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Added 'alive' indicator for Julia registry to timeout
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mossr committed Oct 12, 2023
1 parent 249b639 commit 044b034
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Expand Up @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ Tetris in the Julia REPL..._in one line of code!_

module Tetris begin global (pd=false, buf=Channel{Char}(0x737415), sc=0, hs=0, S=" "^2, rf=(ls=sc, bs=hs) -> ["┌" "────" "───" "T" "E" "T" "R" "I" "S" "────" "───" "┐"; "│" S S S S S S S S S S "│ ┌──NEXT──┐"; "│" S S S S S S S S S S "│ │$S$S$S$(S)│"; "│" S S S S S S S S S S "│ │$S$S$S$(S)│"; "│" S S S S S S S S S S "│ │$S$S$S$(S)│"; "│" S S S S S S S S S S "│ │$S$S$S$(S)│"; "│" S S S S S S S S S S "│ └────────┘"; "│" S S S S S S S S S S "│$(S)Score: $ls"; "│" S S S S S S S S S S "│$(S) High: $bs"; "│" S S S S S S S S S S "│";"│" S S S S S S S S S S "│";"│" S S S S S S S S S S "│"; "│" S S S S S S S S S S "│";"│" S S S S S S S S S S "│";"│" S S S S S S S S S S "│"; "│" S S S S S S S S S S "│";"│" S S S S S S S S S S "│";"│" S S S S S S S S S S "│"; "└" "──" "──" "──" "──" "──" "──" "──" "──" "──" "──" "┘"], f=rf(), b=nothing, bi=rand(1:7), nbi=rand(1:7), fw=12, fh=18, sX=div(fw,2)-1, sY=2, X=sX, Y=sY, play(██="██", ■■="[]", R="\e[31m$██\e[0m", B="\e[31;1m$██\e[0m", G="\e[32m$██\e[0m", L="\e[33m$██\e[0m", N="\e[34m$██\e[0m", M="\e[35m$██\e[0m", C="\e[36m$██\e[0m", W="\e[37m$██\e[0m", bs=[[S S C S; S S C S; S S C S; S S C S], [S B S S; S B S S; S B B S; S S S S], [S S N S; S S N S; S N N S; S S S S], [S S S S; S L L S; S L L S; S S S S], [S G S S; S G G S; S S G S; S S S S], [S S R S; S R R S; S R S S; S S S S], [S S M S; S M M S; S S M S; S S S S]], nb=bs[nbi], rb=nothing, fd=false, esc=false, rtx=false, h=false, p=(X,Y), rcan=false, lr=[], fwlr=nothing, key=nothing, t=0, sp=10, af=copy(f), dn= (lf, lnb) -> [lf[y,end] = replace(lf[y,end], r" │.{8,100}│"=>" │"*join(lnb[i,:])*"│") for (i,y) in enumerate(3:6)], c=(lb, lf, xy, rt::Bool=false) -> ([rt ? nothing : (rt = (lb[j,i] != S && lf[y,max(1,x)] != S)) for (i,x) in enumerate(xy[1]:xy[1]+3) for (j,y) in enumerate(xy[2]:xy[2]+3)], rt)[end], gd=(lb, lf, lX, ly, lp, rt::Bool=false) -> ([rt ? nothing : (!c(lb, lf, lp) ? (()->lp=(lX,py))() : rt=true) for py in ly:fh], (()->ly=lp[2]-1)(), (lp, ly))[end], sh=(lb) -> map(s->replace(s,██=>■■), lb), m=(lb, lf, xy, nf=deepcopy(lf)) -> ([lb[j,i] != S ? (nf[y,x] = lb[j,i]) : nothing for (i,x) in enumerate(xy[1]:xy[1]+3) for (j,y) in enumerate(xy[2]:xy[2]+3)], nf)[end], ds=(lf, lb, laf, lX, ly, lp, sb=sh(lb), np=gd(sb,lf,lX,ly,lp)[1]) -> m(lb, m(sb, laf, (np[1], np[2]-1)), lp), df=(lf, lb, lX, ly, lp, laf=lf, naf=(!pd && !isempty(lp) ? ds(lf, lb, laf, lX, ly, lp) : laf)) -> println("\033[1;1H",join(join.([naf[i,:] for i in 1:size(naf,1)]), "\n"), "\033[$(fh+1);$(fw+1)H", "\n Hit ` to pause ", "\033[$(fh+1);$(fw+1)H"), cr=(lrb, lp::Tuple, rt::Tuple=(false,lp)) -> ([!c(lrb, f, (lp[1]+r,lp[2])) ? (r == 0 ? rt=(true, lp) : rt=(rt[1] ? rt : (true,(lp[1]+r, lp[2])))) : nothing for (i,r) in enumerate([0,-1,1,-2,2])], rt)[end], cl=(lf) -> [all(map(line->!occursin(S,line), lf[i,2:end-1])) for i in 2:size(lf,1)-1], cc=() -> ccall(:jl_tty_set_mode, Int32, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Int32), stdin.handle, true), kbr=() -> ccall(:jl_tty_set_mode, Int32, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Int32), stdin.handle, false), asy=begin @async begin for __ in 1:72000 pd ? break : put!(buf, read(stdin, Char)) end end end, ri=() -> (isready(buf) ? take!(buf) : nothing), fls=() -> try Base.throwto(asy, InterruptException()) catch end, shc=() -> println("\e[?25h"), ps=() -> (println("╔────────────────────╗\n", "║ Tetris.start() ║\n", "╚────────────────────╝"), kbr(), shc(), fls(), global pd=true)) = (begin global pd=false end, begin global X=X end, begin global Y=Y end, begin global b=isnothing(b) ? bs[bi] : b end, cc(), println("\33[2J"), print("\e[?25l"), (()->f=rf())(), dn(f, nb), [(sleep(0.05), (()->t+=1)(), (()->fd=(t==sp))(), (()->p=(X,Y))(), (!isempty(lr) ? (df(f,b,X,Y,p), begin global sc+=length(lr) end, begin global hs=max(sc,hs) end, (()->fwlr=f[setdiff(2:size(f,1)-1,lr),2:end-1])(), (()->f=rf(sc))(), (()->f[(2+length(lr)):end-1, 2:end-1]=fwlr)(), dn(f, nb), sleep(0.05), (()->lr=[])(), df(f,b,X,Y,p)) : nothing), (()->key=ri())(), ((key=='a') ? ((!rtx ? (()->p=(X-1,Y))() : nothing), (()->rtx=true)()) : ((key=='d') ? ((!rtx ? (()->p=(X+1,Y))() : nothing), (()->rtx=true)()) : ((key=='s') ? (()->p=(X,Y+1))() : ((key=='w') ? ((!h ? ((()->(p,Y)=gd(b,f,X,Y,p))(), (()->fd=true)()) : nothing), (()->h=true)()) : (((key=='q') || (key=='e')) ? (((()->rb=((key=='q') ? rotl90(b) : rotr90(b)))(), (!h ? (()->((()->(rcan,p)=cr(rb,p))(), (rcan ? (begin global b=rb end) : nothing)))() : nothing), (()->h=true)())) : ((key=='`') ? ((()->esc=true)()) : (()->h=false)())))))), rtx ? (sleep(0.025),(()->rtx=false)()) : nothing, !c(b,f,p) ? (begin global X=p[1] end, begin Y=p[2] end) : begin p=(X,Y) end, (()->af=m(b,f,p))(), fd ? (!c(b, f, (p[1], p[2]+1)) ? (()->global Y+=1)() : ((()->f[:]=af)(), (any(cl(f)) ? ((l=findall(cl(f)).+1)-> (f[l,2:end-1] .= W, (()->lr=l)()))() : (()->lr=[])()), ((()->global X=sX)(), (()->global Y=sY)(), (()->p=(X,Y))(), begin global bi=nbi end, begin b=nb end, begin global nbi=rand(1:7) end, begin nb=bs[nbi] end, dn(f, nb), (()->global pd=c(b,f,p))())), (()->t=0)()) : df(f,b,X,Y,p,af), pd && (fls(), begin global sc=0 end, begin global f=rf() end, play()), esc && ps()) for _ in 1:72000 if !pd]), start() = (print("\e[?25l"), play(), nothing)[end], __init__() = play()) end end
module Tetris begin global (pd=false, buf=Channel{Char}(0x737415), sc=0, hs=0, S=" "^2, rf=(ls=sc, bs=hs) -> ["┌" "────" "───" "T" "E" "T" "R" "I" "S" "────" "───" "┐"; "│" S S S S S S S S S S "│ ┌──NEXT──┐"; "│" S S S S S S S S S S "│ │$S$S$S$(S)│"; "│" S S S S S S S S S S "│ │$S$S$S$(S)│"; "│" S S S S S S S S S S "│ │$S$S$S$(S)│"; "│" S S S S S S S S S S "│ │$S$S$S$(S)│"; "│" S S S S S S S S S S "│ └────────┘"; "│" S S S S S S S S S S "│$(S)Score: $ls"; "│" S S S S S S S S S S "│$(S) High: $bs"; "│" S S S S S S S S S S "│";"│" S S S S S S S S S S "│";"│" S S S S S S S S S S "│"; "│" S S S S S S S S S S "│";"│" S S S S S S S S S S "│";"│" S S S S S S S S S S "│"; "│" S S S S S S S S S S "│";"│" S S S S S S S S S S "│";"│" S S S S S S S S S S "│"; "└" "──" "──" "──" "──" "──" "──" "──" "──" "──" "──" "┘"], f=rf(), b=nothing, bi=rand(1:7), nbi=rand(1:7), fw=12, fh=18, sX=div(fw,2)-1, sY=2, X=sX, Y=sY, alv=false, play(██="██", ■■="[]", R="\e[31m$██\e[0m", B="\e[31;1m$██\e[0m", G="\e[32m$██\e[0m", L="\e[33m$██\e[0m", N="\e[34m$██\e[0m", M="\e[35m$██\e[0m", C="\e[36m$██\e[0m", W="\e[37m$██\e[0m", bs=[[S S C S; S S C S; S S C S; S S C S], [S B S S; S B S S; S B B S; S S S S], [S S N S; S S N S; S N N S; S S S S], [S S S S; S L L S; S L L S; S S S S], [S G S S; S G G S; S S G S; S S S S], [S S R S; S R R S; S R S S; S S S S], [S S M S; S M M S; S S M S; S S S S]], nb=bs[nbi], rb=nothing, fd=false, esc=false, rtx=false, h=false, p=(X,Y), rcan=false, lr=[], fwlr=nothing, key=nothing, t=0, sp=10, af=copy(f), dn= (lf, lnb) -> [lf[y,end] = replace(lf[y,end], r" │.{8,100}│"=>" │"*join(lnb[i,:])*"│") for (i,y) in enumerate(3:6)], c=(lb, lf, xy, rt::Bool=false) -> ([rt ? nothing : (rt = (lb[j,i] != S && lf[y,max(1,x)] != S)) for (i,x) in enumerate(xy[1]:xy[1]+3) for (j,y) in enumerate(xy[2]:xy[2]+3)], rt)[end], gd=(lb, lf, lX, ly, lp, rt::Bool=false) -> ([rt ? nothing : (!c(lb, lf, lp) ? (()->lp=(lX,py))() : rt=true) for py in ly:fh], (()->ly=lp[2]-1)(), (lp, ly))[end], sh=(lb) -> map(s->replace(s,██=>■■), lb), m=(lb, lf, xy, nf=deepcopy(lf)) -> ([lb[j,i] != S ? (nf[y,x] = lb[j,i]) : nothing for (i,x) in enumerate(xy[1]:xy[1]+3) for (j,y) in enumerate(xy[2]:xy[2]+3)], nf)[end], ds=(lf, lb, laf, lX, ly, lp, sb=sh(lb), np=gd(sb,lf,lX,ly,lp)[1]) -> m(lb, m(sb, laf, (np[1], np[2]-1)), lp), df=(lf, lb, lX, ly, lp, laf=lf, naf=(!pd && !isempty(lp) ? ds(lf, lb, laf, lX, ly, lp) : laf)) -> println("\033[1;1H",join(join.([naf[i,:] for i in 1:size(naf,1)]), "\n"), "\033[$(fh+1);$(fw+1)H", "\n Hit ` to pause ", "\033[$(fh+1);$(fw+1)H"), cr=(lrb, lp::Tuple, rt::Tuple=(false,lp)) -> ([!c(lrb, f, (lp[1]+r,lp[2])) ? (r == 0 ? rt=(true, lp) : rt=(rt[1] ? rt : (true,(lp[1]+r, lp[2])))) : nothing for (i,r) in enumerate([0,-1,1,-2,2])], rt)[end], cl=(lf) -> [all(map(line->!occursin(S,line), lf[i,2:end-1])) for i in 2:size(lf,1)-1], cc=() -> ccall(:jl_tty_set_mode, Int32, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Int32), stdin.handle, true), kbr=() -> ccall(:jl_tty_set_mode, Int32, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Int32), stdin.handle, false), asy=begin @async begin for __ in 1:72000 pd ? break : put!(buf, read(stdin, Char)) end end end, ri=() -> (isready(buf) ? take!(buf) : nothing), fls=() -> try Base.throwto(asy, InterruptException()) catch end, shc=() -> println("\e[?25h"), ps=() -> (println("╔────────────────────╗\n", "║ Tetris.start() ║\n", "╚────────────────────╝"), kbr(), shc(), fls(), global pd=true)) = (begin global pd=false end, begin global X=X end, begin global Y=Y end, begin global b=isnothing(b) ? bs[bi] : b end, cc(), println("\33[2J"), print("\e[?25l"), (()->f=rf())(), dn(f, nb), [(sleep(0.05), (()->t+=1)(), (()->fd=(t==sp))(), (()->p=(X,Y))(), (!isempty(lr) ? (df(f,b,X,Y,p), begin global sc+=length(lr) end, begin global hs=max(sc,hs) end, (()->fwlr=f[setdiff(2:size(f,1)-1,lr),2:end-1])(), (()->f=rf(sc))(), (()->f[(2+length(lr)):end-1, 2:end-1]=fwlr)(), dn(f, nb), sleep(0.05), (()->lr=[])(), df(f,b,X,Y,p)) : nothing), (()->key=ri())(), begin global alv=alv ? true : !isnothing(key) end, ((key=='a') ? ((!rtx ? (()->p=(X-1,Y))() : nothing), (()->rtx=true)()) : ((key=='d') ? ((!rtx ? (()->p=(X+1,Y))() : nothing), (()->rtx=true)()) : ((key=='s') ? (()->p=(X,Y+1))() : ((key=='w') ? ((!h ? ((()->(p,Y)=gd(b,f,X,Y,p))(), (()->fd=true)()) : nothing), (()->h=true)()) : (((key=='q') || (key=='e')) ? (((()->rb=((key=='q') ? rotl90(b) : rotr90(b)))(), (!h ? (()->((()->(rcan,p)=cr(rb,p))(), (rcan ? (begin global b=rb end) : nothing)))() : nothing), (()->h=true)())) : ((key=='`') ? ((()->esc=true)()) : (()->h=false)())))))), rtx ? (sleep(0.025),(()->rtx=false)()) : nothing, !c(b,f,p) ? (begin global X=p[1] end, begin Y=p[2] end) : begin p=(X,Y) end, (()->af=m(b,f,p))(), fd ? (!c(b, f, (p[1], p[2]+1)) ? (()->global Y+=1)() : ((()->f[:]=af)(), (any(cl(f)) ? ((l=findall(cl(f)).+1)-> (f[l,2:end-1] .= W, (()->lr=l)()))() : (()->lr=[])()), ((()->global X=sX)(), (()->global Y=sY)(), (()->p=(X,Y))(), begin global bi=nbi end, begin b=nb end, begin global nbi=rand(1:7) end, begin nb=bs[nbi] end, dn(f, nb), (()->global pd=c(b,f,p))())), (()->t=0)()) : df(f,b,X,Y,p,af), pd && (fls(), begin global sc=0 end, begin global f=rf() end, alv ? play() : ps()), esc && ps()) for _ in 1:72000 if !pd]), start() = (print("\e[?25l"), play(), nothing)[end], __init__() = play()) end end

View the raw one-liner at [`Tetris.jl`]( and an exanded/indented version at [`TetrisExpanded.jl`]( For an un-obfuscated version, see my [JuliaGaming implementation](
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@mossr mossr commented on 044b034 Oct 12, 2023

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