Aedes MQTT broker CLI plugin
Install the library using npm.
npm install aedes-cli -g
Here you can see the options accepted by the command line tool:
$ aedes -h
______ ________ _______ ________ ______
/ \ | \| \ | \ / \
| $$$$$$\| $$$$$$$$| $$$$$$$\| $$$$$$$$| $$$$$$\
| $$__| $$| $$__ | $$ | $$| $$__ | $$___\$$
| $$ $$| $$ \ | $$ | $$| $$ \ \$$ \
| $$$$$$$$| $$$$$ | $$ | $$| $$$$$ _\$$$$$$\
| $$ | $$| $$_____ | $$__/ $$| $$_____ | \__| $$
| $$ | $$| $$ \| $$ $$| $$ \ \$$ $$
\$$ \$$ \$$$$$$$$ \$$$$$$$ \$$$$$$$$ \$$$$$$
Usage: aedes [command] [options]
aedes adduser <user> <password> Add a user to given credentials file
aedes rmuser <user> Removes a user from given credentials file
aedes start Starts Aedes broker with given options
--port, -p the port to listent to [number] [default: 1883]
--host the host to listen to [string] [default: ""]
--protos protocols to use
[array] [choices: "tcp", "tls", "ws", "wss"] [default: ["tcp"]]
--credentials <file> the file containing the credentials [string]
--authorize-publish <pattern> the pattern for publishing to topics for the
added user [string]
--authorize-subscribe <pattern> the pattern for subscribing to topics for the
added user [string]
--concurrency broker maximum number of concurrent messages delivered
by mqemitter [number] [default: 100]
--queueLimit broker maximum number of queued messages before client
session is established [number] [default: 42]
--maxClientsIdLength broker option to override MQTT 3.1.0 clients Id length
limit [number] [default: 23]
--heartbeatInterval interval in millisconds at which broker beats its
health signal in $SYS/<>/heartbeat
[number] [default: 60000]
--connectTimeout maximum waiting time in milliseconds waiting for a
CONNECT packet [number] [default: 30000]
--key <file> the server's private key [string]
--cert <file> the certificate issued to the server [string]
--reject-unauthorized reject clients using self signed certificates
[boolean] [default: true]
--tls-port the TLS port to listen to [number] [default: 8883]
--ws-port mqtt-over-websocket server port[number] [default: 3000]
--wss-port mqtt-over-secure-websocket server port
[number] [default: 4000]
--stats enable publish of stats under $SYS
[boolean] [default: false]
--stats-interval interval between aedes stats pubs
[number] [default: 5000]
--broker-id the id of the broker in the $SYS/<id> namespace
[string] [default: "aedes-cli"]
--config, -c <file> the config file to use (overrides every other
option) [string]
--verbose, -v set the log level to INFO [boolean] [default: false]
--very-verbose set the log level to DEBUG [boolean] [default: false]
--no-pretty JSON logs [boolean] [default: false]
-V, --version Show version number [boolean]
-h, --help Show help [boolean]
aedes --protos tcp ws Starts Aedes broker with TCP and WS
aedes --config myConfig.js Starts Aedes broker with custom
config file
aedes --stats -v --statsInterval 2000 Starts Aedes broker with stats
aedes --credentials ./credentials.json Add/Modify user1 with password1 to
adduser user1 password1 credentials
aedes --credentials ./credentials.json Removes user1 from credentials
rmuser user1
To fully use Aedes you need to define a configuration file where the communication broker is defined. Here follows an example using Mongodb.
A configuration file is structured in the following way:
module.exports = {
protos: ['tcp'],
host: '',
port: 1883,
wsPort: 3000,
wssPort: 4000,
tlsPort: 8883,
brokerId: 'aedes-cli',
credentials: './credentials.json',
persistence: {
name: 'mongodb',
options: {
url: 'mongodb://'
mq: {
name: 'mongodb',
options: {
url: 'mongodb://'
key: null,
cert: null,
rejectUnauthorized: true,
verbose: false,
veryVerbose: false,
noPretty: false
is available on Docker-Hub for amd64, arm64v8, arm32v6, arm32v7, i386
archs. If you want to use a local credentials.json
file and/or a custom config file to pass using --config
option you have to use docker volumes and map the local folder containing those files to a folder inside the container.
Minimal example:
docker run --rm -it -p 1883:1883 moscajs/aedes:latest
Example with custom config file:
docker run --rm -it -p 1883:1883 -v $(pwd):/data moscajs/aedes:latest --config /data/myConfig.js
-v $(pwd):/data
will map the local folder from where you are running this command to/data
folder of the container--config /data/myConfig.js
will tell aedes to use the configuration file that is in your local folder
Here there is an example with docker-compose
that runs aedes with mongodb
as persistence
version: '3.7'
container_name: aedes
image: moscajs/aedes:latest
restart: always
stop_signal: SIGINT
- mqtt
command: --config /data/mongodbConfig.js # add here the options to pass to aedes
- ./:/data # map the local folder to aedes
- '1883:1883'
- '3000:3000'
- '4000:4000'
- '8883:8883'
container_name: mongo
- mqtt
driver: none
image: mvertes/alpine-mongo
- db-data:/data/db
- "27017:27017"
name: db-data
When using persistences with docker-compose file remember that the database url will be the name of the service in docker-compose, in the mongo example it will be: mongodb://mongo/dbName
Aedes supports user authentication through the use of a specific json file. In order to create one run the following command.
// add a user
$ aedes adduser <user> <pass> --credentials ./credentials.json
// add a user specifying the authorized topics
$ aedes adduser myuser mypass --credentials ./credentials.json \
--authorize-publish 'hello/*' --authorize-subscribe 'hello/*'
// remove a user
$ aedes rmuser myuser --credentials ./credentials.json
// start aedes with a specific set of credentials:
$ aedes --credentials ./credentials.json
The patterns are checked and validated using Minimatch.
The credentials file is automatically reloaded by aedes when it receives a SIGHUP
The MQTT specification requires a persistent storage for offline QoS 1 subscription that has been done by an unclean client. Aedes offers several persitance options.
Supported persistences are:
- aedes-persistence: In-memory implementation of an Aedes persistence
- aedes-persistence-mongodb: MongoDB persistence for Aedes
- aedes-persistence-redis: Redis persistence for Aedes
Emitters are needed to deliver messages to subscribed clients. In a cluster environment it is used also to share messages between brokers instances
All of them can be configured from the configuration file, under the persistence
and mq
Supported mqemitters are:
- mqemitter: An opinionated memory Message Queue with an emitter-style API
- mqemitter-redis: Redis-powered mqemitter
- mqemitter-mongodb: Mongodb based mqemitter