data)[2]

MS.image <- MS

# Set RGB composition
nR <- 3
nG <- 2
nB <- 1

MS.image@data[, nR] <-histstretch(MS.image@data[, nR])
MS.image@data[, nG] <-histstretch(MS.image@data[, nG])
MS.image@data[, nB] <-histstretch(MS.image@data[, nB])

windows(7, 7)
image(MS.image, red=nR, green=nG, blue=nB, axes=TRUE)
title(paste("l19991023sub, RGB=", nR, ":", nG, ":", nB, sep=""))

# Image dimensions
d <- MS@[email protected]
psize <- MS@grid@cellsize

n_col <- d[1]
n_row <- d[2]

tmp <- as.matrix(MS@data)
x <- array(tmp, dim(tmp))
max_val <- max(x)
# 2. Initialiazation of membership values. 
# Function sample_frac produces random membership value vector with sum of elements = 1
npix <- nrow(MS)
V <- array(0, c(n_cl, n_b))
U <- array(0, c(npix, n_cl))

Uref <- U

V[, ] <- matrix(rep(colMeans(x), n_cl), byrow=TRUE, nrow=n_cl)

# Add random vedctor to the mean value of each class 
amplitude <- array(0, n_b)

for(i in 1:n_b) amplitude[i] <- sd(x[, i])

for(k in 1:n_cl)
  for(i in 1:n_b)
    V[k, i] <- V[k, i] + runif(1, min=-amplitude[i], max=amplitude[i])

Md <- array(0, c(n_cl, npix))
Mdk <- array(0, c(n_cl, n_cl, npix))

# Update pixel membership values
for(k in 1:n_cl) {
  #Md[l, , ] <- colSums((D-V[l, ])^2, 1)
  Md[k, ] <- rowSums((t(t(x)-V[k, ]))^2, 1)

for(l in 1:n_cl) for (k in 1:n_cl) Mdk[k, l, ] <- (Md[l, ]/Md[k, ])^(1/(m-1))

U <- t(1.0/colSums(Mdk, 1))
# 3. Display initial membership values
FCM@data <- data.frame(U)

if(ShowAll) {
  windows(title="Iinitial membership values")
  Nrow <- round(sqrt(n_cl))
  par(mfrow=c(Nrow, round(n_cl/Nrow)))
  for(k in 1:n_cl) {
    image(FCM, attr=k, col=gray((0:255)/255), axes=TRUE)
    title( main = paste("Class ", k, sep=""))
"Initial mean values:"
# 4. Fuzzy C means computations
fcm_objfun <- function() {
  val <- 0
  for(k in 1:n_cl) {
    tmp <- rowSums((t(t(x)-V[k, ]))^2, 1)
    val <- val + sum(tmp*(U[, k]^m))/(npix*(max_val^2))

Nit <- 1000
eps <- 1.0e-02

parr <- rep(18, n_cl)
#colarr <- 2:(1+n_cl)

col_arr <- rainbow(n_cl)

Md <- array(0, c(n_cl, npix))
Mdk <- array(0, c(n_cl, n_cl, npix))

if(ShowAll) {
  windows(12, 6)
  par(mfrow=c(1, 2))

Errcount <- 0

ind <- sample(npix, 5000, replace=FALSE)
Err_hist <- array(0, Nit)

Objfun_hist <- array(0, Nit)

Objfun_hist[1] <- fcm_objfun()

for(iter in 1:Nit) {
  Uref <- U
  # Update pixel membership values
  for(k in 1:n_cl) {
    #Md[l, , ] <- colSums((D-V[l, ])^2, 1)
    Md[k, ] <- rowSums((t(t(x)-V[k, ]))^2, 1)
  for(l in 1:n_cl)
    for (k in 1:n_cl) {
      Mdk[k, l, ] <- (Md[l, ]/Md[k, ])^(1/(m-1))
  U <- t(1.0/colSums(Mdk, 1))
  # Update cluster mean values
  for (l in 1:n_b)
    for (k in 1:n_cl) {
      V[k, l] <- sum((U[, k]^m)*x[, l])/sum(U[, k]^m)
  Objfun_hist[iter] <- fcm_objfun()
  Err <- sum(abs(Uref-U))/npix
  if(Err<eps) Errcount<-Errcount+1 else Errcount=0
  if(Errcount>=3) break
  if(ShowAll) {
    FCM@data[, 1] <- U[, 1]
    image(FCM, attr=1, col=gray((0:255)/255), axes=TRUE)
    title(main = paste("Iteration=", iter, " Mean band 4=", round(V[1, 4], 3), sep=""))
    plot(x[ind, 4], x[ind, 2], xlab = paste("Band", 4, sep=""), xlim=c(0, max_val), asp=1, ylab = paste("Band", 2, sep=""), cex=0.3, pch=16)
    for(i in 1:n_cl) {
      points(V[i, 4], V[i, 2], col=col_arr[i], cex=1.5, pch=parr[i])
      points(V[i, 4], V[i, 2], col=col_arr[i], cex=3, pch=3)

# Convergence plot, for testing purpose
plot(Objfun_hist[1:iter], type="b", xlab="iterations", ylab="Objective function")
title(main=paste("convergence plot; the end value =", round(Objfun_hist[iter], 6), sep=""))
# 5. Display results
FCM@data <- data.frame(U)

cl_names <- "Class1"
for(j in 2:n_cl)cl_names <- c(cl_names, paste("Class", j, sep=""))

names(FCM) <- cl_names

windows(title="FCM result: membership values")
Nrow <- round(sqrt(n_cl))
par(mfrow=c(Nrow, ceiling(n_cl/Nrow)))

for(k in 1:n_cl) {
  #	FCM@data[, k] <- as.vector(Uold[k, , ])
  image(FCM, attr=k, col=gray((0:255)/255), axes=TRUE)
  title(main = paste("Class ", k, sep=""))

windows(title="Histograms of membership values")
Nrow <- round(sqrt(n_cl))
par(mfrow=c(Nrow, round(n_cl/Nrow)))

for(k in 1:n_cl) {
  hist(FCM@data[, k], main = paste("Class ", k, sep=""))

"Number of iterations:"

"Mean values:"
# 6. Display feature space

windows(title="Feature space with legend")

plot(x[ind, k], x[ind, l], xlab = paste("Band", k, sep=""), ylab = paste("Band", l, sep=""), cex=0.1)

text_str <- "Class1"

for(i in 1:n_cl) {
  points(V[i, k], V[i, l], col=col_arr[i], cex=2, pch=parr[i])
  if(i>1) text_str <- c(text_str, paste("Class", i, sep=""))

legend("right", text_str, fill=col_arr)
# 7. Display confidence image
Win1 <- array(0, npix)
Win2 <- array(0, npix)

Win1p <- array(0, npix)
Win2p <- array(0, npix)

for(i in 1:npix) {
  k <- which.max(U[i, ])
  Win1[i] <- k
  Win1p[i] <- U[i, k]
  l <- which.max(U[i, -k])
  Win2[i] <- l
  Win2p[i] <- (U[i, -k])[l]

m12 <- 1 - (Win2p/Win1p)

Win <- FCM
Win$conf <- m12
Win$first <- Win1

col_arr <- rainbow(n_cl) 

par(mfrow=c(1, 2))
image(Win, attr="first", col=col_arr, axes=TRUE)
title("Winner 1")
legend("center", text_str, fill=col_arr)

par(mfrow=c(1, 2))
image(Win, attr="conf", col=gray((0:255)/255), axes=TRUE)
title(main="FCM result: confidence image")
hist(m12, main="Histogram of confidence image")
# 8. Output the results
# To ASCII text file
write.table(V, file = paste(Path_out, "/FCM_Mean.txt", sep=""), append=FALSE, quote=TRUE, sep =" ", eol="\n", na="NA", dec=".", row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, qmethod=c("escape", "double"))
# To R data file
save(V, FCM, file=paste(Path_out, "/FCM_Results.RData", sep=""))

# To multiband raster image
# filename
imagefn.out <- "FCM.tif"

OUT@data <- data.frame(FCM@data[, ])
OUT.tif<-create2GDAL(OUT, drivername="GTiff", type="Float32")
saveDataset(OUT.tif, imagefn.out)

# The End


An image classification algorithm using various Machine learning (ML) methods that classifies land & water on Sentinel-2A satellite image.








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