released this
29 Jan 15:56
norns 2.6.1
FIX intonation lib, make lamonte monotonic @catfact
NEW numerous improvements for desktop compilation @winder
NEW tabutil lib, add select_values @nattog
FIX softcut optimizations @catfact
FIX pset writing order @catfact
FIX mods, handle no matching @ngwese
FIX build options for desktop @catfact
NEW tabutil lib, add gather @ryanlaws
FIX ensure favorites exist prior to load @tyleretters
NEW password entry within SYSTEM menu @tehn
NEW watcher pw reset touch /boot/norns.txt @tehn
FIX verbose missing engine message @dndrks
NEW script rerun shortcut norns.rerun() @tyleretters
NEW lattice lib pattern delay @schollz
NEW sequinz lib peek @tyleretters
FIX screen message for jack fail @tehn
NEW musicutil roman numeral chord generation @Dewb
FIX link adopt tempo when joining @Dewb
NEW clock param to enable/disable link start/stop sync @Dewb
NEW system update download progress @tehn
NEW tilt support for grids @okyeron
FIX screen png-display @tehn
FIX lattice lib patterns pulse in order based on id @schollz
NEW link transport activation from norns @schollz
FIX crow clock consistency @sixolet
FIX param name collision @dndrks
NEW CPU profiling tools @catfact
maiden 1.1.5
NEW full light / dark theme @dansimco
FIX various styling improvements and increased contrast
NEW update libmonome, improves grid stability @trentgill
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