I2c interface in Python that is served over TCP that can connect to a multitude of different services. Primarily used for development in F'.
This process can be generalized to communicate with a Python server through a TCP socket, using Python code within F Prime.
Py2c opens up a TCP server on port 7860 (customizable). This is not a RESTful API, rather communication of bytestreams.
Here's an example of how you could connect to a TCP server using Python:
import socket
#Create a TCP socket
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
sock.connect(("", 7860))
while True:
# Send data to server
msg = "Message to server"
# Receive data from server
data = sock.recv(1024).decode('utf-8')
print(f"Received data: {data}")
While not a RESTful API, data is obtained through a hierarchical system that is defined within the string sent to the server. It comes in the form of:
[endpoint]/[data to return]
All data is returned as a string, but then must be converted to the proper type on the client side. Information about the proper types is in the following sections.
Usage: test
Response: "Hello from server.py!"
Resp. Type: String
--- get temperature ---
Usage: bme680/temp
Response: ex. 25.84
Resp. Type: Float, degC
--- get pressure ---
Usage: bme680/pressure
Response: ex. 500
Resp. Type: Float, hPa
--- get humidity ---
Usage: bme680/humidity
Response: ex. 40
Resp. Type: Int, %
--- get all ---
Usage: bme680/all
Response: [temp],[pressure],[humidity]
Resp. Type: See above.
--- get X measurement ---
Usage: rm3100/x
Response: ex. ###
Resp. Type: Float
--- get Y measurement ---
Usage: rm3100/y
Response: ex. ###
Resp. Type: Float
--- get Z measurement ---
Usage: rm3100/z
Response: ex. ###
Resp. Type: Float
--- get all ---
Usage: rm3100/all
Response: [x],[y],[z]
Resp. Type: See above.