GoGit is a highly efficient binary with fully compatible with GIT written in GO language. It's written to do day to day GIT command in more simple way and easy to remember commands.
GOGIT can be downloadable from URL for all three major operating system or by using below wget command on linux machines.
wget https://github.com/mohsinzaheer25/gogit/releases/download/v1.0.0/gogit_REPLACEWITHYOUROS_X86_64
Copy the downloaded binary to /usr/local/bin/
by using below command.
Validate the installation is successful by running gogit version
$ gogit version
GOGIT v1.0.0
There are number of commands available by GOGIT and can be found by running gogit help
$ gogit help
GOGIT is command line tool to use git command in simple way.
Usage: gogit [COMMAND]
ls List All The Change Files
add Add Files To The Repository
get Get a Repository or Branch Updated Files
undo Reset your commit to particular commit or Reset last commit
newbranch Creates A New Branch
version Display GOGIT Version
Each command usage can be found by running gogit [command] help
$ gogit add help
GOGIT is command line tool to use git command in simple way.
Usage: gogit add -f "[Filenames]" -c "[Comment]" -b "[Branch Name]"
gogit [flags]
-b, --branch string Git Branch
-c, --comment string Comment
-f, --files string Single File or Multiple Files With Spaces Within Quotes
-h, --help help for gogit
To create a new branch and switch to that branch, just use gogit newbranch [Branch Name]
$ gogit newbranch testbranch
Switched to a new branch 'testbranch'
Likewise, you can utilize other commands to work with git in more simple way.
Contributions are more than welcome, if you are interested please send an email to [email protected] until contribution guidelines get ready.