Releases: mojaloop/ml-reference-connectors
Releases · mojaloop/ml-reference-connectors
v1.19.0 Release
1.19.0 (2025-02-24)
- added auth and kyc (93f09ca)
- added boilerplate code for outgoing payments (0902506)
- added callback endpoint and request handler function (8e1f100)
- added collectMoney function and refactored aggregate (9132392)
- added iso kyc features and implemented new designs for merchant payments (cf28dc3)
- added logging for errors (d8899bf)
- added logging of request and respone bodies (60a7e03)
- added merchant payments (9a7ed9f)
- added merchant payments and tests (ba25f70)
- Added mock test and types for NBM (34caa9b)
- added property attribute to data object in getCustomer method in CBSclient (2b410c4)
- added quote checking functions (a1c9679)
- added quote validation logic for incoming payments (5b1ce67)
- added refund function to tnm client (c1b6183)
- added route handler for PATCH notification (349ffb7)
- added sequence diagrams for merchant payments (89c207a)
- added type for extensionList entry (0fa095c)
- change callback req method to post for tnm (db3180e)
- create new connector for mtn ug (651ac79)
- fdh core connector and tnm quote request function (e87fdf0)
- fixed MTN Client to support integration (089a13c)
- handle error responses properly (f5af785)
- implement callback functionality (db356f5)
- implement ISO requirements in connector template (9b27926)
- implemented functions for incoming transactions (96c3644)
- implemented get transaction enquirey (a043d6f)
- implemented merchant payments (141e414)
- Implemented mocks tests (5513c21)
- implemented mtn kyc data mapping iso fields and merchant payment implementation (9a0f631)
- implemented outgoing payments functionality (2e64944)
- implemented proper KYC mappings and checks in mtnuganda (8fb00ce)
- implemented proper KYC mappings and checks in template (b005c8a)
- implemented recieve transfers (4c0c2aa)
- implemented tests and fixed issues from testing in connector template (0536561)
- implemented validateQuote function (f1e4646)
- put http protocol for cbs in env var (bd188dd)
- read ISO returned name and configure http timeout (05fb823)
- refactor payer send money design to respond to acceptParty (afbe07a)
- refactored aggregate and added callback handler (dfd0bdd)
- refactored the sequence of handling of currentState for an outgoing payment (ca76733)
- return errors from SDK properly (5408d34)
- return transaction purpose during POST /transfers (4650f14)
- set default values for extensionLists that may be undefined (29c6388)
- set default values for extensionLists that may be undefined (72af519)
- set default values in extensionLists for outbound post transers (ec2e623)
- Unit and Integrations tests added (0943618)
- update callback functions to use acceptQuoteOrConversion (8c655a2)
- update sdk client for tnm to return all sdk responses (ef1663a)
- updated api documentation (82a0435)
- updated connectors to support proper KYC data mapping (d1143ec)
- updated readme doc in root folder (0589704)
- warn for missing extensionlists and return supportedCurrenceis (cc745b2)
- Writing mock tests (9923398)
Bug Fixes
- added await on refund handler (7ba561f)
- added await on refund handler (7a496af)
- added changes from update-payer send money (a5cc399)
- ffixed ailed transfer test (fe5a550)
- fix failing tests (0c1f6d6)
- fix linting errors (c845b56)
- fix the operationId being referenced in dfsp routes (c0ed2d2)
- fixed env file name and removed integration tests from pipeline run (853f26a)
- fixed eslint errors (fddad62)
- fixed failing callback test ([fd8844c](fd8844c7e7f8cb1c41381f07...
v1.18.0 Release
1.18.0 (2025-02-21)
- added auth and kyc (93f09ca)
- added boilerplate code for outgoing payments (0902506)
- added callback endpoint and request handler function (8e1f100)
- added collectMoney function and refactored aggregate (9132392)
- added iso kyc features and implemented new designs for merchant payments (cf28dc3)
- added logging for errors (d8899bf)
- added logging of request and respone bodies (60a7e03)
- added merchant payments (9a7ed9f)
- added merchant payments and tests (ba25f70)
- Added mock test and types for NBM (34caa9b)
- added property attribute to data object in getCustomer method in CBSclient (2b410c4)
- added quote checking functions (a1c9679)
- added quote validation logic for incoming payments (5b1ce67)
- added refund function to tnm client (c1b6183)
- added route handler for PATCH notification (349ffb7)
- added sequence diagrams for merchant payments (89c207a)
- added type for extensionList entry (0fa095c)
- change callback req method to post for tnm (db3180e)
- create new connector for mtn ug (651ac79)
- fdh core connector and tnm quote request function (e87fdf0)
- fixed MTN Client to support integration (089a13c)
- handle error responses properly (f5af785)
- implement callback functionality (db356f5)
- implement ISO requirements in connector template (9b27926)
- implemented functions for incoming transactions (96c3644)
- implemented get transaction enquirey (a043d6f)
- implemented merchant payments (141e414)
- Implemented mocks tests (5513c21)
- implemented mtn kyc data mapping iso fields and merchant payment implementation (9a0f631)
- implemented outgoing payments functionality (2e64944)
- implemented proper KYC mappings and checks in mtnuganda (8fb00ce)
- implemented proper KYC mappings and checks in template (b005c8a)
- implemented recieve transfers (4c0c2aa)
- implemented tests and fixed issues from testing in connector template (0536561)
- implemented validateQuote function (f1e4646)
- put http protocol for cbs in env var (bd188dd)
- read ISO returned name and configure http timeout (05fb823)
- refactor payer send money design to respond to acceptParty (afbe07a)
- refactored aggregate and added callback handler (dfd0bdd)
- refactored the sequence of handling of currentState for an outgoing payment (ca76733)
- return errors from SDK properly (5408d34)
- set default values for extensionLists that may be undefined (29c6388)
- set default values for extensionLists that may be undefined (72af519)
- set default values in extensionLists for outbound post transers (ec2e623)
- Unit and Integrations tests added (0943618)
- update callback functions to use acceptQuoteOrConversion (8c655a2)
- update sdk client for tnm to return all sdk responses (ef1663a)
- updated api documentation (82a0435)
- updated connectors to support proper KYC data mapping (d1143ec)
- updated readme doc in root folder (0589704)
- warn for missing extensionlists and return supportedCurrenceis (cc745b2)
- Writing mock tests (9923398)
Bug Fixes
- added await on refund handler (7ba561f)
- added await on refund handler (7a496af)
- added changes from update-payer send money (a5cc399)
- ffixed ailed transfer test (fe5a550)
- fix failing tests (0c1f6d6)
- fix linting errors (c845b56)
- fix the operationId being referenced in dfsp routes (c0ed2d2)
- fixed env file name and removed integration tests from pipeline run (853f26a)
- fixed eslint errors (fddad62)
- fixed failing callback test (fd8844c)
- fixed failing ci jobs (1f1bd2f)
- fixed f...
v1.17.0 Release
1.17.0 (2025-02-10)
- added auth and kyc (93f09ca)
- added boilerplate code for outgoing payments (0902506)
- added callback endpoint and request handler function (8e1f100)
- added collectMoney function and refactored aggregate (9132392)
- added iso kyc features and implemented new designs for merchant payments (cf28dc3)
- added logging for errors (d8899bf)
- added logging of request and respone bodies (60a7e03)
- added merchant payments (9a7ed9f)
- added merchant payments and tests (ba25f70)
- Added mock test and types for NBM (34caa9b)
- added property attribute to data object in getCustomer method in CBSclient (2b410c4)
- added quote checking functions (a1c9679)
- added quote validation logic for incoming payments (5b1ce67)
- added refund function to tnm client (c1b6183)
- added route handler for PATCH notification (349ffb7)
- added sequence diagrams for merchant payments (89c207a)
- added type for extensionList entry (0fa095c)
- change callback req method to post for tnm (db3180e)
- create new connector for mtn ug (651ac79)
- fdh core connector and tnm quote request function (e87fdf0)
- fixed MTN Client to support integration (089a13c)
- handle error responses properly (f5af785)
- implement callback functionality (db356f5)
- implement ISO requirements in connector template (9b27926)
- implemented functions for incoming transactions (96c3644)
- implemented get transaction enquirey (a043d6f)
- implemented merchant payments (141e414)
- Implemented mocks tests (5513c21)
- implemented mtn kyc data mapping iso fields and merchant payment implementation (9a0f631)
- implemented outgoing payments functionality (2e64944)
- implemented recieve transfers (4c0c2aa)
- implemented tests and fixed issues from testing in connector template (0536561)
- implemented validateQuote function (f1e4646)
- put http protocol for cbs in env var (bd188dd)
- read ISO returned name and configure http timeout (05fb823)
- refactored aggregate and added callback handler (dfd0bdd)
- refactored the sequence of handling of currentState for an outgoing payment (ca76733)
- return errors from SDK properly (5408d34)
- set default values for extensionLists that may be undefined (29c6388)
- set default values for extensionLists that may be undefined (72af519)
- set default values in extensionLists for outbound post transers (ec2e623)
- Unit and Integrations tests added (0943618)
- update sdk client for tnm to return all sdk responses (ef1663a)
- updated api documentation (82a0435)
- updated readme doc in root folder (0589704)
- warn for missing extensionlists and return supportedCurrenceis (cc745b2)
- Writing mock tests (9923398)
Bug Fixes
- added await on refund handler (7ba561f)
- added await on refund handler (7a496af)
- added changes from update-payer send money (a5cc399)
- ffixed ailed transfer test (fe5a550)
- fix failing tests (0c1f6d6)
- fix linting errors (c845b56)
- fix the operationId being referenced in dfsp routes (c0ed2d2)
- fixed env file name and removed integration tests from pipeline run (853f26a)
- fixed eslint errors (fddad62)
- fixed failing callback test (fd8844c)
- fixed failing ci jobs (1f1bd2f)
- fixed failing integration tests (e338c28)
- fixed failing test for quoterequests (cdb33aa)
- fixed failing tests (f83eb21)
- fixed failing tests (4f00035)
- fixed failing tests (4e85c44)
- fixed failing tests (5276cf5)
- fixed failing tests in m...
v1.16.0 Release
1.16.0 (2025-02-05)
- added auth and kyc (93f09ca)
- added boilerplate code for outgoing payments (0902506)
- added callback endpoint and request handler function (8e1f100)
- added collectMoney function and refactored aggregate (9132392)
- added iso kyc features and implemented new designs for merchant payments (cf28dc3)
- added logging for errors (d8899bf)
- added logging of request and respone bodies (60a7e03)
- added merchant payments (9a7ed9f)
- added merchant payments and tests (ba25f70)
- Added mock test and types for NBM (34caa9b)
- added property attribute to data object in getCustomer method in CBSclient (2b410c4)
- added quote checking functions (a1c9679)
- added quote validation logic for incoming payments (5b1ce67)
- added refund function to tnm client (c1b6183)
- added route handler for PATCH notification (349ffb7)
- added sequence diagrams for merchant payments (89c207a)
- added type for extensionList entry (0fa095c)
- change callback req method to post for tnm (db3180e)
- create new connector for mtn ug (651ac79)
- fdh core connector and tnm quote request function (e87fdf0)
- fixed MTN Client to support integration (089a13c)
- handle error responses properly (f5af785)
- implement callback functionality (db356f5)
- implement ISO requirements in connector template (9b27926)
- implemented functions for incoming transactions (96c3644)
- implemented get transaction enquirey (a043d6f)
- implemented merchant payments (141e414)
- Implemented mocks tests (5513c21)
- implemented mtn kyc data mapping iso fields and merchant payment implementation (9a0f631)
- implemented outgoing payments functionality (2e64944)
- implemented recieve transfers (4c0c2aa)
- implemented tests and fixed issues from testing in connector template (0536561)
- implemented validateQuote function (f1e4646)
- put http protocol for cbs in env var (bd188dd)
- read ISO returned name and configure http timeout (05fb823)
- refactored aggregate and added callback handler (dfd0bdd)
- refactored the sequence of handling of currentState for an outgoing payment (ca76733)
- return errors from SDK properly (5408d34)
- set default values for extensionLists that may be undefined (29c6388)
- set default values for extensionLists that may be undefined (72af519)
- set default values in extensionLists for outbound post transers (ec2e623)
- Unit and Integrations tests added (0943618)
- update sdk client for tnm to return all sdk responses (ef1663a)
- updated api documentation (82a0435)
- updated readme doc in root folder (0589704)
- warn for missing extensionlists and return supportedCurrenceis (cc745b2)
- Writing mock tests (9923398)
Bug Fixes
- added await on refund handler (7ba561f)
- added await on refund handler (7a496af)
- added changes from update-payer send money (a5cc399)
- ffixed ailed transfer test (fe5a550)
- fix failing tests (0c1f6d6)
- fix linting errors (c845b56)
- fix the operationId being referenced in dfsp routes (c0ed2d2)
- fixed env file name and removed integration tests from pipeline run (853f26a)
- fixed eslint errors (fddad62)
- fixed failing callback test (fd8844c)
- fixed failing ci jobs (1f1bd2f)
- fixed failing integration tests (e338c28)
- fixed failing test for quoterequests (cdb33aa)
- fixed failing tests (f83eb21)
- fixed failing tests (4f00035)
- fixed failing tests (4e85c44)
- fixed failing tests (5276cf5)
- fixed failing tests in m...
v1.15.0 Release
1.15.0 (2025-01-30)
- added auth and kyc (93f09ca)
- added boilerplate code for outgoing payments (0902506)
- added callback endpoint and request handler function (8e1f100)
- added collectMoney function and refactored aggregate (9132392)
- added logging for errors (d8899bf)
- added logging of request and respone bodies (60a7e03)
- added merchant payments (9a7ed9f)
- added merchant payments and tests (ba25f70)
- Added mock test and types for NBM (34caa9b)
- added property attribute to data object in getCustomer method in CBSclient (2b410c4)
- added quote checking functions (a1c9679)
- added quote validation logic for incoming payments (5b1ce67)
- added refund function to tnm client (c1b6183)
- added route handler for PATCH notification (349ffb7)
- added sequence diagrams for merchant payments (89c207a)
- change callback req method to post for tnm (db3180e)
- create new connector for mtn ug (651ac79)
- fdh core connector and tnm quote request function (e87fdf0)
- fixed MTN Client to support integration (089a13c)
- implement callback functionality (db356f5)
- implemented functions for incoming transactions (96c3644)
- implemented get transaction enquirey (a043d6f)
- implemented merchant payments (141e414)
- Implemented mocks tests (5513c21)
- implemented mtn kyc data mapping iso fields and merchant payment implementation (9a0f631)
- implemented outgoing payments functionality (2e64944)
- implemented recieve transfers (4c0c2aa)
- implemented validateQuote function (f1e4646)
- read ISO returned name and configure http timeout (05fb823)
- refactored aggregate and added callback handler (dfd0bdd)
- Unit and Integrations tests added (0943618)
- updated api documentation (82a0435)
- updated readme doc in root folder (0589704)
- Writing mock tests (9923398)
Bug Fixes
- added await on refund handler (7ba561f)
- added await on refund handler (7a496af)
- added changes from update-payer send money (a5cc399)
- ffixed ailed transfer test (fe5a550)
- fix failing tests (0c1f6d6)
- fix linting errors (c845b56)
- fixed env file name and removed integration tests from pipeline run (853f26a)
- fixed eslint errors (fddad62)
- fixed failing callback test (fd8844c)
- fixed failing ci jobs (1f1bd2f)
- fixed failing integration tests (e338c28)
- fixed failing test for quoterequests (cdb33aa)
- fixed failing tests (f83eb21)
- fixed failing tests (4f00035)
- fixed failing tests (4e85c44)
- fixed failing tests (5276cf5)
- fixed failing tests in mtn-ug-core-connector (87240f9)
- fixed failing tests in mtn-ug-core-connector (932b714)
- fixed failing tests in the mtn-ug and mtn-zm connector (b863499)
- Fixed failing unit test (61bdbcd)
- fixed failing unit tests (432d150)
- fixed failling quote request unit test (44f2273)
- fixed liniting errors and tests in airtel-zm connector (c2a4dff)
- fixed linting (c57dba8)
- fixed linting errors (2a11833)
- fixed linting errors (0ea2af8)
- fixed linting errors (163dbee)
- fixed linting errors and fixed failing tests in ci (0839177)
- fixed middleName return in getParties call (a1b7bd0)
- fixed parameter name in api spce (f785f2c)
- fixed parameter names on get parties (3b9abcb)
- fixed quote validation functions ([c04f729](c04f729...
v1.14.0 Release
1.14.0 (2025-01-10)
- added auth and kyc (93f09ca)
- added boilerplate code for outgoing payments (0902506)
- added callback endpoint and request handler function (8e1f100)
- added collectMoney function and refactored aggregate (9132392)
- added logging for errors (d8899bf)
- added logging of request and respone bodies (60a7e03)
- added merchant payments (9a7ed9f)
- added property attribute to data object in getCustomer method in CBSclient (2b410c4)
- added quote validation logic for incoming payments (5b1ce67)
- added refund function to tnm client (c1b6183)
- added route handler for PATCH notification (349ffb7)
- added sequence diagrams for merchant payments (89c207a)
- change callback req method to post for tnm (db3180e)
- create new connector for mtn ug (651ac79)
- fixed MTN Client to support integration (089a13c)
- implement callback functionality (db356f5)
- implemented functions for incoming transactions (96c3644)
- implemented get transaction enquirey (a043d6f)
- implemented merchant payments (141e414)
- implemented outgoing payments functionality (2e64944)
- implemented recieve transfers (4c0c2aa)
- read ISO returned name and configure http timeout (05fb823)
- refactored aggregate and added callback handler (dfd0bdd)
- updated api documentation (82a0435)
- updated readme doc in root folder (0589704)
Bug Fixes
- added await on refund handler (7ba561f)
- added await on refund handler (7a496af)
- added changes from update-payer send money (a5cc399)
- fix failing tests (0c1f6d6)
- fix linting errors (c845b56)
- fixed env file name and removed integration tests from pipeline run (853f26a)
- fixed eslint errors (fddad62)
- fixed failing callback test (fd8844c)
- fixed failing ci jobs (1f1bd2f)
- fixed failing integration tests (e338c28)
- fixed failing tests (5276cf5)
- fixed liniting errors and tests in airtel-zm connector (c2a4dff)
- fixed linting errors (163dbee)
- fixed linting errors and fixed failing tests in ci (0839177)
- fixed middleName return in getParties call (a1b7bd0)
- fixed parameter name in api spce (f785f2c)
- fixed parameter names on get parties (3b9abcb)
- fixed quote validation functions (c04f729)
- fixing linting errors and environmental variables (b27ee08)
- implemented changes to fix failing tests (a05a85b)
- put default values if return value from mojaloop connector is undefined (803c705)
- refactored code and uncommented updateSentTransfer in agg (0b33a83)
- refactored interface and git hooks scripts (40e67ac)
- removed unused vars to fix linting errrors (e2d5e6f)
- synchronize lock file (1d0f557)
v1.13.0 Release
1.13.0 (2025-01-09)
- added auth and kyc (93f09ca)
- added boilerplate code for outgoing payments (0902506)
- added callback endpoint and request handler function (8e1f100)
- added collectMoney function and refactored aggregate (9132392)
- added logging for errors (d8899bf)
- added logging of request and respone bodies (60a7e03)
- added property attribute to data object in getCustomer method in CBSclient (2b410c4)
- added quote validation logic for incoming payments (5b1ce67)
- added refund function to tnm client (c1b6183)
- added route handler for PATCH notification (349ffb7)
- change callback req method to post for tnm (db3180e)
- create new connector for mtn ug (651ac79)
- fixed MTN Client to support integration (089a13c)
- implement callback functionality (db356f5)
- implemented functions for incoming transactions (96c3644)
- implemented get transaction enquirey (a043d6f)
- implemented outgoing payments functionality (2e64944)
- implemented recieve transfers (4c0c2aa)
- read ISO returned name and configure http timeout (05fb823)
- refactored aggregate and added callback handler (dfd0bdd)
- updated api documentation (82a0435)
- updated readme doc in root folder (0589704)
Bug Fixes
- added await on refund handler (7ba561f)
- added await on refund handler (7a496af)
- added changes from update-payer send money (a5cc399)
- fix failing tests (0c1f6d6)
- fix linting errors (c845b56)
- fixed env file name and removed integration tests from pipeline run (853f26a)
- fixed eslint errors (fddad62)
- fixed failing callback test (fd8844c)
- fixed failing ci jobs (1f1bd2f)
- fixed failing integration tests (e338c28)
- fixed failing tests (5276cf5)
- fixed liniting errors and tests in airtel-zm connector (c2a4dff)
- fixed linting errors (163dbee)
- fixed linting errors and fixed failing tests in ci (0839177)
- fixed middleName return in getParties call (a1b7bd0)
- fixed parameter name in api spce (f785f2c)
- fixed parameter names on get parties (3b9abcb)
- fixed quote validation functions (c04f729)
- fixing linting errors and environmental variables (b27ee08)
- implemented changes to fix failing tests (a05a85b)
- put default values if return value from mojaloop connector is undefined (803c705)
- refactored code and uncommented updateSentTransfer in agg (0b33a83)
- refactored interface and git hooks scripts (40e67ac)
- removed unused vars to fix linting errrors (e2d5e6f)
- synchronize lock file (1d0f557)
v1.12.0 Release
1.12.0 (2024-11-12)
- added boilerplate code for outgoing payments (0902506)
- added callback endpoint and request handler function (8e1f100)
- added collectMoney function and refactored aggregate (9132392)
- added property attribute to data object in getCustomer method in CBSclient (2b410c4)
- added refund function to tnm client (c1b6183)
- added route handler for PATCH notification (349ffb7)
- implement callback functionality (db356f5)
- implemented functions for incoming transactions (96c3644)
- implemented get transaction enquirey (a043d6f)
- implemented outgoing payments functionality (2e64944)
- implemented recieve transfers (4c0c2aa)
- read ISO returned name and configure http timeout (05fb823)
- updated api documentation (82a0435)
- updated readme doc in root folder (0589704)
Bug Fixes
- added await on refund handler (7ba561f)
- added await on refund handler (7a496af)
- added changes from update-payer send money (a5cc399)
- fix linting errors (c845b56)
- fixed env file name and removed integration tests from pipeline run (853f26a)
- fixed eslint errors (fddad62)
- fixed failing ci jobs (1f1bd2f)
- fixed failing tests (5276cf5)
- implemented changes to fix failing tests (a05a85b)
- put default values if return value from mojaloop connector is undefined (803c705)
- refactored interface and git hooks scripts (40e67ac)
- removed unused vars to fix linting errrors (e2d5e6f)
v1.11.0 Release
1.11.0 (2024-10-28)
- added boilerplate code for outgoing payments (0902506)
- added callback endpoint and request handler function (8e1f100)
- added collectMoney function and refactored aggregate (9132392)
- added property attribute to data object in getCustomer method in CBSclient (2b410c4)
- added refund function to tnm client (c1b6183)
- added route handler for PATCH notification (349ffb7)
- implement callback functionality (db356f5)
- implemented functions for incoming transactions (96c3644)
- implemented get transaction enquirey (a043d6f)
- implemented outgoing payments functionality (2e64944)
- implemented recieve transfers (4c0c2aa)
- updated api documentation (82a0435)
- updated readme doc in root folder (0589704)
Bug Fixes
- added await on refund handler (7ba561f)
- added await on refund handler (7a496af)
- added changes from update-payer send money (a5cc399)
- fix linting errors (c845b56)
- fixed env file name and removed integration tests from pipeline run (853f26a)
- fixed eslint errors (fddad62)
- fixed failing ci jobs (1f1bd2f)
- fixed failing tests (5276cf5)
- implemented changes to fix failing tests (a05a85b)
- put default values if return value from mojaloop connector is undefined (803c705)
- refactored interface and git hooks scripts (40e67ac)
- removed unused vars to fix linting errrors (e2d5e6f)
v1.10.0 Release
1.10.0 (2024-10-16)
- added boilerplate code for outgoing payments (0902506)
- added callback endpoint and request handler function (8e1f100)
- added collectMoney function and refactored aggregate (9132392)
- added property attribute to data object in getCustomer method in CBSclient (2b410c4)
- added refund function to tnm client (c1b6183)
- added route handler for PATCH notification (349ffb7)
- implement callback functionality (db356f5)
- implemented functions for incoming transactions (96c3644)
- implemented get transaction enquirey (a043d6f)
- implemented outgoing payments functionality (2e64944)
- implemented recieve transfers (4c0c2aa)
- updated api documentation (82a0435)
- updated readme doc in root folder (0589704)
Bug Fixes
- added await on refund handler (7ba561f)
- added await on refund handler (7a496af)
- added changes from update-payer send money (a5cc399)
- fix linting errors (c845b56)
- fixed env file name and removed integration tests from pipeline run (853f26a)
- fixed eslint errors (fddad62)
- fixed failing ci jobs (1f1bd2f)
- fixed failing tests (5276cf5)
- implemented changes to fix failing tests (a05a85b)
- put default values if return value from mojaloop connector is undefined (803c705)
- refactored interface and git hooks scripts (40e67ac)
- removed unused vars to fix linting errrors (e2d5e6f)